Sequel: Lost.
Status: Active.


A Good Time With ___

“Listen Massie! Stay close to Hunter, be extremely careful! Whatever attacked me was after you and I’m terrified that it might reach you.”

“W-what...why Hunter?”

“He’s good, I trust him and even though he may be seem strange sometimes I know that he will risk his life to keep you safe. You can trust him.” He said his image slowly starting to fade.

“Ok. Ok I will, just don’t leave me!” but he continued to get fuzzier, “Connor! Don’t!” and I reached out to snatch at him but my hand went right through his chest. Like if he’s really a ghost. Maybe he is.

Through the static I heard him say, “I love you Mass.” And he completely faded.

He’s gone.

He’s really gone.

“Connor!” I screamed and ran around the infinite dark space. The tears began to cascade off my face, “You said you’d never leave me. That you’d watch over me!...Connor!”

I sat up in bed gasping, my heart was erratically beating, but I was crying uncontrollably. It’s just another nightmare, I told myself as I wiped my tears away and laid back down to sleep.

Only to be overcome by another nightmare:

I heard the man following close behind me.

“Go away!” I shriek.

He flinches, and opens his mouth “Wait, Massie”. He reached for my arm.

I whipped around and punched him in the face and knee’d him in the gut. He doubled over. I reached down and grabbed a big bunch of seaweed the ocean spat out and threw it in his face. He reached to get it away from his face and I took my shot at kicking him in the groin. Then I push-kicked him away.

He fell backward and tumbled right back into the ocean.

Self-defense over the summer really does help!

I continued to run, I see myself and Hunter in the distance. He’s helping me into his car. I wave my arms.

“He’ll hurt you!” the man behind me screamed.

I ignored him and continued to wave my arms to get Hunters attention. He started the car.

I felt myself being tugged towards the car, as Hunter began to drive away. “He’ll hurt you!” was the last thing I heard until I felt myself materialize into Hunters car.

I’m in the back seat dripping sea water into his car, his sweats clinging to my body and my camisole felt glued and extra heavy. I look at myself in the passenger seat. I’m wearing a big dry college sweater. It looks familiar.

Oh! It’s the one I wore when I passed out.

When I passed out- it suddenly clicked in my mind. This is where I went when I passed out at school! I went to the beach with Hunter.

I sat up in bed gasping again, the mark thumping, that man was right. Hunter doesn’t care about me. I groaned and turned around to head back to sleep.

“Look, Mass.”

And for some reason I opened my eyes. I came to face with a wet white t-shirt that had oatmeal all over. My eyes wandered from his oatmeal chest to his throat, up to his luscious lips and then his eyes.

I felt tingly all over my body.

“This is your fault” he started, “and I expect you to do what I do and take responsibility for your actions.” He said looking me in the eyes with a serious face

I opened my eyes to find myself engulfed in darkness. It’s not even morning yet! Annoyed because my body didn’t understand that night time was meant for sleeping, I flipped over again and fell back asleep.

Hunter leaned into kiss me

“Shut up. I love you” he said, breathe against my cheek. I laughed and cried a bit as I hugged him.

My eyes flashed open minutes later. I groaned and slung my arm over my forehead. Too many thought were running through my head. Most of them were wondering if I could trust Hunter. I mean, I never really saw him cheat on me. He was just talking to Tiffany.

Well, she was flirting with him.

Just seeing her flirt and flaunt him makes my blood boil!

But even though Connor told me to trust him, can I? Did I ever before all of this happened?

I hugged my pillow and closed my eyes, wishing for sleep to overcome me.

“Just looking…doesn’t seem to be enough for me.” He said and attacked my neck, his hands my waist. I gasped and dropped the plate, it bounced on the floor as I reached to tangle my fingers in his hair.

I tugged at his hair to keep him from reaching that one spot on my shoulder. It’s kind of like my tickle spot but its stronger, it’s makes me hand over control to my emotions and right now I need all the control I can get.

