Sequel: Lost.
Status: Active.



Hunters POV

The door to my bedroom slowly creaked open. I cracked an eye open but quickly returned to pretending to be asleep once I saw who it was. I didn’t have to see to know who it was, the sweet scent of pine cones, green apples and cinnamon gave it away to me.

My lovely mate.

I heard the feather light footsteps she took to get beside my bed.

“Hunter,” she whispered slightly poking my bicep with her index finger.

I stayed facing up, not moving, excluding the necessary breaths that were required. I was keeping a good sleeping state going on although the only thing I really wanted to do was snatch her up into my bed.

Mate. Mate. Mate.

I gave a few reassuring words to my wolf, we’re going to get what both of us want. Tonight would be the night.

“Hunter,” she whined.

Is he really asleep?’ I heard her thoughts flow into mine.

She’s falling for it, I kept back the chuckle I had. But I nearly choked when I heard her next few thoughts, ‘Time to wake him up’ and she gently sat on my hips.

when suddenly she, and in a very deep manly voice said, “Hunter

I stopped breathing and stared at her wide eyed.

Hunter!” she said in the deep manly voice again.

Okay that’s a major turn-off.

She looked down at me, “C’mon man, that’s rank.” she said in a different manly voice.


She smiled sweetly at me, “Wake up Hunter, right now” she said in the deep manly voice.

It was an Alpha command.

I felt the command course through my body as I was jerked awake.

My eyes flashed open. I was in my bed, the sunlight was shining through my window hitting me in the face but I still recognized the people next to my bed.

Shadow and Fisher.

Shadow looked annoyed as he said, “Follow me,” and he walked out of my room.

Fisher was snickering, “Wet dreams ‘bout your mate?”

“Shut up!” I growled at him as I covered my member with the closest pillow.

“Let’s GO!” Shadows voice was heard from downstairs. I looked at Fisher and he chuckled, “We found your mate in the books.”


“Yep, get ready to have ya’ mind blown!” Fisher shouted walking out of my room.

I groaned, I wish that wasn’t a dream.


Massie’s POV

I gripped onto my lunch tray looking for a place to eat. Alice was right beside me, while Jordan was next to her pointing out a table. We quickly sat down and claimed it.
Jordan said that he forgot to buy juice right before he left the table.

Once he was out of ear shot Alice turned to me, “So you wanna tell me about the sexy dream you had?”

I choked on my water, “W-what?”

She rolled her eyes and took a bite of her salad, “I heard you, the guest room is like one wall away from mine. So spill!”

My face reddened at the memory of my dream. I was intensely dry humping Hunter, crazy thing was that I had initiated it.

I fidgeted with my scarf.

Under Alice’s advice I wore this to hide the mark on my neck. It was originally a scab and Alice repeatedly told me not to pick at it but the moment she wasn’t looking I picked it off.

There in its place stood a small blue crescent moon, it looked more like a tattoo than a scar.

“It was nothing,” I winked at her.

She broke out laughing, “You’ve become bolder lately. I like it!”

I laughed alongside her, but I scratched at the mark underneath the scarf. It’s been getting itchy lately.

“Don’t pick at your scab, it’ll leave a scar,” she said eating more of her salad. I shrugged and took a bit of my pizza.

She continued on the dream topic, “We could put this cream on it, if it’s bothering you”

I shook my head and covered my mouth with my hand, “No it’s just becoming itc-”

“Little cow!” confused at the sudden random shouting behind me, I turned around. And there stood the bitch of all itches.


“Disgusting cow, I don’t want to see your food!” she said rather loudly. I swallowed. She had her lunch tray in her hands although it only contained the “Meatball Surprise” special of the week—people think that it’s the meat from last month grinded all together with sauce—she also had her group of clones standing behind her.

The people around us laughed.

Once she had everyone’s attention she continued, “I saw you with Hunter yesterday.” Oh so that’s why she’s bothering with me, “And just letting you know that he’s not interested in a fat cow like you. He told me” She smirked at me. The ‘Oohs’ of the onlookers quickly ensued.

“Yet, why would he want a whore like you?” I let slip. I heard the ‘Oohs’ around us and knew that I was in trouble.

