Sequel: Lost.
Status: Active.


Chapter 24: Stay strong

Massie’s POV

The moment the elevators doors dinged open I ran out. I had a hunch that Hunter was going to attempt running down seven flights of stairs to stop me.

Well too bad. He had his chance at explaining he just stood there as Tiffany gave me back my phone.

He must’ve been too shocked from me catching him to even move.

A lying bastard like him doesn’t deserve my tears, only someone like Connor does.

Someone grabbed my wrist, and my heart nearly leapt out of my chest, “Hey kiddo!”

I stopped moving, “Lenora?”

“I was filling out a job application when I saw you-” She was smiling at me until she saw my face. Her smile fell as she asked, “What’s wrong?”

“I-It’s nothing.” I said, I had managed not to cry but my voice had waivered and given away my feelings. She let go of my wrist but she didn’t stop looking concerned.

She looked at me so sincerely that I was amazed that someone I had met nearly 24 hours ago could care so much for me.

And even though I haven’t known her for so long, I could tell that she is someone who is strong and doesn’t put up with anyone’s shit.

So strong in fact that if her brother was murdered, she wouldn’t have locked herself away and bawled her eyes out—she would’ve hunted down the bastard.

I want to be strong like her.

I was about to tell her when I saw Shadow approach from behind. He stood closely behind Lenora making me think that he was watching closely over her.

“Shadow,” I diverted all the attention onto him, “Do me a solid and tell your brother to leave me the fuck alone. Y-yeah?” my voice wavered again.

Lenora furrowed her eyebrows at me, I didn’t know if it was for cursing or because she didn’t know that Shadow and Hunter were related.

She was confused. They both were but I continued on, “Also tell the l-little liar, that I hope he has a fan-freaking-tastic l-life with the whore.”

I was starting to lose the game, my emotionless mask was breaking.

Shadow looked dumbfounded, while Lenora looked pissed beyond hell. She turned to face Shadow and I could tell that she was going to give him one hell of an interrogation.

“I’ll see you later, Lenora” I said as I began speed walking again.

“Stop by my house when you need it,” Was all I heard before I was out of the hospital. I ran down the sidewalk. I need to catch the bus, but where do I go?

My home is out of the question. Hunters- ugh, I don’t even want to think about. From behind me I heard, “You fucking son of a bitch!” and then the unmistakable sounds of a fight starting out.

I guess Hunter ran into Lenora.

I got onto the bus and quickly dumped out all the change I had in my pocket. It was barely enough. My eyes were beginning to sting meaning that my mask was breaking but I was going to be strong now. I didn’t look back at the hospital as the bus speed away from it—Are all bus drivers speed demons?

Where can I go?

I didn’t think about the fact on how the speed demon could very well kill me with his reckless driving.


I pushed the button for the third time in a row.

-Ding DONG!-

“C’mon. C’mon. C’mon,” I whispered to myself. I was cold, hungry, and feeling really lonely.

I rubbed at my eyes again, they were getting to be incredibly itchy. I could tell that my emotionless mask was breaking apart. If I didn’t find refuge soon, I was going to cave.

I looked around me once again, the neighborhood was eerily quiet. There were no children playing out in the streets like there is in my neighborhood. Well duh! The suns already setting, what kind of mother would let her children play outside after the sun has set.

I jumped when I heard rustling from the bushes that separated this house to the next.

I need to get inside.

“Answer damnit,” I muttered under my breath, who takes this long answering their door?

I pushed the button again.

-Ding DONG!-

I could’ve sworn I heard a soft crack as I felt wetness roll onto my cheeks.

Great. I’m crying.

I tried to hold back my tears but that only resulted in a loud throat aching sob.

My vision was getting blurry as more tears rushed to get out. Well this is just perfect. I said that man wasn’t worth my tears, so why the hell am I crying for him?

I rubbed at my eyes again, but that only succeed in irritating my eyes even further. I reached forward and pushed the button again.


The door opened, “Massie?”


I looked up and there he was, “Jordan.”

Without any questions, he hugged me tightly and ushered me inside.

He rubbed comforting circles on my back, “Let it all out Mass, it’ll only make you feel better.”

“I’m not crying for him,” I said irritated as I picked at my nail polish.

Jordan sighed and leaned further into the tan leather couch. He’s been trying to make me cry for the past few minutes already—I know right that sounds weird. Why would one of your best friends make you cry?