The tugging on his hair only seemed to encourage him more because he wouldn’t stop wandering to that one spot, so I softly bit him in his ear-

He stopped immediately and looked up at me. It surprised me, his eyes changed, the light brown of his eyes nearly taking over his black irises.

They looked like my wolf.

His eyes told me to trust him.

To hold on and never let go.

This just tells me that I have to talk to Hunter tomorrow. And make things right again.

Out of the various dreams I had tonight, only one line stuck out:

“Whatever attacked me was after you and I’m terrified that it might reach you.”

I’m not just being paranoid. Something is out to get me.

I sighed and shook my head. Seeing as how I wasn’t going to back to sleep anytime soon, I got out of bed and made my way down stairs. Again, there seemed to be music that radiated from the walls.

Last time I woke up here the beat was slow, and now its happy and upbeat. I quickly jogged the rest of the way down the stairs—carefully this time, might I add. I could tell that they put down new ply wood to reinforce the flimsy steps.

I could hear the soft beat of a piano, then a melodic voice humming, “Woah-oh-oh-oh”

I reached the last step, and there was my savior from last night. He was on stage with a guitar in his hand, he was looking down at it allowing his long hair to cover his face. The mike was positioned close to his mouth. Next to him sat Lenora with a small wooden drum in her hands, she also had a mike she repositioned next to her mouth. Davey sat a bit behind my savior, and he was solely focusing on his piano.

It sounded like the *song was just starting.

“Woke up on the right side of the bed,” My savior began singing.
He has a really nice voice. “What's up with this Prince song inside my head?” he shook his head exasperated, “Hands up if you're down to get down tonight.” Davey put one hand up while still playing the piano with the other.
I bit back my giggle and took the closest seat to me. My savior continued singing with Lenora in the background, “Cuz it's always a good time.”

My savior took the lead again, “Slept in all my clothes like I didn't care. Hopped into a cab.” Lenora quickly added her voice to the background, “take me anywhere”

My savior tilted his head up and looked me in the eyes, “I'm in if you're down to get down tonight.” I blushed.

Lenora’s voice echoed his again as they sang together, “Cuz it's always a good time”

Lenora took a step closer to the mike as she took the lead, “Good morning and good night. I wake up at twilight,” Her voice was soft, sweet and alluring. I couldn’t bear the thought of walking away from it.

My savior echoed her line, “It's gonna be alright”

He closed his eyes as he loudly sang, “We don't even have to try. It's always a good time!”

They sang the next chorus together, “Woah-oh-oh-oh Woah-oh-oh-oh. It's always a good time! Woah-oh-oh-oh Woah-oh-oh-oh.”

They slowed down a bit before singing , “We don't even have to try, it's always a good time.”

Payton came bursting in barefoot wearing an apron with both her hands up in the air, she was shaking them around as she did a circle and went back inside the kitchen.

Lenora stepped up to the mike and put the drum down, ”Freaked out, dropped my phone in the pool again,” she put her hands up in a ‘oops oh well’ gesture as she continued, “Checked out of my room hit the ATM, Let's hang out if you're down to.”

My savior leaned closer and began to sing with her, “Get down tonight, cuz it's always a good time.”

My savior leaned closer to the microphone, “Good morning and good night!”

Lenora grabbed on tightly to her microphone, “I wake up at twilight,” she swung her head making her hair swish around her.

“It's gonna be alright,” Then they sang together.
My savior closed his eyes as he sang, “we don't even have to try! It's always a good time.”

They sang the chorus together again, “Woah-oh-oh-oh Woah-oh-oh-oh. It's always a good time!
Woah-oh-oh-oh Woah-oh-oh-oh. We don't even have to try, it's always a good time.”

“Doesn't matter when. It's always a good time then," My savior sang.

“Doesn't matter where. It's always a good time there,” Lenora sang.