I knew that when dealing with people like Tiffany, you just took what they had to say. The less you said and showed, the less they bothered you.

She was the one who taught me how to draw up that emotionless mask.

Oh well, guess I won’t be using it today.

She only stood there seething at me.

If she wasn’t going to say anything more, I might as well finish my lunch.

I turned around and began scratching at the mark when I felt a wet saucy mush fall onto my lap and a majority of my—or should I say Alice’s shirt?—then an entire chorus of laughter.

I looked down to see Tiffany’s Meatball Surprise on me.

I slammed my fist down onto the table and stood up, my scarf falling off in the process. The small cafeteria quieted down from their laughter to watch the unfolding heated scene.

She stood there with a smirk, “Oops, sorry—only feeding the cow,” she said in that sickly sweet voice of hers.

I gritted my teeth.

“Oh, look cows can turn...” her voice trailed off when she saw the mark on my neck.

“Cows can what?” someone in the crowd egged her on.

Her eyes steeled over, “Can get fugly tattoos.” She pointed to my neck.

My wolf gave me that mark!

The only sound that was heard was a loud ‘plop!’ of Tiffany falling to the floor from the force of my fist eagerly punching the makeup off her face. I heard the laughter that came from the look on Tiffany’s face as I walked out of the cafeteria.

I could hear the boisterous laughter of the student body from the hallway; I couldn’t help but smile and feel proud.

I strolled out the schools front doors, I figured I was going to get suspended either way. Besides, winter vacation was only a few days away. I wrapped the scarf around me, I wasn’t going to leave it on the dirty cafeteria floor.

I stepped off of Monroe High School property and onto the sidewalk. Where to? I asked myself.

I remembered that Lenora said I could stop by whenever I needed to. I should stop by to say hello to everyone, maybe I could get some lunch on the way there. It seems like a great plan. I sat down at the bus stop and waited for the deathly contraption to arrive.

I won’t lie, my hands were shaking from all of the adrenaline of sucker punching Tiffany in front of the student body.

I know that she’s going to try and retaliate somehow, but it was so worth it.

I breathed out and the nerves seemed to dissipate from my body.

It was so worth it.


It didn’t take so long to hop off the bus in Lenora’s side of the town. I looked around and realized that I still had to walk quite a bit to make it to her home. I sighed and began walking.

I hadn’t been walking for too long when someone shouted my name, I looked around until I saw Davey and Johnny across the street.

Davey was shyly waving his hand at me while Johnny was waving his arms around like an inflatable balloon man—you know the kinds that they have in front of stores or car dealerships?

“WAIT THERE!” Johnny shouted as he grabbed Davey’s arm and ran across the street. He didn’t mind the cars or their drivers who were honking and swearing at them.

Once they made it across the street Johnny pulled me into a hug.

I immediately felt sick.

Then Davey walked up and gave me a small hug, my stomach churned at the contact.

What’s wrong with me?

“You don’t look so good Massie,” Johnny commented.

I gave him a sad smile, “Didn’t get to eat lunch.”

“Ohhhhh,” Davey hummed from beside me, “Us neither, let’s go eat!”

And with that, we all walked into the closest café there—it was a little coffee shop really.

I ordered a grill cheese sandwich and the guys each got their own item, I paid for it. I knew that they weren’t in the position to be buying things.

We caught up on things, we haven’t seen each other for two days but I really miss these guys. They weren’t at the Music House because there was a heated fight going on and they got tired of hearing Lenora argue.

I told them about hitting Tiffany and they were very proud of me, even Davey looked like an overjoyed mother who found out her kid was going to an Ivy League school.

I was having such a great time that it like flew right out the window. It was time for me to go.

Promising to stop by their home and see how they’ve remolded it, I left and started walking towards the hospital. It was kinda far from the café but since I don’t really have much change left I decided to leave that for the bus fare to Alice’s house—which was further than Jordan’s.

I made it when the sun was beginning to set.

I went inside and made it to my mother’s room in no time; she was still on the old people floor.

The floor that smells of death and cleaning products.

I walked into her room like I owned it, this boost of confidence was really getting to me. “Mom I’m home!” I shouted.

Then I quickly shut my mouth when I saw who was sitting on the chair across from her.