“He doesn’t deserve them.” I said hugged my knees tighter.

“Damn straight he doesn’t. But what did he do Mass?”

He’s also been asking that question for quite a while already. But I wasn’t going to tell him. I’m not stupid, Jordan’s family has power—even if it is just financially—he could ruin Hunter with a few words.

“Nothing worth crying over,” I said being difficult.

I could tell he was getting annoyed, “Is Connor worth your tears then?”

With the mention of Connor tears immediately began rolling down my cheeks. “Sorry,” he whispered, “I didn’t think it’d still be a tough topic for you”

I shrugged, “I just need some best friend time, ya know?”

He chuckled bitterly, “After you’ve ignored us for the past couple of days.”

“I told you! It’s been hectic. And I also didn’t have my phone on me.”

“Yeah, sure.” He sighed. I brought my legs down and noticed a stinging pain right below my knee.

“Ouch.” I said while moving the hole in my pants around to find the solution of the stinging. When it came into view I gasped. “Holy shit that’s a nasty scrape,” Jordan stood up, “I’ll go get the first aid kit”

Jordan came back with the kit and helped me disinfect the cut, it was more of a scab now but you know what I mean. He kept asking how I had gotten it and I kept telling him that I didn’t know. But I do.

It was that freaking wolf.

He had left to prepare the guest bedroom for me. While he was gone I checked my phone. I had read all the messages and listened to the frantic voice mails all asking me where I was on the bus ride here. I can’t believe Hunter would keep my phone. How did he even get it?

I called my mom to tell her that everything was fine, that I was going to be great and that I was staying over at Jordan’s house—she trusts Jordan and his family. She told me goodnight, to be strong, and right before I hung up she asked about Connor again. I told her that I still didn’t know where he was.

Which wasn’t a total lie.

I had hunch that Connors body was at the morgue in the same hospital my mom was in. I wanted to call and make sure that they didn’t mention anything to her.

They picked up after a few rings.


“Yes, this is Massie Pierce. I was calling to ask about my brother’s, Connor Pierce’s, body. I think that you have it in your-”

“Ms. Pierce.”

Why was she suddenly interrupting me, “Yes?”

“Your brother’s body was stationed at our morgue until it went missing a few days ago.”

“W-what? Why didn’t anybody call to tell me this?” I started raising my voice.

“Miss, we did call. And a man answered, said he was your boyfriend. I personally told him what had happened and he promised to pass along the message.”


I closed my eyes in anger and gripped my cell phone once I realized who she was talking about. Hunter.

“Alright. Thanks for telling me again.”

I was about to hang up when she continued talking, “Wait Miss! There’s more.”


“Yes, a man came to visit your mother. Apparently he triggered some painful memories because your mother violently rejected him. He’s requested various times to be allowed to see her again, but that is all up to you now. Oh and he claims to be your father.”

I laughed coldly, “I don’t have a father. But yes, deny his access to my mom. It would be a bad thing if they were ever to find themselves in the same room.”

“Alright, Ms. Pierce,” I heard the clicking of a keyboard, “It has been noted. Thank you.”

“No, thank you. Bye,” I hung up immediately.

That asshole never told me any of this.

I buried my face into my hands and groaned, what did he think he would be getting out of this by not telling me?

I stayed in that position for a while until I heard the soft sound of a plate being put down onto the coffee table. I looked up in time to see Paul walking away. I looked back at the plate positioned in front of me.

Sliced green apples with cinnamon sprinkled on top.

My favorite.

No seriously, it’s like the best snack ever.

I began munching on this sweet snack. I can’t believe he remembered that I loved this. I had probably told him when we were going out, but that was a long time ago. He had cheated on me with Tiffany, who was my best friend at the time, so why is he being kind to me now?

I shrugged it off, and went upstairs to bug Jordan. I brought my snack with me of course.

I’m not going to let a guy affect me ever again.

I’m done.


Hunter’s POV
I held the ice pack to my jaw, “Next time, keep a hold of your mate.” I complained to Shadow.

We had returned to the pack house after Shadow calmed down his mate and dropped her off at her run down home. While he walked her to the door I sent Winter and Sasha out to look her, they were the best when tracking together.

He only shook his head and chuckled, “I’m surprised a normal human girl like that caused even the slightest bit of pain for you”

“She’s not fucking normal,” I growled.

Shadow glared at me, “Watch your tone.” He reprimanded me.

