Sequel: Lost.
Status: Active.


Chapter 20

Hunters POV

Hunter! Don’t leave! Winters voice snuck into my mind.

Massie, I voiced.

Trust the Alpha. And remember the punishment you’ll receive for disobeying. You can’t be with Massie if you’re punished.

I know the punishment very well.

Then don’t be stupid

Even though every fiber of my being was yelling at me to go to her, I turned around and went to finish the fight. Turns out that Alpha word can’t wait.

But I can take my anger out on the nearest Foreign Were.

Massie’s POV

The bus driver gave us a strange look as we clamored onto the bus. We hurried up into the bus as if the devil himself was at our heels- little did he know that the story was something along those lines. The doors quickly swished closed. Lenora quickly swiped a card for both of us. The bus quickly started up again, and I felt relief rush into me.

“What are you lookin’ at?” She asked the driver rudely before grabbing my wrist and moving down the aisle.

We sat down in the back of the bus, and I left out a big sigh as I tried to catch my breath. My lungs hurt from running so much in the cold, it felt like the coldness had dried up my lungs.

Lenora turned around and watched the big wolf run.

“He’s stopped.” She said after a while. I nodded because it simply hurt too much to speak.

The wolf had stopped fighting to chase us all around the forest. It was obvious that Lenora didn’t know her way around, so I would point in which direction to go every now and then, though I didn’t really know the forest that well since I didn’t enter it so often. It’s nicknamed the forbidden forest; of course, no one would want to explore it.

Luck was on our side because we eventually made it into town, which street it was I couldn’t really say, but Lenora must’ve known because she knew where the bus stop was at- or maybe she saw the bus there. We ran onto the sidewalk, I glanced back to see that the wolf had stopped in its tracks and looked around the area in confusion.

The bus was about to leave but Lenora yelled at it to wait, she banged it along the side just as it had started moving, but it stopped and opened the doors for us and it quickly shut the doors behind us after we had gotten on. I was half expecting for the wolf to chomp a piece of our legs off as we got onto the bus but it took a while for it to get out of its confused state.

“Little bastard chased us all the way here.” She muttered sitting back down next to me.

“A wolf chased us.” I joked, but since I was so out of breath it came out as a hoarse whisper. It made me sound scared.

Lenora chuckled, “Yeah but we were faster.”

With that I laughed, and she began laughing with me too. We looked crazy but we were safe, we were alive, we had out run a big wolf. No one would believe our story.

Sure, people knew that wolfs and other scary creatures lived there, but no one would believe that one chased all the way from the river to town. Even if we did tell people our story we’d get into trouble because no one is allowed into the forest after the sun has set.

I closed my eyes and focused on getting my breathe back, no one has to know about this.

I didn't realize that I had dozed off until Lenora shook me awake, " Hey, we're here." I had barely opened my eyes when she was already pulling me down the aisle and out the back door. I blinked and looked around me, we were on the other side of town. What are we doing all the way over here? Sure, the town isn't big, but you just don't take a bus to the other side whenever you felt like it. You stayed on your side.

"Where are we going?" I asked groggily.

" My place." She tugged on my hand and picked up her pace, "It should be close by."
♠ ♠ ♠
Hey everyone. Its been a long time. But now that i have laptop AND internet access you can be expecting many more updates.

Expect another this week . That is if i get any comments from all you awesome readers :D