He was casually leaning back on the uncomfortable chair. He wore a black fancy attire that both flaunted his assets, yet not so much to the point where it was just plain cocky. He looked young, with dirt blonde hair that came from the 1920’s. He had pale skin and vibrant green eyes. He was handsome. Very handsome.

And he looked familiar.

“Oh, hello Massie.” My mom said from her bed. “Let me introduce you to Taylor, a friend I just made.” She turned to Taylor, “And Taylor this is my favorite daughter, Massie.”

I smiled shyly at him.

All confidence I had gained just flew right out the window, alongside all the time I wanted to manage because I spent hours chatting with him, although it only felt like a few minutes.

The only other guy that made me feel like this was Hunter.


The mark suddenly started itching again.

Taylor gave me a worried look but it was my mom that spoke first, “What’s wrong Massie?”

I smoothly transitioned my vivacious scratching into rubbing. I then coughed and straightened out my scarf, “Nothing mom, just a crick in my neck.”

“Oh, Jordan’s guest room isn’t that comfy after all?”

I laughed nervously. I forgot to tell her that I was staying with Alice now, “No, just had a bad night of sleep” I stood up, “I should get going. It’s late and I have school tomorrow”
If I don’t get suspended that is.

I hugged and kissed my mom’s cheek goodbye before I turned to Taylor, “It was nice to meet you,” I said sticking my hand out. He grabbed it but he pulled me in for a hug, “It was a pleasure!” he said with a smile.

But my stomach was violently churning.

And the mark was pulsing.

I jerked away from him, “Maybe I’ll see you later.” He noticed and I gave him a weak smile before I grabbed my things and rushed out.

Night had fallen outside. My heart was pounding and the mark was increasingly itchy.


Why do I feel the sudden urge to see him? To hug the living crap out of him? And then kiss his delectable lips? Something I didn’t get to do in my dream.


I felt really sick.

My knees were going weak. I need to see him.

I stumbled down the dark sidewalk, gripping onto things to support me. There wasn’t anyone around to help me, so kept walking. I saw the bus stop in the distance and my heart leapt. During the short walk the itching had only intensified.

The walk from the hospital to the bus stop didn’t feel so long last time.

I reached for money in my pocket, as I was counting the money I felt someone’s hand cover my mouth.

My stomach was violently churning and I felt like up heaving my lunch right on the spot.

I started shouting but it proved futile because no noise was escaping the thick hand. I threw my money to the floor and tried to scratch his hand off but he only wrapped another arm around me.

He began dragging me away from civilization.

I stared hyperventilating as I kicked and stomped onto this foot.

“Hold kjeft dum jente” my attacker hissed into my ear.

I widened my eyes in disbelief, what language was he freaking speaking?! I could feel the venom behind it nonetheless.

I tried to twist myself away from him, but his grip was too strong and the lack of strength wasn’t helping either. The self defense class I had taken over the summer was not helping me one bit in this case.

I reached backwards and scratched anything I could. I was victorious when I felt him hiss, but then he started jerking me around. My head bouncing around more than a bobble head.

“HEY!” I heard someone shout, and then suddenly I found myself on the ground, my attacker on top of me and then suddenly away from me.

From the floor I looked up to see a boy with dirty blonde scene hair staring down my attacker in a menacing way. I got a good look at my attacker, he was big—like freaking massive. And blonde.

His biceps looked like they could crush me with one curl.

“Back off Norwegian scum!” the guy shouted. My attackers back was to me, all of his attention on my savior.

“Jeg ville være forsiktig valp.” My attacker stood a step forward then hissed, “Du er bare et halvt avskum”

My savior flashed forward and punched my attacker right in the stomach. My attacker knelt forward in pain, but quickly lifted his fist and swung at my savior. A girl popped out of nowhere and jumped onto his back with a war cry. She held onto his neck with a deathly choke grip.

“Fucking bastard!” she shouted. And with the colorful dyed hair I knew it was Lenora.

“lille ludder,” My attacker swung around like a blind ogre trying to get Lenora off.

A girl ran towards me, her long super light blond hair swishing behind her, “Are you alright?” she whispered as she helped me get up.

I nodded as I saw my savior dish out another hit. My attacker swung at him but missed due to Lenora’s choke hold leading him to hit somewhere else, “gå av!”

