Sequel: Lost.
Status: Active.


Chapter 9: Okaayy


I cleaned myself up, the bathroom as well because most of the water jumped out of the bathtub and onto the floor…stupid water.

After that was done, I saw that my camisole was cleaned and dried so I got to wear that, and some weird pajama shorts, they were like all fuzzy and green- these definitely aren’t mine.

So they washed my camisole…but not my pants, well that’s really nice. I tried to imagine myself wearing the weird shorts.

Instead I raided Hunters closet, and of course everything was way too big for me, but I found some sweats that seemed to kind of fit me when I folded and rolled them up, but I had to wear my wet panties which is pretty awk- actually its straight up gross and uncomfortable.

I tried to dry my hair but I realized that Hunter didn’t own a blow dryer and I used up all of the towels to mop up the floor, so I had to air dry my hair- I’ll definitely have afro hair in the morning

I got bored and jumped on Hunters bed. I looked out his window and saw that it was really dark already, and the moon wasn’t out making it even darker. Then I saw that his window was clumsily nailed shut.

“What the hell?” I said out loud and clawed at the nails.

I heard the door open, and Hunter came in carrying another tray with oatmeal on it.

“Here you go.” he said as he set it down in front of me on his bed. I stared at the food then back at the window

“why is it nailed shut?” I asked and clawed at the nails again.

“Because someone tried to go James Bond on me and jumped out the window.”

I looked incredulously at him, “me?” I asked pointing to myself.

“Yeah, you.” He said sighing.

“Oops” I said and stopped clawing at the window. I could feel him looking at me but I was way too embarrassed after what we did in the bathroom to face him. I felt myself blushing again- I can’t believe I did that!

It’s so...dirty and, and, and it’s embarrassing!

Oh my god! I’m regretting it now. I can’t even look him in the face!

What was I THINKING?! It was like I was under a trance, I mean is that possible? Well I did meet him in the middle of the forest, without a shirt, in November. He even sniffed me! Oh man, forget serial killer, he must be a mad magician man or some shit! I had to be under a trance! To do all those things I had to be! I just had to be-

“Are you wearing my old sweats?” he asked and tugged at my makeshift pants, bringing me out of my thoughts. I nodded my head. “Why?” he asked.

“Its not like I was gonna wear those” I said and pointed to the weirdo pants on the chair across the room. I heard him walk over to the chair.

“What’s wrong with these? I thought girls liked this kind of stuff.”

I laughed and had to look up, he was holding up the shorts and they looked really tiny in his hands, “Don’t tell me you picked that out!” I laughed even harder.

“Well, yeah” he said, and I could tell he was starting to blush, it made me laugh even harder, “What’s wrong with that?!” he asked embarrassed.

I stopped to wipe a tear that had formed from all my laughing, “You have no taste, Hunter. None whatsoever.” I giggled a little.

“If I have no taste then why are you wearing my sweats?” he smirked facing me. I felt my mouth drop open.

“Cause I wasn’t going to wear those” I pointed to the thing in his hands, “ and these were the smallest pants I could find!” I screamed throwing my hands up. He was approaching
me quickly with a small smile on his face.


“Oh really?” he asked sitting on the bed making the oatmeal tilt to one side with his added weight.

“Yes, really.” I said sticking out my tongue. He rolled his eyes but leaned in closer to me.

“My girlfriend would like to differ, especially when she takes baths.”

I looked at him, his face said ‘oh yeah. I went there’

I felt my face go from pale to blazing red in a matter of seconds, “Oh my god Hunter!” I covered my face with a nearby pillow, “that’s so. AGH!” I screamed for lack of words.

He grabbed my wrist and tugged me closer to him

“No.” I said burying my face more but it only made him tug harder.

I felt him smile, even though I couldn’t see him. I knew he was smiling, “C’mon Mass”

“No!” I screamed into the pillow. His thumb started to rub on my wrist and I started to giggle.
That is one of my secret tickle spots… the bastard.

“No!” I continued and he stopped tugging, to pull me closer to him. My weight was no match compared to his strength so my body slid over to him easily, “No!” I said and couldn’t help but smile when he pulled the pillow away from me.

