Sequel: Lost.
Status: Active.


Chapter 22: Um, What Smells Like Death?


Cleanliness and desperation are what hospitals smell of. Those are also the first two words to pop into my head any time I enter a hospital. That and the question: where’s the cafeteria?!

We passed a room that had its door open and I got a peek at an old lady hooked up to a machine. My mom can’t possibly be on this floor—it smells like old people. She’s not that old. And this floor seems to be for those in critical conditions.

Hunters grip on my hand tightened, “I’m sure she’s fine.”

When someone says they’re “fine” it never means that they are. So what does it mean when someone says that your mom is “fine”, does it mean that she’s in a horrible state?

Like a vegetable?!

“Quit thinking so much about it,” Hunter said as he tugged on my hand and he picked up his pace even though we were practically running down the hall already. Nurses were giving us the look of “WALK. Damn you”

“But it smells like old people.” I muttered but tried to do as he said.

We stopped at the receptionists desk and Hunter began to speak with the nurse there.

It reminds me that I didn’t get the chance to question—more like interrogate—Hunter for leaving me alone in the forest. I mean he says he’ll take care of me and make sure nothing bad happens to be but he goes ahead and leaves me in a freaking forest in the middle of the night! Who the hell does that?

He’s off the hook, for now, because my Mom is far important than he is at the moment. Once I see that she’s perfectly alright, Hunter will get the scolding of a life time. He’ll also get the world’s longest “Cold Shoulder” punishment ever heard of.


I snapped back to reality, “Yeah?”

“What’s your mom’s first name?”


“Okay. Can you direct us to Patricia Pierce’s room?” he kindly asked the nurse behind the counter. She smiled at him and tapped away on the computer.

I giggled a bit, I just realized something incredible.

“What’s so funny Mass?” Hunter asked smiling down at me. His face was bright with happiness. Huh. I didn’t know that was possible.

“I just realized that my mom’s initials are P.P.” Pee Pee.

Hunter scoffed, “You are such a kid”

The nurse pointed us to my mom’s room which was a few doors down from where she was stationed at.

I didn’t want another moment as I opened her door. And there she was in bed, smoothing out the sheets around her. Her hair still looked nice, and she still wore her pearls.

Did I ever mention that my mom was like she walked off a sitcom stage, or something?

She’s the only women I’ve ever seen that can make hospital gowns look elegant.

“Mom!” I shouted and rushed to hug her. She laughed and hugged me right back.

Hunter greeted her as well. Before I could ask her any questions she launched us into an interrogation of her own:

Where have you been staying?

Taking care of your anemia?

Showering? Eating?

However her next question threw me off, “Where is Connor?”

“He-” my voice was caught in my throat.

“He’s been missing.” Hunter finished for me, he put his arm around me and gave my shoulder a reassuring squeeze.

“Hm. He must be fine. I mean I was missing too, so he should be perfectly fine where ever he is.”

With the condition she’s in, she wouldn’t be able to handle the death of her eldest son.

I managed to force a smile, “Yup, you’re right mom.”

We continued talking. Turns out that she has amnesia, not a single memory of what happened to her. But she has the injuries to prove that something had happen to her. She had three long cuts on her thigh, they were wrapped to keep the blood from coming out. She had a cut on her back right shoulder blade that needed three stitches. She had another cut on her left arm that required a few stitches, not to mention that it was sprained. Her ankle was broken as well.

But don’t be mistaken. She was “perfectly fine”!

Then suddenly she smiled, “Since when have you two become an item?”

My face turned red right before it fell off.

I’m kidding of course, “Mom!” I shouted.

She merely laughed, her laugh sounded like jingle bells, “Just stating the obvious sweetie.”

It was suddenly hot in the room, “I see you’re fine then.” I said taking off my red sweater and laying it on the back of the closest chair. I immediately heard a growl.

“Yes. Just a couple of injuries and a few stitches- Oh dear, what on earth are you wearing?” my mom completely lost her train of thought when she saw the shirt Davie had let me borrow when I slept over at Lenora’s.

“Oh my friend let it to me. You should meet him mom he is so sweet!”

He lent you his shirt?” Hunter asked through gritted teeth. I turned to look at him and saw his jaw was tense. Whats wrong with him?

Then I saw it on his face, ‘his scent is all over her’

“Yeah, I don’t mind- it smells nice.” I explained as I lifted Davie’s shirt and took a small sniff. It smelled fresh like fruits. Hunter growled even louder.

“What was that noise?” my mom asked looking around.

I looked at Hunter but answered my mom, “Must’ve been the TV mom.”

“Oh” She turned the volume down on the small TV.

Hunter was practically grinding his teeth down to a fine powder.

“Hunter you okay?” I asked him, like seriously what’s wrong with him?

“No,” he growled out, but then he took control of his voice, “No. I need a drink of water. I’ll be back.” He said and before I could answer him he walked out.

I turned to my mom and answered her questioning look, “We ran here.”

She sighed, “You shouldn’t run, you’re anemia will only worsen.”

