Sequel: Lost.
Status: Active.


Chapter 16: It’s only the Truth.

Chapter 16: It’s only the Truth.

Hunter’s POV

I stared at her. She still took her time. I think that she’s the only person I know that can stay cool under an intense stare down.

“Just because you’re staring me down doesn’t mean, that I’m gonna eat any faster.” Massie said putting another spoonful of fruity cereal in her mouth. The cereal was Mica’s but I don’t think he’d mind sharing with my mate.

I groaned.

She swallowed and looked at me, “You’re so grumpy this morning.” She reached over and tousled my hair.

“I didn’t get a fashion show last night. I was Promised.” I said.

Massie dropped her spoon, “When I came out, you were KNOCKED out on your bed. I didn’t want to wake you up.” She glared at me and took a sip of her orange juice.

“ should’ve.” I smirked at her. She sighed and rolled her but continued to eat her cereal.

After a moment of silence she asked, “What’s on the Agenda for today?”

I looked at her. I haven’t even thought about what we’re going to do today, “We could always go to-”

The living room door slammed open and Mica ran in. He zoned in on me and walked briskly over to the kitchen table tripping on the carpet. He’s the oldest of the smallest of the Pack.

We have a few toddlers, then its Nico who’s like 8 and then Mica who should only be a year younger than Massie.

“There’s a rumor that a bunch of Franklin Jocks are gonna try to host a bonfire in the forest tonight.” He said, with an intense smile on his face.

“You mean, Franklin High School?” Massie asked sipping some of her juice. He whipped around and seemed extremely shocked to see Massie there.

Mica hadn’t even noticed that Massie was in the room. Not knowing whose in the room you’ve just walked into- what an idiot mistake for a werewolf to make.

“Y-Yeah,” Mica stuttered. What’s gotten into him?

“Hmm... their always getting themselves into trouble.” Massie commented and continued to eat her cereal.

“Hunter, c-can I talk to y-you in the o-other room?” Mica stuttered/asked me all the meanwhile staring at Massie. Massie, of course, was oblivious to that fact as seeing that she was intensely concentrated on her cereal.

I got up and walked in to the living room which was literally a few steps away, “What’s the problem?”

He looked back at Massie and when he saw that she was busy eating her cereal. He turned back around and leaned in to me, “You do know that the Massie Pierce is eating my

“Look if it’s about your cereal, my bad, but that’s the only-”

“No, No, No, No, No, that’s not it. Dude. Its Massie Pierce.” He said looking astonished.
I looked at him, to make sure that he wasn’t sick or something, “Yeah, so?”

“She’s like.. a legend! She’s Miss Popularity at Monroe High. She hangs out with Jordan Matchem and Alice Crewfield. There the typical popular kids, except their nice!” he whisper shouted, he was in his panic mode.

“Oh my god. The Massie Pierce is eating my cereal” he said running bother his hands through his hair.

I was confused. “ I thought this wasn’t about your cereal?”

“Its not.

“Then? Why is this such a big deal? It’s not like she wasn’t going to be popular.”

He looked at me as if I was stupid, “You know the wealthiest family here right?”

“The Crewfield Family, their almost as rich as us.. oh! Alice Crewfield. Ok their only daughter hangs out with Massie, so what?”

“Yes. Now, the people that have power and influence over the Crewfield family are the Matchem family.”


I was starting to make the connections for myself.

“The Matchem family, has two kids Jordan, who hangs out with Massie and then there’s-”

“Paul.” I finished for him.

“Yes. Massies the only girl to ever dump him and not get whiplash from it… Paul wouldn’t just let someone go like that. That’s why she’s such a buzz. Everyone's expecting Paul to do something, but he hasn’t.”

Massie’s Ex is the heir to the most influential family. We may rule the streets and the woods… but the Matchem’s rule everything else financially, and they have the support of the
people. We don’t.

“Oh, shit.” I said

“Exactly.” Mica exhaled.



“Massie’s my mate.”

“Oh shit!”

If Paul strikes back ... the pack could be done for.

*read below*
♠ ♠ ♠
NEW STORY UP!! its on Shadow's mate. It's called "Lost" so please go look that up. Comments are greatly appreciated.

Sorry it took forever to get this freaking chapter up. But there were a number of problems in my way suchs as:

-Writers Block
-Someone stole my freaking work.
- There's a boy involved, and he's making my head hurt.

Comments? Concerns? Confessions?