Oh of course, now that he has identified Lenora as his mate. She’s Luna of the pack, and deserves my respect as well.

“Just because your mate is missing, does not give you the right to disrespect mine. You need to calm down,” Shadow said looking at me right in the eye.

My mate is missing.

I quickly stood up and found myself in his face, “My mate doesn’t want to be with me! It gives me all the right to be worked up! She left me!”

Shadow gritted his teeth, “That was an order.” He hissed.

I could have fought it, I had every right to be Alpha that he did. The Alpha blood ran through both of our veins. I could have denied it, but instead my muscles relaxed and I flopped down on to the couch—I let the command take over my body.

Shadow relaxed his stance as well.

Winter entered the living room alongside Sasha. I stood up but before I could ask anything, “We couldn’t find her anywhere.” Winter said with a tired breath.

Sasha nodded, “She took the bus, and it was hard to pinpoint her scent when there were at least 25 other people on the bus who walked past her and picked up a part of her scent.”

I never got the chance to mark her as mine and only mine! I growled and kicked the coffee table.

It turned over and broke in two. “Relax,” Shadow commanded. I let the command take over as I felt my body slump down into the couch again.

“We tried Hunter.” Sasha said tiredly.

Just then Kala came bursting through the doors. He looked around until he saw me, “Your woman.” He said quickly running up to me.

I stared at him weirdly; Kala was the shaman of the pack. His whole lineages of family have been the shaman to the Forgotten Forest pack.

He is also one of the oldest werewolves in the entire state, and being a shaman automatically makes him an Elder. The Elders are a council which you listen to when they enforce the rules and punishments.

“What about Massie?”

“She is in the books.”

I looked at Shadow, he gave me a confused look and I turned to Kala, “What do you mean Kala?”

“When I saw her the other day, her aura felt familiar. I know she is in the books.”

The books were what we referred to as our history. Every shaman dedicates a part of their life to writing down the history of the pack, and other packs.

“Show us.” Shadow said, it wasn’t a command because if he were to command an Elder that would be a great insult to Kala.

Kala looked flustered, “So many books. I cannot find her.”

I let out a frustrated sigh.

“I need help.” He finally said.

Winters stood up , “I’ll help you look”

“Hunter you go to,” Shadow commanded me, “sitting around here, or going to look for her is not going to help anybody.”

“Fine,” I stood up again, “I’ll find her in those books even if it takes all damn night.”


Massie’s POV

“Yeah, it was like. So hot.”

I grinded my teeth as I harshly shoved another book aside.

I can’t find my IPod, or Nook, or even my damn back pack. I thought it would be in my locker because I don’t remember bringing it home the day before Thanksgiving.

“You know how some guys get all fat after they graduate from high school? Yeah well, he’s the exception. He’s so hot. Hunter is still sexy after a couple of years.”

Her voice, her voice is just splitting through my ear drums and driving me insane. I was holding on to a thin thread that prevented me from throwing one of my textbooks at her face.

Maybe then Tiffany would shut up.

“Don’t listen to her,” Alice whispered to me, she was standing next to me and patiently waited while I looked for my missing things. I turned to look at her and gave a weak smile.

When I woke up this morning Alice was already there with an outfit for the day prepared for me. Good thing too because I do not want to return to my house today. I’ll do it later, like afterschool, or next year.

“Yeah he took me home. Right Massie?” Tiffany asked, my heart nearly stopped as I turned around to look at her.

She was across the hallway surrounded by a group of girls who wanted to hear more about Hunter. They were his crazed fans when he still went to this school with my brother. Some of them were even admirers of my brother.

Surprisingly, no one has heard about my brother except for Alice and Jordan.

I’m amazed it hasn’t been aired on TV all week long. Maybe because it’s the Holidays and they don’t want to send the town into mass hysteria by telling them about his murder.

I choked back a tear.

Whether it was for Connor, or the fact that Hunter most likely did take Tiffany home—I’m not sure.

I only stared at her. She rolled her eyes, “You were there dipshit. At the hospital, you even saw him with me.”

I felt like shouting and clawing her face out but I just stayed quiet.

“Well after you left, we went down the stairs and left to his house. You can guess the rest,” she smirked.

I couldn’t stand there and take it anymore, I slammed the locker shut and stormed down the hallway. Alice kept in step right next to me.

“Stay strong Massie,” she encouraged me. She knew that I was fighting the tears from being hurt like that.

