Sequel: Lost.
Status: Active.


Chapter 2: Confusion

Chapter 2: Confusion.

Hunters P.O.V

I couldn’t help but let uneasiness settle into my stomach seeing her run away, out of the forest. I should go after her. And tell her what? That she was my mate, the one that I’ve been waiting for years now? That would only freak her out more then I already did.

I’m not even sure if that’s what this feeling is.

The random urge to take an early run this morning turned out to be good for me. Or else I would have never seen her come rolling down that little hill. Worry wouldn’t have settled in me when I see that she wasn’t moving, and it wouldn’t have stricken me to be so funny
when she simply got up, dusted herself off and had a heart laugh.

What’s this feeling?

My brother shouting my name brought me out of my thoughts, “Hunter what’s gotten into you?”

I was confused, “What do you mean?”

“You wake up early and walk out of the house, when not even an earthquake can wake you up past 8. Now here you are talking to a human girl. It’s so out of character, Hunter" Shadow said pacing back and forth. He was playing his part as Alpha and big brother.

“Calm Down I’m fine” I said shifting the weight from one foot to another.

“How can I? You were supposed to have your other half and mated already by now”


“Don’t. You know what can happen if we don’t find your mate and you claim her soon. You’ll turn into a Demon-Infected-Were and we’d have to take you down. That is something that I cannot bear to do, brother.”

“Shadow, I think she’s my mate” I said, making him stop pacing. He stared me dead in the eye.

“Are you sure?”



“I can’t fight this feeling of-” Emotions flooded into my core panic, tiredness, and something unidentifiable something like a foreboding, a vision flashed before my eyes. It was a school hallway and I felt Massie’s presence


“Shhh!” I hissed, I closed my eyes to focus better.

I heard faint voices. A man and Massie’s.

“Massie! Massie are you alright?” the man asked Massie. She was on the floor. A growl slipped passed me. I knew she wasn’t fine. But no, she wouldn’t let me take care of her she only cared that I sniffed her. Stupid Human.

There’s something wrong.

Then I heard Massie’s voice as if she was right next to me, No. I’m just on the floor with no control over my body just for the heck of it. Of Course I’m not ok!

“Massie! Massie, stay with me.” The man commanded her. How dare he yell her name like that.

Massie slowly closed her eyes, they seemed to have gotten too heavy for her to keep them open for much longer.

“Massie don’t faint!” The man yelled at her again. He’s really testing my patience.

Like she has a choice, I mutter in my mind

Huh, who was that?

Shit! My eyes popped open, “she heard me!”

Shadow looked at me, “who? the human girl?”

“yes! Massie, she heard me! I was just thinking a loud and she heard me!”

Shadow looked at me before deciding that what I was feeling was real. “Then let’s go get her.”

“She’s at her school’s infirmary, Monroe high I think.”

Shadow sighed before throwing his phone at me, “Call Winters, tell him to hack into the schools medical and emergency records and put your name on the release papers so we can pick her up hassle free.”

I started dialing Winters number, the tech guy of the pack, as Shadow began to walk away.

“Oh and Hunter” I looked up at him, phone next to my ear, “put on a damn shirt.”

I smirked at him, “Sure thing, bro”

Massie’ P.O.V.


I tried to open my eyes but they weighed a ton. Something grabbed me by the shoulders and shook me awake.

“Massie!” I opened my eyes, and notice that I as in the Nurse’s office and she was shaking me, “someone’s here to pick you up and I have to give you your medicine before you leave” she said walking over to a white counter

“mm” I managed to say, still groggy from whatever just happened.

“Now remember, that the last time we gave you this for your anemia you got a bit loopy?” she said preparing a shot.

I grunted.


I want sleep.

“Ok, so don’t forget to give this to whosever picking you up.” She gave me a folded envelope, “we have to give you this shot so you won’t faint from your anemia again.” She grabbed my arm, pulled up my sleeve. Cleaned the inside of my elbow and stabbed me with the syringe

She pulled my sleeve down, “this time remember to eat something before you decide to run”

I grunted again before I threw myself back on the plastic bed for another quick nap.

Two minutes later I hear the door open

“Hi there, She’s resting on the bed. Already took her medicine so she might be groggy oh and don’t forget to read the note she has once you get home.” I heard the nurse say to another presence in the room.

Something grabbed and lifted me over its muscular shoulder. It was a comfortable touch I melted into. I rested my head on its very warm shoulder.

I inhaled deeply. Mmm… smells manly. Must be a man

I felt the strong vibrations of its velvety voice on my cheek. It was laughing

“Thanks Ma’am we’ll be on our way” the familiar voice said as he began walking to the door. I felt him open the door and for some reason I wrapped my legs around his waist.

I heard him moan.

I nuzzled my head further into his shoulder.

So comfortable.

Hunter’s P.O.V.

I picked up Massie and she wrapped her legs around my waist. She doesn’t know how arousing that is.

I couldn’t help the moan that escaped my lips.

She nuzzled her head further into his shoulder, I swear. She’s doing this on purpose, the whole teasing me thing.

Distraction, I need a distraction. I grabbed the envelope from her hand. Ignoring the sweet fragrance from her hair I opened it.

To whom it may Concern,

When Massie Pierce takes her anemia medication, she has a reaction. A special type of reaction, the loose term would be “loopy” among other things. Please watch over her carefully.

Sincerely, Monroe High Nurse

‘Among other things’? She can’t be that bad, can she?

I heard giggling coming from my left ear, I looked up to be greeted by Massies chocolate brown eyes and sweet smile.

“Hi Handsome” she giggled and traced my ear, still looking into my eyes.

This is the different type of loopy. The innocent, seductive, loopy.

Oh Boy.
♠ ♠ ♠
tried different POV's cause I thought that it'd be fun. It was(:

EDITED: 07/26/2012