My savior turned to us, “Payton, take her and run!”

Payton grabbed my hand and began running.

I tightened my grip on her small hand and tried to keep up with her.


Hunter’s POV

I had taken a break, a command from Shadow. I was to calm down before I could see Massie. I was eating some of Makaylas great home cooking when, I felt it settle into me:

Panic. Panic. Panic.

I abruptly stood up from the dining table.

Winter looked up from his plate, “Hunter, man, what’s wrong?”

I looked around the room, my wolf was fidgeting. He wanted to run. He wanted out.

“I-I don’t know,” I said worried. Everyone stopped moving to stare at me. They could feel my wolfs distress as well.

Mate. Trouble.

“It’s Massie,” I said and ran towards the kitchens back door.


“Hunter!” Shadow grabbed onto my arm, “Wait, you can’t just run out like that! You have to-”

He was cut of mid-sentence and I saw it settle into him too. Which only meant one thing, Lenora was in trouble too.

Massie and Lenora were together.

Our mates are in trouble together.

“Let’s go,” he commanded before running out in front of me. I ran and kept by his side. I thought he was going to shift and run through the forest but he pulled out his car keys.

“Horse power is more efficient than werewolf power,” he commented as he unlocked the doors.

I opened the door and was greeted with a big waft of Lenora’s scent. I turned to Shadow and saw that he was struggling to keep his wolf in. Her scent was unsettling him and his wolf.


I didn’t say anything as he started up the car and speed out of the pack’s gates and onto the gravel road. He had the gas pedal completely pushed down. Familiar buildings began to blur past us and I realized that I wouldn’t want him driving any other way.

I sat there and remembered what Kala had explained to me when I walked into his adobe home this morning, “Far back in time, during the early decades. Lived Cate,” he held up an old crusted book that had a fading painting on it.

You could tell that its colors were once vibrant, and it was still in great condition compared to the rest of the book. But that’s not what surprised me. It was the woman in the colonial era clothing smiling in the painting.

It was Massie.

I was awestruck.

“Cate DeLeon was her name. She had a sister, though not related through blood.”

“What do you mean?”

Kala began explaining, “When she was young, her village was attacked. No one from her pack survived, except the shamans daughter. They grew up together, looking after one another like sisters would—so they began calling each other that.”

“Who attacked her village?” I asked seriously.

“Who was her sister?” Shadow asked, now suddenly curious.

Of course, an Alpha’s questions will always be answered before someone else’s.

Kala sighed picked up another book that littered his small home and began flipping through its pages, “Her name was Regina Walters, she changed her name to DeLeon. The only official record was of her father, it is only slightly mentioned that she was the daughter of a witch. Nothing more than that. And as for your question Hunter, it was not recorded why they were attacked nor who did it either—Ah found her,” Kala stopped flipping through the pages and showed us another painting of Massie and another woman; she looked elegant but sturdy, like she would take on anything that came her way.

“This is Regina and Cate DeLeon,” Kala said pointing to each woman as he said their name.

Shadow was just as awestruck as I was a moment ago, “Lenora” he whispered.

There in the 1800’s painting stood both of our mates.

“You know of her?” Kala seemed confused.

Shadow nodded, “Her reincarnation is my mate.”

Kala nodded and got back to business, “Alright. Hunter your mate, well her great ancestor, was lured away by another creature,” he flipped to another page and showed me a painting of a pale man in uptight regal clothing, “it was not this man, but one of his kind.”

I was angry, “What is he?” I growled.

Shadow smacked me, “Calm down.”

“A soul sucker,” he said seriously.

“That sounds lame,” Fisher broke out laughing and didn’t quiet down until Shadow glared at him. Fisher threw his hands up into the air in defeat, “just say vampires!”

Kala cleared his throat, “Yes, well he lured her away, with the promise of something. It is not written down what it was, but only mentioned that it was something she found very dear. When he had to himself, he gave her liquids and herbs to make her heart sway towards his.”

My heart was thumping, “Did it work?”

“Yes,” Kala looked sad, “But in order for them to be together, he had to change her.”

“But she was a werewolf!”