“M-Massie,” I looked up and saw one of Hunter’s cousins, Mica I think it was. He looked really nervous.

“Mica.” I said surprised, I didn’t know he went to this school.

“Can I t-talk to you?” he turned to look at Alice, “in private?”

She agreed and told me that she would see me in class before she left. Mica pulled me aside.

“G-Go back to Hunter, please.” He said with pleading eyes.

“I won’t”

“He’s been a mess without you.”

I scoffed, “It hasn’t even been a full day.”

He shook his head, “He broke the c-coffee t-table, and spent m-most of the n-night looking for you and s-searching through the books.”

What does books have to do with anything?

“I stayed at a friend’s house.”

His eyes widened, “a g-girl friend I hope”

“Nope. It was Jordan,” I shrugged and ignoring his worried face I continued, “Besides. I don’t think I can trust Hunter.”

“You can!”

“No!” I shouted then lowered my voice, “he and Tiffany-” I shook my head, “look. He left me alone and vulnerable in the forest. I was like a snared animal.”

He began to shake his head but I interrupted him, “Now that I think about it, you left me snared there too.”

His eye grew even wider, “No Massie-”

The school bell rang cutting him off.

“I gotta go, see ya Mica” I said and walked to my class.


The bell rang signaling the end of school. As student put their things away I just stood up and walked out to meet Alice. I didn’t have any bag to put my things away in.

I spotted Alice and she ran up to meet me. She threw her spare set of car keys at me, “Hey! I forgot my book but meet me out by my car okay?” she said in one breath before running again.

I laughed at her rushed cuteness and walked out to the parking lot.

I was a few steps away from her car when I noticed who was leaning sexily on it.

It was Hunter.

He was looking straight at me. I stopped walking.

“Massie,” he breathed and smiled at me like I was the only thing that mattered in the world.

He was tired; I didn’t need to see the bags under his eyes to tell me that. His whole body language was telling me that he hadn’t had a good night’s sleep.

“Hunter,” I said with a stoic face. I may have a serious face on but all I wanted to do was jump into his arms and never let go.

“I’m so sorry.”

I shrugged, “Okay.”

“Can we talk?” he asked with a hopeful look on his face.

I felt guilty when I crushed that hope, “Nope” I said and continued walking to the car. I swung the key ring on my finger.

“Massie,” he said as I pushed the button that unlocked the car.

I opened the door only to have a hand come down and slam it closed, “Massie please. Just hear me out.”

“What?” I hissed and turned to face him. He was really close to me and it soothed me to have him so close—that only made me more upset.

“You think I want to hear some bull on how you cheated on me? Or on how you left me in the middle of a-”

He leant down and kissed me on the lips.

My back arched up out of surprise. He took that moment to grab my face with one hand and have his other one wrap around my waist pulling me in close to him.

Screw this.

I kissed him back and wrapped my arms around his neck. I’ve missed his kisses.

He licked my bottom lip begging for entrance, and I immediately opened my mouth. His tongue shot in and my taste buds exploded with the greatest flavor ever.

I moaned at the great sensation.

Upon hearing my satisfied moan he picked me up and hugged my waist. He had stopped kissing my lips to kiss my jaw, down to my neck, to the place where my neck and shoulder meet—leaving a fiery path wherever his mouth touched.

He started to lick one spot in particular that sent pleasant chills up my spine.

Suddenly I was ripped away from him and I heard the slam of a car door.

I blinked and I saw a pissed off Alice in the car beside me, “You don’t fucking touch her!” she shouted at him through the driver’s window.

Hunter shouted something back but I didn’t make out what he said, all of the windows were up and his voice came out muffled.

“Fuck off!” Alice shouted and started up the car. Hunter shouted at her as he frantically tried to open the door I was right in front of. I was reaching for the handle when I heard a click.

Alice had turned on Child Lock.

“Stay strong Massie” she said and I leaned away from the car door.

That’s right I have to stay strong.

Hunter’s face suddenly became scared when he saw me lean away.

She pulled out in reverse and Hunter kept up with the car, saying things I couldn’t hear.

Alice stepped on the gas. Before we made it out of the parking lot, Hunter roared and pounded his fist onto the car door—I’m sure it left a dent.


“Just get your things so we can leave.” Alice said scared.

We were at my house.

After we had gotten home and Alice had explained me how I was stupid in allowing him to even get close to me, she called Jordan over. We all had dinner together. Alice’s parents are never really home, and we almost always gave her company.