Then he got close to my face, and my eyes went wide, “No, no, no, no, no!” I screamed leaning away from him.

No kissing, no more kissing!

But he only leaned in and smiled softly, I couldn’t resist anymore. I closed my eyes and awaited his kiss.


Never mind.

I snapped my eyes open to see someone at the door with a bat…holyyy raising a bat and looking pissed.

“Hunter! Don’t you dare rape her!” she screamed and stepped forward, then I recognized her.

“Ms. Hugs-o-lot!” I screamed and scrambled to the window. She still scares the shit out of me. I realized it was nailed shut so I tumbled out of bed to the bathroom, screaming “Oh my god, Oh my god!” over and over again.

While I did my little fiasco, Ms. Hugs-o-lot and Hunter continued talking.

“Sasha its not what you think.” He said getting out of bed

“oh its not then what does, ‘no no no no’ mean? That she actually meant yes?!” she
screamed and took a swing at him. Hunter ducked and took a fighting stance.

“Ask her then!” he screamed and ducked again. I was fumbling with the bathroom, it didn’t want to open!

“What the hell, why would I do that?! You probably brainwashed her!” she screamed and took another swing this time missing Hunter and hitting the wall.

She’s crazy! I ran to the closet and tried to shove myself in. I waddled through the clothes and locked myself in. It got really dark- well no duh it’s a guys closet.

“She’s my mate! Why in hell would I do that?” I heard Hunters voice boom through the closets wooden door. Then I heard some fumbling and loud whispers that I couldn’t make out. I flinched when the door suddenly slammed closed.

I could hear my own breathing, then the closet door opened and I fell out along with an avalanche of clothes.

“It’s safe. That was Sasha, she’s gone now” he said and picked me up like I weighed nothing. He settled me in the bed and told me to eat while he took a shower.

It clicked in my mind:

Crazy = Ms. Hugs-o-Lot

Ms. Hugs-o-Lot = Sasha.

I sat there and ate my oatmeal while I heard the water run from Hunters shower.

God, this has been one crazy day,

And its only about to get crazier.

I was eating my now cold oatmeal when the door banged open, it was someone else now
but this person was blocking Sasha. And he too carried a bat. I dropped my spoon, that was halfway to my mouth.

“um.” I said completely shocked.

“ Where’s Hunter?” the guys asked still holding his bat up. I blinked and looked from Sasha to the guy. It looks like they’re prepared for World War 3.

“Taking a shower.” I replied.

The guy lowered his bat, “Really?” he asked kind of disappointed. I nodded my head. He then turned around to Sasha, “She seems safe to me.” He said and walked past her out of the room. Sasha followed behind him, ranting something about danger.

I stared at where they stood- they forgot to close the door. I went up to close the door when the little kid from the forest casually passed by.

“Hey!” I looked at him, “Hey you! Boy from the woods!” I screamed and he turned around and walked back down the hall to Hunters door.

He smiled at me, “nice to know you’re okay”

“That should be my line.” I said looking him up and down. He didn’t have a scratch on him, how is that even possible, “seems like nothing happened.”

“Oh. That the wolf thing. Pssh! He was nothing.” He said beaming now.

Ok Weirdo.

“but kids don’t walk away from that, unscathed.”

“I’m not a kid” he said losing his smile.

“that’s not the problem here- actually why are you here?”

“This is where my family lives.”

“What, Really? So like Hunter’s your cousin?”


“but that doesn’t explain why you’re ok, I mean-”

“what was that? Ok mom I’m on my way!” he screamed and ran away, really quickly. I didn’t
hear anything, the hallway was quiet except for us two talking.

“Don’t! come back!” I screamed but I knew it was a lost cause he was gone. I walked back inside Hunters room and slammed the door closed

“damn! This house is freaky.” I said as I sat down to eat my oatmeal and drank some of the drink Hunter brought up.

It tastes really good, and its making me kinda sleepy.
♠ ♠ ♠
starting school in the morning D:

please comment or I will update really slowly seeing as school is on my list of "things to do" now.

next chapter will make more sense and all questions (I hope) will be answered then, so ask away now