My savior shook his head as he sang, “Doesn't matter when, It's always a good time then”

They came back together to sing the chorus “It's always a good time. Woah-oh—”


The music abruptly stopped. Lenora and Davey whipped around to face me, I only shrugged as if to say ‘wasn’t me’. Then we heard the small shout from the kitchen, “Can someone help?”

Davey hopped off the stage and ran to the kitchen to help Payton. Lenora sighed into the microphone and turned to look at my savior with an annoyed face, “I thought you said she could cook.”

He shrugged and strummed his guitar, “Never said she wasn’t clumsy.”

Lenora groaned but jumped off stage nonetheless. On her way to the kitchen, she patted me on the head and chirped, “Mornin’ kiddo, get a good rest?”

I smiled and threw a thumb up in the air.

She chuckled and jogged into the kitchen.

Silence engulfed the room. The only sound was that of my saviors soft strumming. I tapped my fingers on the table I was at, if he wasn’t going to comment about last night, then neither was I.

“Morning Sunshine,” My savior’s voice boomed over the speakers, “survived the night?”

“Just barely.” I smiled, “thanks for... last night and all.”

He nodded, “Your welcome. You thanked me enough last night—don’t worry about it.”

I pursed my lips and nodded slowly as it was silent again.

“How did you know the guy was Norwegian?” I asked him.

He shrugged, “The same way you can tell I’m American, by my accent.”

Interesting, I thought as the silence creeped in yet again.

“I’m Massie Pierce.” I spoke up, I was rather loud because he looked up confused.

“Pierce?” He asked.

“Pierce.” I confirmed.

He smirked, “The Veil?”

I looked at him weirdly, “No, not the band. Just Pierce.”

He gave me a small smile, “Cool. I’m Ash”

“Ketchum?” I asked with a smirk. He grinned widely back at me—he had caught on that I was talking about Pokémon.

“One and the same,” he said winking at me.

I laughed, and silence quickly overcame us. He nodded and looked down at his guitar. She was frayed and worn, but the love he felt for her was still visible in the way he held her.

“So…” I said looking around the room, the silence was uncomfortable, “Where’s Pikachu, Ash?”

He laughed, it was rich and heart—it left me smiling. And right before he could answer a floury person walked out of the kitchen. “Here she comes,” he commented into the microphone pointing at the flour covered Payton who was making her way over to where I was.

I couldn’t hold back my laughter—with her blond hair, small stature and big eyes she did resemble Pikachu in more ways than one.

She smiled widely at me, “Good morning!” she chirped, “How are you feeling?”

“Ghost.” Ash commented over the mike.

Payton shot him a look, “Making pancakes is harder than you think” she said sitting down in the chair next me, setting off a cloud of flour.

I coughed, “I’m fine,” I swung my hand at the flour in the air, “Thanks for last night.”

“Oh, it’s no problem! I’m glad you’re feeling better. You nearly gave us a heart attack, especially Ash over there,” she said sending a wink his way.

“Shut it Payton,” Ash groaned.

She only giggled.

“Sorry about that,” I gave a weak smile, “My anemia sneaks up on me sometimes.”

“Oh that’s okay! We were just worried that the guy had done something to you.”

Ash made an incoherent noise over the microphone that sounded a lot like static growl, or him choking on his saliva.

“No, he hadn’t gotten around to doing anything yet,” I waved my hands in the air as if to dismiss the thought, but simply thinking of the man from last night made me shiver and the mark itch, “But you said you were making pancakes. What happened?”

“Yeah,” she stuck her bottom lip out, “When I reached for the flour on the top shelf, the whole thing fell on top of me.”

“Massie that’s not what happened,” I turned to face Ash, “She thought it would be funner if she bathed in the thing first,” Ash commented with a smirk before he jumped off stage and started walking towards us.

Payton sent him a shocked look before she quickly regained her poise, “Funner isn’t a word Ashton.” She snipped back slinking down in her seat.

“It is in my dictionary.”

“Is stupid not in there?”