“Yeah, yeah mom, I know”

She laughed, “Careless as ever. It’s a good thing you have great friends.”

I smiled at her, “I know.”

“Speaking of which, how are Alice and Jordan doing?”

I blinked, “Actually. I don’t know,” she gave me an incredulous look, “I haven’t talked to them in a couple of days.”

I can’t believe I just realized that I haven’t spoken to my best friends in more than a day. We used to talk all the time. It’s just been so hectic that I haven’t even gotten the chance to notice.

“Did you get into a fight with them? You kids used to always text each other nonstop.” She asked genuinely worried for my friendship with Alice and Jordan.

“I haven’t texted... anyone lately.”

I could hear Hunters voice in the hallway, he’s talking to someone. Since the other person had a soft voice I’m guessing that it must be a female nurse. I walked over to the flower vase.

“Massie, sweetie, where’s your phone?”

I looked up from the flowers I had been re-arranging—Okay! I wasn’t re-arranging the flower’s, I was plucking out the ugly ones. I know my mom doesn’t stand for imperfect flower vases.

I thought about her question for a moment, “Actually. I don’t know,” I repeated myself again.

She sighed, “Oh sweetie. Here,” she handed me her phone, “Call yourself and see if someone answers. If this is like the last time you lost your phone and someone found it, then they will be kind enough to return it. The doctors aren't allowing me to use it.” She said and I took her phone.

“Okay mom” I said as I began dialing my number. It rang a couple of times before I heard my familiar ring tone, “Every time we touch, I get this feeling! And every time we kiss I swear I could flyyy!”

But I heard it right outside the door, in the hallway.

I didn’t end the call as I walked outside, my mom watching every step I took. Her face was telling me that she’s as confused as I am.

“Aren’t you gonna answer your phone?” I heard the sickly sweet voice.

I swear I almost gagged on the spot—it was Tiffany. She was my tormentor, for a lack of better words.

My heart was threatening to tear itself in half at the sight before me. Tiffany was flirting with Hunter, and he was just standing there taking it all in. His back was to me so he couldn’t see me and Tiffany was too absorbed in her new toy to take any notice of me

Hunter took my phone out of his pocket and looked at it before he shook his head, “Na, it’s not mine.”

“It’s mine.” I voiced. Tiffany’s eyes flickered over to me and I saw disgust crawl onto her face. Hunter whipped around to face me, “Massie what are you-”

“Thanks for finding my phone.” I didn’t let any emotion seep into my voice as I stuck my hand out. Hunter was silently studying my face in an attempt to decipher my emotions.

Too bad I was too good at that game.

It’s the game where you hide yourself behind an emotionless mask while your emotions are in turmoil on the inside.

“My phone.” I said but he wasn’t making any move. It was like he was frozen on the spot.

Tiffany scoffed and before I could say anything, she had reached out took my phone right out of Hunters hand and slapped it down onto mine, “Now leave,” She said with attitude.

Hunter glared at her, but she didn’t notice, she was too busy hating me. And I was too busy starting to hate Hunter.

“Gladly,” I said to Tiffany as I quickly walked back inside my mom’s room.

“Massie. I’m so sorry.” She had heard everything. I snatched my sweater off the chair, “Bye mom, I have things to take care of” I said as I kissed her cheek goodbye.

She looked at me sadly, “Be strong sweetie.”

Grabbing my sweater and saying goodbye to my mom took no more than a minute. I was out of her room and in front of the traitors before they had time to register that I had left.


“Hope you two live happily together.” I said emotionlessly as I shoved past Hunter. But he grabbed onto my wrist.

“It’s not what you think.” He started to say.

Oh c’mon, how many times has that line been overdone?

“Yeah” I turned to look at Tiffany, “Bitch, it’s much more.” She sneered at me.

Well that cracked my heart in half. The tears in my eyes were threatening to flood my face. I have to get out of here—quick.

“Tiffany,” Hunter growled. I yanked my wrist free from his grip and ran down the hallway. Some nurses yelled at me, but all I heard was Hunter chasing after me as he yelled my name.

I made it into the elevator in time. The doors closed before Hunter could stop them. I let my breath out, just as I heard Hunters frustrated shout.

Serves him right.

I should have listened to that gut feeling I had when I first met him. I confused it for love the first night I spent with him. But no, now I am sure—I hate Hunter.

Though, I shouldn’t be mad at him. He never made it clear that we were exclusive. He would just call me pet names like “his girl” and “girlfriend”. Not once did he ask me to be his, nor did he make it directly clear to me.

I sighed, I hate drama more than anything.

I should just lay off boys and become a nun.
♠ ♠ ♠
Extra long chapter for ya'll!

This chapter is dedicated to fallen_girl ! For recommending this story.

I've been away from Mibba for so long I didn't even notice that "recommend" was a new feature. But I'm glad it's there :D

Anyways, please comment for faster chapters. Lets say around.. 10 comments from at least three different people yeah? There's a lot of you. This should be easy.