We started to do our homework when we realized that I still haven’t retrieved my back pack from my house—or my clothes. But Alice’s clothes are really nice too.

So went to my house. Well more like snuck in since everything’s taped off. But since there’s no police officer patrolling, getting inside was really easy.

“I’ll check the living room,” Jordan said walking away.

“I got your bedroom!” Alice shouted before bouncing up the steps.

That left the kitchen for me.

I passed the dining, the food we had bought at the 7-11 was still there. I put it away in the fridge and the pantry. I shoved my moms unfinished turkey in the fridge too. I was looking under the cabinets when I heard rustle outside from the backyard.

I stood up and walked over to the door that led outside.

I know what you’re thinking—don’t do it! But too bad, I did it.

I opened the door and walked out onto the grass. The football was still strewn across the yard. The shed was taped off and little number tags were sticking everywhere.

I walked further onto the grass, “Booger” I whistled for my dog.

He never once crossed my mind. I feel so bad, I haven’t fed him in days. He must be mad at me.

I whistled for him again, but he didn’t show. That’s really weird, he usually pops his head out around the second whistle.

I had turned to walk inside the house when I saw it.

My wolf.

The one that I heard when I was being chased by another random wolf in the forest, but wait, aren’t all wolves bad?

Fear suddenly set into my system.

“H-Here little w-wolf,” I took a step back, “Just l-leave”

The wolf growled.

I jumped, “Okay d-don’t l-leave”

He leaned back, with its but up in the air. It looked like it just wanted to play. I let out a sigh of relief and got closer to it. I needed to walk past it in order to get back to the house.

I felt the fear leave as I took a step closer.

My body must be on crack and all out of whack because then he jumped. Onto me. With his added weight I fell backwards, my back slamming onto the grass below us.

I screamed and tried to push him off but it only kept moving my hands away with its snout and its growls.

Stop moving I heard in my mind.

I followed the weird voice inside my head and I let my body go limp. The wolf started sniffing my neck. I only closed my eyes tightly. Maybe it’ll just sniff me and leave me alone. I just gotta stay still.

It stopped squirming on top of me and for a moment I thought everything was going to be fine. That I was going to live.

Then it bit my neck, right where it meets my shoulder.

Where Hunter had kissed.

I shouted bloody murder as I felt the pain course through my body.

My ear-piercing shout must’ve scared the wolf because he jumped off me and ran away—after licking my wound of course. I put my hands to the wound and tried to keep the blood from flowing out. Through the tears I saw him jump over my fence and into the forest.

“WOLF!” I shouted and began shrieking again.

I heard the frantic shouts of my friends.

Jordan reached me first.

He held me on his lap, “What happened?! Let me see Massie!” he pushed my bloody hand away, he sighed once he saw, “You’re not bleeding anymore.

“What?” I croaked. How is that even possible? I couldn’t sworn he bit deep enough to hit an artery that allows me to bleed to death.

Alice reached us and immediately began sobbing on my stomach, “Don’t die Massie!”

Jordan smacked her on the head, “Don’t be so melodramatic! She's stopped bleeding.”

Alice got off my stomach and wiped her runny nose with her sleeve. Oh gross. “C’mon let’s get you home to disinfect the wound.”

I nodded. The bite didn’t feel as bad anymore. It just felt really sore and painful. It wasn’t stinging anymore and it didn’t feel like I was going to die.

Just what the hell was that?


Hunters POV

I finally did it.

I marked her.
♠ ♠ ♠
Congratulations!! We have made the 100 subscriber mark!

As a reward for all you awesome readers, I'm going to be posting longer chapters!

So 12 comments for the next chapter!

I want to give a thanks to : Solisto-c.o.t.s, Allicat, emilove3,, Dark0wolf, and last but not least lovely205 for recommending this story, thanks guys :3

BUT! I want to give a SPECIAL thanks to:,Solisto-c.o.t.s , and Dark0wolf for being awesome enough to leave a comment, that makes me smile :D

So tell me what you think! what you want! -- your steamy sex scene will be coming up, I promise--

Tell me what you think of the change that I made to the layout of the story, is it Yay or Nay?

Also, if you have anybody in mind that would perfectly represent Massie or Hunter, (or any other character in this story) please tell me cause I want to get those character profiles up! thanks

Remember: 12 COMMENTS. Unless one of you finds the perfect Hunter and/or Massie, then thats a whole other story!

Happy reading :D