“And so it failed!” Kala shouted, he never really shouts, “He ended up taking her wolfs soul, killing her in the process. You men do know that we carry our wolf spirit down our lineage to our successors? That they do not die like we do?” we all nodded in agreement, “That creature stole the wolf to her lineage”

“This doesn’t mean it’ll happen to Massie, right?” Shadow asked seeing as how I couldn’t form any words.

“The books show that in her past reincarnations the…the same thing has happened every time. She loses her family, and ends up in his arms and eventually dies.”

I felt like my heart climbed up to my throat then plummeted down into my stomach.

“Demise was written down for both of your mates however. Regina was tougher to take down when-”

Breaking out of my memories, my head snapped out the window. I smelled Massie’s scent on another man. It wasn’t just any man; he was muscularly built beyond belief. He has the Foreign Were’s scent.

He was the Foreign Were.

I couldn’t wait until Shadow stopped the car to attack him.

I got out of the car and punched him square in the face before he could even register who I was. He fell backwards under a streetlight. The light accentuated the scrapes he had on his face; it looked like someone had rubbed his face up against the concrete floor.

I smelled Massie all over his front side, especially in his hands.

I was seeing red.

“What did you do to my mate?” I growled right before I kicked him in his stomach. Low enough for him to know that I was seriously pissed, but not low enough for him to pass out. I wanted him awake to feel the pain.

He turned his head to the side and I saw the scratch marks on his face. I knew that those were left my Massie.

He had forced her to do something.

“You fucker!” I shouted and repeatedly punched his abdomen. Within a few seconds I was ripped off of him, only to see Shadow simultaneously pounding and kicking him, “WHAT DID YOU DO TO HER!” he shouted while kicking harder.

Lenora’s scent was all over his back. And neck. And head.

Holy shit it was everywhere.

The fucker could only lay on the ground and grunt with every deadly blow he took.

Winter was holding me down, I didn’t even realize that he was the one who took me off. Then I saw Fisher run towards Shadow. He couldn’t pull him off, he’d have to talk him out of the beating frenzy that he was in.

“Alpha stop!”

I felt myself calming down as I saw Fisher try shouting some sense into Shadow. It wasn’t really working.

“SHADOW!” Winter held onto me tighter, thinking that I was going to start a fight, but I wasn’t even moving a muscle, “Punish him properly, think of Lenora!”

With the sound of his mates name, he stopped. But the growling didn’t.

“Take him to the cell underground,” he muttered through gritted teeth.

Fisher nodded and helped his Alpha stand up. Winter let me up, and between all four of us we dragged an unconscious body onto the roof of Shadow’s car.

Bastard wasn’t going to have the luxury of riding inside of it.

He was going to go through torture


Massie’s POV

“Breathe,” she whispered kindly to me.

Payton had taken me to the music house where she sat me down on one of the bar stool, where I am having a panic attack.

She smiled softly at me, “just breathe”

I felt the earth below me sway with every breath I took.

“A-A-A” I began to stutter

She looked at me weirdly, “Want some water?” she asked holding up a glass of water. She’s been asking me that for the past few minutes.

The guy behind her rolled his eyes, “She can barely breathe, let alone drink”

“Move aside,” Payton moved and Lenora came up to me with a damp washcloth, “here,” she slapped it onto my forehead.

Lenora and that guy had taken on my attacker and after breaking away from him they snuck back to us. There wasn’t a single scratch on either one of them.

I shriek when the cold material touches me, “A-a..ane” the floor begins to sway more and the room was getting dark.

“Ane.. Ane..” Lenora repeated confused. The room was getting dark incredibly fast. Dark, spinning room—it made me want to throw up.

“What the fuck does that mean?” the guy behind her questioned. I could barely see him in the darkness, actually I saw three of him all at once.

I heard Payton contemplating, “Ane.. Ane..,” the room went completely dark and my body fell forwards just as Payton shouted, “ANEMIA!”
♠ ♠ ♠
I wanted to make it longer, but I was taking far too long. My bad lol.

DISCLAIMER! Payton does not belong to me, she belongs to xnoraindropsx she is her character, and you will be seeing Payton more!

Sorry, no shoutout/thanks today seeing as how I forgot who I was going to give it to.. so THANK YOU!

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