Sequel: Lost.
Status: Active.


Chapter 11: Remembering.

Chapter 11: Remembering.

Massie’s POV

-Dream State-


I feel nothing.

What is this called?


Being empty.

Am I dead?

The sweet smell of the ocean and the sound of softly crashing waves tell me no, I’m still alive. And I felt myself sigh in relief.

The ocean comes into view and so does a couple, no one else. They are sitting on the sand, eating ice cream, laughing and just being a couple. Their backs are to me, their facing the ocean just enjoying each other’s company, like they were just engaged. I could tell it was really cold by the way their breath’s came out in white wisps from their mouths.

Yet they are at the beach.

With Ice Cream.

Huh, you don’t see that every day.

“Let’s go swimming!” the girl suggested halfway through a giggle.

The boy stretched his arms, and I saw every muscle on his back move through his shirt, “what for? It’s freezing.”

Says the guy only wearing a thin t-shirt.

The girl didn’t seem satisfied with his answer, “Fine.” She said and stood up. The sun gleamed in my eyes covering her face from me. She pushed the boys head down a little making him dip his nose into the ice cream cone.

She giggled and jogged into the water, “Catch me if you can!” she giggled again. Her bare feet were barely touching the water when she turned her back to the sun, exposing her face for me to see.

I felt my heart stop, “Me?” I whisper but somehow I know that they can’t hear me.

I ran past the boy who was barely getting up and stopped a few feet short of crashing into
myself, “That’s me.” I gasp, “if that’s me then whose-”

I turned around and faced the boy at the exact same time when my other self giggled, “C’mon Hunter!”

I saw him smiling and quickly walking towards us.

“No way.” I whispered when he was right in front of me. He didn’t stop walking and I held my hands out as a reflex, but it was pointless because he walked right through me. I felt myself move as if I was just mist.

“Massie!” he called my other self.

I turned around and saw that I was running further into the ocean. Idiot. I don’t know how to swim!

“Stop!” I scream but I only see myself waddle further into the ocean. “Hunter! Stop her-me!” I scream but he still can’t hear me and he’s walking too slowly for my liking. He doesn’t know.

I run into the ocean, I hear Hunter call my name again and my other self just says “C’mon Slowpoke!”

Just when as I was about to grab my shoulder and pull myself back to shore, a giant wave eats us. The current sends us underwater, and our bodies spinning out of control. I gain control first and kick myself towards the shore sending my body into a collision with the sand below us.

We weren’t that far into the ocean.

We both gasp for air at the same time. We’re both safe. And we’re both laughing. Hunter reaches my other self and I could hear him calling me an idiot for diving into the freezing water and how worried he was when I didn’t resurface right away. My other self just hugs him and laughs, he hugs me back and laughs.

I laugh.

Both of are safe again.

Only my other self has Hunter to hold onto when the ocean begans to pull back in. She- I mean me, is closer to the shore than I am, the water level at her waist. The water reached up to my shoulder.

So I’m sucked back into the ocean.

My body hits something and spins so many times I no longer have a sense in to direction shore is anymore. I kick and wave my arms wildly until I’m able to get a breath of air.

Those few seconds I was above the water, I heard my other self yelling at me, she was
panicking. She can feel me.

The water dulls out my other self’s screams. I continue to kick but I can only rely on my body’s natural talent to float. So I relax my body and let myself float to the top. I choke out a bit of water when I reach the surface. My throat burning from the salty taste of the ocean.

But hey, at least I’m alive.

I let the small waves carry me towards shore because that’s where all waves go. I could still hear my other self screaming and Hunter trying to calm me down and figure out what was wrong. I’m freaking out in the inside.

I stare up at the sky, and the seagulls flying by and for some reason I wish that I was a bird.

Just then a hand reaches out and wraps around my waist pulling my body back down into the water.

I can’t see its face through the murkiness of the water but the man is pale, and wearing all black clothes. He reaches for my throat but the water makes it too hard for me to smack his hands away. He adds a little bit of pressure to my throat. I try to claw his eyes out.

Thank God, another wave came. It was so strong it broke his grip on me and sent us both rolling towards- what I assumed was- shore. When I stopped rolling, I opened my eyes to see the man swimming towards me, he was a few feet to my left.

Another strong wave hit.

I felt my knee hit something that crumbled under our collision. That was how I knew I made it towards shore. The water was below my waste but above my thighs.

I was coughing out water when I saw that the man was only an arm’s length away from me.

I began to scream but both of us began to sway back into the water.

The ocean was sucking us back in.

I fell face first into the water. When the wave broke and I felt sand beneath me, I felt like crying from joy but I only manage to cough. I opened my eyes and came face to face with the man that tried to choke me.

At least I think he was trying to choke me.

He looked young, with dirt blonde hair that came from the 1920’s. He was handsome.

I continued coughing and he opened his eyes- which were green- and began to cough too.

The water was disappearing from our sides. He was reaching out towards me when I felt the nasty feeling of being pulled back in, but only slightly this time. Then a wave crashed over us, sending us both closer to shore.

He coughed, “wait” but I struggled to get up anyways. Another wave hit us, sending me to my knees. I got back up and began to run where I saw myself with Hunter, I heard both of them laughing not too far off.

They don’t know what’s happening.

I heard the man following close behind me.

“Go away!” I shriek.

He flinches, and opens his mouth “Wait, Massie”. He reached for my arm.

I whipped around and punched him in the face and knee’d him in the gut. He doubled over. I reached down and grabbed a big bunch of seaweed the ocean spat out and threw it in his face. He reached to get it away from his face and I took my shot at kicking him in the groin.

Then I push-kicked him away.

He fell backward and tumbled right back into the ocean.

Self-defense over the summer really does help!

I continued to run, I see myself and hunter in the distance. He’s helping me into his car. I wave my arms.

“He’ll hurt you!” the man behind me screamed.

I ignored him and continued to wave my arms to get Hunters attention. He started the car.

I felt myself being tugged towards the car, as Hunter began to drive away. “He’ll hurt you!” was the last thing I heard until I felt myself materialize into Hunters car.

I’m in the back seat dripping sea water into his car, his sweats clinging to my body and my camisole felt glued and extra heavy. I look at myself in the passenger seat. I’m wearing a big dry college sweater. It looks familiar.

Oh! It’s the one I wore when I passed out.

When I passed out- it suddenly clicked in my mind. This is where I went when I passed out at school! I went to the beach with Hunter.

“You Kidnapper!” I screamed at him. I jumped up front and began to punch him, my fist flowing right through him. I slump back down in my seat knowing I wasn’t doing anyone any good.

And that I wasn’t really mad at him I only wanted to take a few good swings at him without actually hurting anyone of us.

“I’ll take you to my place so you can calm down and we can clean your clothes.” he said grabbing my hand but keeping his eyes on the road.

I saw myself nod and say “Okay!” In a perky voice.

So this is how his room seemed familiar to me. Then I gasped “Am I still a virgin?!”
♠ ♠ ♠
I want to send a big thank you to cjoly02, Ultraviolet Light, Tiny Authoress, and MuFf_inKiNG1, and all my other commenters/subcribers.

God. You all have really weird usernames. Big thumbs up.

anyways, Your comments really hit home.
