Sequel: Lost.
Status: Active.


Chapter 23: Add On

Hunter’s POV

Patricia reeked of Foreign Were. Seriously, who in there fucking mind attacks a random human lady? Especially when it’s obvious that she has pups—I mean kids of her own?

The mere thought that Massie could have gone shopping with her mom and gotten injured as well was making the restraint I had on my wolf nearly vanish.

It clicked: this is all planned.

Whoever did the attack had planned for Massie to be with her mother when she did her last minute shopping. All daughters accompany their moms when they need to go shopping.

Our little detour to the 7-11 totally threw it off.

I could see it, It attacked Patricia once it realized that she wasn’t Massie, and then It left her. But not without using pack magic to make her lose all recollection of what had happened. Then It went straight to her home, killed Booger in order to make us think that Connor was dead, that all It was after was him.

It wanted Massie to be left alone and vulnerable.

It hadn’t counted on me, or my pack protecting her at every moment of the day—so that’s why they attacked so viciously last night. Or was that for another reason entirely?

Fuck! I need some serious investigation to be done.

But I swear I’m going to kill that damn fugly beast!

I had calmed myself to the point where I just looked bored, and it was working.

Then when Massie took off her sweater and the repulsive man stank of another guy reached me I nearly let go of the control I had on my wolf. Once we saw that she was wearing his shirt, my wolf clawed at me to be released. I was angry, but nothing would make me lose my cool around Massie.

But it wasn’t until she admitted she liked the way he smelled that I knew I was absolutely fucking livid—and about to lose it.

I admit that I didn’t hide my wolf well, and that my excuse that I was thirsty was the lamest thing ever. But I couldn’t stand to be in the same room as the Foreign Were stench and the man stank.

Massie is beginning to see through me and into the eyes of my wolf. I mean she already calls my wolf hers, it’s a short matter of time before she pieces it all together.

It will take her time I know, because she overlooks the obvious.

At home she couldn’t find the toothpaste although it was right under her nose. She didn’t see it until I walked into the bathroom and pointed it out to her.

But she’s smart, so who knows how much time?

The moment I stepped out, I texted Shadow and told him everything I could. But I knew he was going to be busy finding his mate again, so I also sent it to Fisher and Sasha.

I didn’t expect to see my ex here, or for her to corner me.

And you can bet I was shitting bricks when the love of my life saw me with her—and just left me.

Especially when she found out I had her phone in the worst way ever.

The deadpanned look she had on as she shoved past me felt like she had gripped onto my heart, and squeezed.

And now as I stand in front of the closed elevator doors I know that she had just left with my heart.

“Hunty, she’s not worth it,” Tiffany commented snobbily.

For the second time in one hour I wanted to rip out her jugular—the first being when she disrespected my mate.

“Fuck!” I shout and pound at the steel doors, leaving a small dent. I ignored the reprimands of the nurses as I bolted towards the staircases.

She’s not leaving me so easily.

Especially when someone is out to get her
♠ ♠ ♠

First off- This is dedicated to Noturs92 for recommending and commenting perfectly. And also for thunder rain for her awesome commenting skills.

Don't thank me for this surprise thank these lovely Mibbians : fallen__girl and minidiva12 and a special thanks to Noturs92 and thunder rain

And Second: I wasn't going to post this until Sunday night, but then I realized that I left you guys with more questions that I had intended to: Sorry.

But anyways I'm so happy you told me! Thats what I wanted from those comments all along :D

I hope this answers all of your questions!

Oh and about Sasha and Massie going shopping together.. yeah I got nothing, cause hey if someone asked me to go shopping with them I'd hope into their car. No questions asked.

I guess not everyone is like that lol

But thats what I had wanted to happen, since Massie needed to build a relationship with Hunter's pack.

ANYWAYS. The comment request is still on, so now its SEVEN comments from at least three different people. Piece of cheesecake (:
Yeah, I'm not a big fan of regular cake.

LOTS OF LOVE: Of My Nature.