Sequel: Lost.
Status: Active.


Chapter 12: The Reality of It.

Chapter 12 : the reality of it.

I gasped for air and sat up in bed. I felt the sheets around me. I looked around and noticed I was in Hunters room. The memories from last night flooded in.


He’s really gone.

I couldn’t help the tears that suddenly started to come pouring out of me, I couldn’t help the poor choking nose that I was making either. I wrapped the sheet around me and walked into the bathroom. I put the seat cover down , sat on the toilet, hugged my legs and silently cried for my dead brother.

“Please tell me that was only a dream. And I was crazy. Please.” I cried.

I decided that crying wasn’t going to help anyone. Not find my missing mother… maybe I’m the one that’s missing and not her.

I dried my tears and blew my nose and when I felt a little bit more decent I walked out. I noticed I was wearing a long sleeve shirt that smelled of home but I just shrugged and continued walking.

I smelled pancakes so I wandered downstairs. It was comfortably quiet like if everyone was asleep or out of the house for the morning.

I followed the smell into the kitchen where I saw Hunter serving some pancakes onto two plates.

“Hey.” I mumble still groggy from sleeping and crying. I sat down at the table in front of one of the plates, assuming it was for me.

“Hey yourself, bed head.” He said taking the syrup out of the fridge and placing it in front of me. I touch my hair and feel that it was sticking out on one side. I grunted and picked at my food with the fork.

Hunter sat across from me with a glass of orange juice. I finished swallowing and asked, “Am I still a virgin?”

Hunter sprayed the orange juice onto the floor and began coughing, “What?” he sputtered looking at me bewildered.

“so I’m not a virgin!” I screamed and dropped my fork. Oh God! I wanted to wait until I was
married or at least engaged!

Hunter got up and held down my shoulders, “OK, so maybe I did sleep with you, but I didn’t actually sleep with you. You get it?” he asked hurriedly. I was barely able to understand what he said.

I nodded, my head and I felt his hands let go of my shoulders, “what makes you think that?”
I told him about my dream. But I left out the part about fighting the guy that wanted to kill me and warn me… because him alone is enough to send me to the mental ward.

“Hmm..” he said sipping his orange juice.

“Hmm what?!”

“Well that really did happen. But!” he said holding one finger up to add a dramatic effect.

“But what?” I asked almost choking on my pancakes.

“We walked on the pier after you fell into the ocean. And a wave came up and hit you on the pier, that’s how you got wet when we were going home.”

I took another bite of my pancakes. They were pretty good, “sooo-” I started, and “did you kiss me then too?”

He smirked, “I’ll wait until you remember to actually tell you.”

“But by then I’ll know the answer to the question!” I said taking a big bite of my pancakes, finishing my serving for the day.

“Exactly.” He said and drank more of his orange juice.

Stupid Orange juice, I bet that’s what’s making him act weird.

I stood up and put my empty plate in the sink. I began to wash them- what? I don’t want to seem like a bother to anyone.

I felt something warm wrap around my waist. I could tell it was Hunters arms. I kept on cleaning my dishes, and his cup which he put in the sink.

“I forgot to tell you how sexy you look with my clothes on.” He breathed into my ear. I smiled.

“Even if their ten times my size?” I asked turning the water off.

“Leaves more to the imagination… but I’ve already seen it all.” He kissed my neck. I gasped from both his kiss and his words. I walked right out of his hold and over to the stove, where he had made a mess from the pancakes. I picked up the utensils he had dirtied.

For some reason, I knew he was pouting. And it made me smile.

He moved away from the sink and let me finish washing the dishes. That didn’t mean he didn’t stop his eyes from roaming all over me as I did. I could feel myself blushing.

I dried the dishes and was putting them away in the cupboard, when he wrapped his arms around me again, but this time he lifted me up and sat me on the counter top.

I still had the plate in my hands.

“Just looking…doesn’t seem to be enough for me.” He said and attacked my neck, his hands my waist. I gasped and dropped the plate, it bounced on the floor as I reached to tangle my fingers in his hair.

I tugged at his hair to keep him from reaching that one spot on my shoulder. It’s kind of like my tickle spot but its stronger, it’s makes me hand over control to my emotions and right now I need all the control I can get.

The tugging on his hair only seemed to encourage him more because he wouldn’t stop wandering to that one spot, so I softly bit him in his ear-

He stopped immediately and looked up at me. It surprised me, his eyes changed, the light brown of his eyes nearly taking over his black irises.

They looked like my wolf.

His eyes told me to trust him.

To hold on and never let go.

But they also told me that…

He’s given in to lust

“Hunter?” I called him.

He growled and roughly kissed me. I wrapped my arms around his neck to keep from falling over. One of his hands grabbed my knee and opened up my legs, giving him room to stand in between me. Instinctively I wrapped my legs around his waist. His other hand went to the small of my back and pushed me closer to him- destroying the little space that was between us.

While our bodies sought each other’s touch, our mouth’s fought out war for dominance.

He won.

He broke away, only to kiss down my jaw line to my collarbone. Leaving butterflies in his wake.

Then I opened my eyes and I found myself staring straight at an elderly man through the window, his back was hunched from age, and his hair was a silky white, a total contrast to his tanned wrinkly skin. Not only that, but he was in shock. And I feel like a slut, an embarrassed slut.

Hunter felt my disturbance and slightly turned towards the window.

“Oh shit.” He growled.

The elderly man ran away, or more like struggled to run away with his cane. Hunter breathes again and went back to attacking my collarbone and below. Like really?

I rolled my eyes, only guys would continue after being caught making out on a kitchen counter. Guys. Why are they like this? Connor did this once too-


I gasp, and Hunter assumes that he was the reason I was gasping for air.



I couldn’t hold back the tears that began to flow, or the choked sobs I began to make again.

♠ ♠ ♠
Next chapter... Chapter 13: The Bad Luck Chapter

I can't see. Its so dark in here.

Sorry I took forever, but the next ch is all planned out :)
so it'll be up soon.
