Sequel: Lost.
Status: Active.


Chapter 13: The Bad Luck Chapter.

Chapter 13: The Bad Luck Chapter.

I can’t see. It’s so dark in here.

“It’s ok, babe”

I can’t feel anything besides utter disappointment and abandonment. It’s an empty feeling.

I feel like an empty shell of who I used to be.

“I’m so sorry. Baby, talk to me. Talk to me baby.”

Whose voice is this?

It feels so warm

So inviting.

“Please. Say something.”

The voice sounds sad. What’s going on, why is it sad?
Is it for me?

Don’t be sad warm voice. Don’t be sad for me.

“Massie. Don’t do this- come back to me!”


That’s me.

Where am I going? Where am I?

Why is it so cold here?


Hunter’s POV

“Massie!” I screamed her name.

She’s just sitting there on the counter, her eyes blank and she’s making whimpering noises. Her eyes are barely reacting to light.

She stops whimpering when I call her name.

What the hell is wrong with her? It’s like she’s retreated herself into her own mind.

“Don’t leave me, Mass.” I say holding back the tears and hugging her. She started making these sounds, and they sounded like she was trying to make out my name.

Sasha walked in, “What’s wrong?”She asked running towards Massie.

“I don’t know.” I whispered.

“What lead her into this?”

“I don’t know.”

“Has she ever done this before?”

“I don’t know.”

“What do you mean you don’t know?” she shouted at me, losing her patience.

“I don’t fucking know! It’s like she’s stuck inside her mind. Nothing I do works! She won’t come out!” I shout at Sasha. Her eyes narrow at me, but she doesn’t make some sort of remark.

“I’ll fix this.” she says grabbing a cup and walking next to the sink.

“What can you possibly do that’ll work, I’ve tried it all – Hey!” but I didn’t grab her arm in time to stop her.

Sasha filled a cup with water and threw it onto Massie.

“What the hell is your problem!” I scream at her, shoving her hand away.

“Hunter?” I hear her call my name. I’m next to her side immediately.

I wipe the clinging wet hairs from her face, “What is it baby?” I ask cradling her face.

“What happened?” she asked me wide eyed.

“Psychological shock.” I heard Shadow’s voice say. He walked in to the kitchen and flashed a light into Massie’s eyes, “It’s from the past day’s events. She should be fine now.” He said putting the light away and leaning on the refrigerator.

Massie coughed, and Shadow sighed.

“Why don’t you go shopping with Sasha? To get your mind off things and besides today’s Black Friday, real cheap prices.” He said and threw a look at Sasha. She got it right away.

“Oh! Right! Let’s go shopping and be real close friends okay?” Sasha eagerly said pulling Massie off of the counter. I hugged Massie protectively and growled at Sasha.

Shadow looked at me, “Let her go shopping with Sasha, Hunter. She’ll be perfectly safe.”

That’s an order. Not a request. Shadow said in my mind.

Reluctantly I let her go and Sasha pulled her out of the kitchen, and talking something about changing clothes.

When the girls were out of earshot Shadow turned to me, “Scared the shit out of Kala, you know that?”

Kala had been watching us from the kitchen window, Massie had caught him. “Serves him right for peeping.” I mutter.

Shadow chuckled, “yeah well, he’s flipping through his books, muttering something about the past. He’s going into one of his episodes” Shadow said as he cleaned up the spilled water.

I sighed.

Shadow turned to me, “I’ve got something for you. Too keep your mind off Massie while
she’s away.”

“Alright then, shoot.”

“Go check out the murder scene of Connor. Something’s fishy about it.”

“What’s fishy about it?”
“Winter said that something wasn’t right when they hauled out Hunter’s body and the way
the blood smelled was too… peculiar.”

“Alright. I’m on it” I said as I grabbed my coat and walked outside. I found Massie in Sasha’s and Winters cabin.

Sasha was in her closet throwing all of her old clothes backwards at Massie, who was standing there trying to catch them all. I smiled; too bad she doesn’t know that Sasha gets a new wardrobe every other month so trying to catch all of her old clothes would be like trying
to keep snow warm in your hands once your inside.

I laughed and walked over to Massie. I couldn’t see her body so I tilted them all off her; she was surprised and wide eyed.

“Bye babe” I hugged her, she hugged me back still a bit dazed from all the mountains of clothes that surrounded us.

“Where you going?”

“Out. I have to take care of some business- but I’ll be back before you get home from shopping… probably before you even leave home.” I said kissing the top of her head. I felt her laugh in my arms.

I pulled back said bye to Sasha who was still buried deep in her closet, and I walked out.

Even if every step away from her pains me- I have an order to complete.

I quickly jogged the familiar path to Massie’s home. I went through the woods so I could just jump over her fence and land directly in her backyard.

I could’ve walked through the front door, but its taped off and the news reporter crews from last night are sleeping outside of her home. Not to mention that its under surveillance. I waited until I sensed everyone stopped moving.

Human guards are always lazy- they’re just sitting there, not even patrolling the area. Some were still asleep like the News reporters. Seriously anyone with a right mind would’ve rotated the guards by giving them hourly shifts.

Stupid humans guard.

I quickly jumped over the backyard fence. I was half expecting Booger, Massie’s dog, to come barking at me.

The morning I met Massie, I was jogging by here and Booger scratched and barked at the fence. I guess we have this weird effect on animals. Especially dogs.

I sneaked into the shed, it was pretty easy since the only thing I had to do was walk right in. it wasn’t even taped off.

I closed the door behind me; I held my breath because it smells worse than shit in here.

There were little papers with numbers on different parts of the shed. The bloody axe had a giant number one on it. The blood on the wooden stump had another number on it as well, it was number 2.

Of course, typical humans.

Everyone knows that the most important pieces of evidence aren't hidden right under your nose, have they’ve ever watched CSI? Apparently not.

I walked around, and while being careful not to touch anything, I looked at the evidence they had marked last night. Something on the floor caught my eye, the dirt was a darker shade of brown and it looked like someone recently dug a hole and covered it and put wood on top of it to cover it up.

I bent over and carefully but quickly moved the wood , I dug a big and stuck my hand into the dirt. I felt something furry and gasped.

That’s when I smelled it. It smelled of human.

And Dog blood,

Not to mention that the horrible stench was vomit, it was the residue of Coven magic and Pack magic mixed.

I realized something.

It’s all clicked in my mind.

A Pack that was conveniently working with Vampires came and attacked Hunter, they put him under some sort of spell. Then it murdered Booger and used his blood as Connors. The magic made Boogers blood look like Connors so if its tested, Connors blood type would come up.

They must’ve mixed their blood together with the help of magic.

That explains the stench of death. Connors most likely not dead, but Booger is.

What doesn’t make sense is why would they want us to think that Connor is dead? Maybe he really is dead and they wanted us to think otherwise by killing Booger as well. This is confusing.

Oh shit. Whose going to tell Massie that her dog was murdered?

Not me.
♠ ♠ ♠
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