“That’s enough you two,” Lenora commanded bursting into the room with a tray stacked with pancakes. Davey came in behind her carrying a pitcher of orange juice in one hand and a tower of cups in the other.

“It’s time to eat!”

“FOOD!” Payton shouted just as Ash took the seat in between both of us.

He shook his head and turned to me, “She never stops eating.”

After everyone was served their part, and Lenora began eating I was wondering where the other boys were at. From what I learned the last time I was here, she likes to wait for the others before beginning to eat. “Lenora,” she looked up from ravishing her pancake, “Where’s Johnny, Louie and Jockstrap?”

Davey silently laughed—I don’t get it, what’s funny?

“Johnny and Louie went out earlier than when you woke up to hunt for jobs, and Jockstrap should be here when school lets out,” She took a sip of her orange juice. I stayed staring at her, when school lets out? It started?

“It’s 11 am Massie,” Davie said quietly.

I choked on my own juice and Lenora just laughed at the face I was making. I coughed as the shock left me, well I was going to be suspended either way so I guess not showing up was going to make much of a difference. Ash patted my back sending miniature shocks across it.
I thanked him and continued eating, “So he cleaned up the place pretty well then,” I commented

Lenora nodded with a mouth full of pancake.

“His friends helped, it went fast.” Davey quietly said as he cut another piece of his pancake. I nodded, all his friends must be in school with him right now.

I turned to ask Payton and Ash why they weren’t in school when I saw something between them, a sort of bond. They looked alike with their blonde hair and bright eyes so they must be related in some way.

I looked between the two, “Are you guys twins, or related?”

The grotesque faces they immediately made were an answer enough for me, “Gross!” Ash shouted just as Payton screamed, “Bloody disgusting!”

Lenora put her fork down and looked at Payton so did Davey, “What?” Lenora asked Payton.

“I-I said it was gross to think that.”

“You said bloody disgusting.” Davey said in awe.

“You’re British.” I finished for him.

Ash burst out laughing, “I knew you’re accent was going to slip!”

We all looked at Payton waiting for an explanation, she turned red before answering, “I used to live in England when I was younger. I moved here to the states, things happened, and my accent slowly faded. But sometimes it comes back when I am aggravated,” she finished pinching Ash roughly in the arm.

He yelped and jumped on my lap.

I immediately felt sick again, and the mark began pulsing again. It made my hands clammy.

I stared at him with wide sick eyes, “Get off.”

He only smiled at me, “I like it here,” but he kissed my forehead before getting back into his chair.

I made a grossed out face, “Bloody disgusting,” I muttered while wiping my forehead with the back of my hand.

Everyone burst out laughing with my Payton joke, even Payton herself.

The rest of the time that I was there, I spent it was Ash and Payton. It turns out that Ash is somehow involved with Lenoras band—it’s complicated. He and Payton have been close friends for a while. It’s amazing because all they do is bicker all the time. Though their constant fighting gets to be really funny at times. Lenora left right after breakfast to meet some guy that was going to help her, I didn’t catch his name. Davey retreated to a corner of the stage where he was quietly practicing random little instruments. No matter how many times I tried including him in our conversation, he was too shy.

I felt that I connected really well with Ash.

He made me feel comfortable and relaxed. It was weird.

No matter how much I wanted to spend the rest of the day with them I had to leave to visit my Mom. Family is always a priority.


“Miss you seem fine to me,” the nurse said as she finished taking my temperature. She gave me a sympathetic smile before putting her things away and starting to walk out of my Mom’s assigned room.

“You sure?” Taylor asked the nurse right before she stepped out of the room. She froze in her steps. My Mom and I stared at her. She turned around and with a frosty smile just said, “A slight fever nothing more.” Then she sped walked out.

“Strange nurse,” my Mother commented and I had to agree with her.

I came to visit my Mom with the excuse that I got out of school early because I was feeling sick. Taylor made me sit down and gave me his water bottle. He then immediately called in a Nurse so she could inspect me. Yeah, Taylor’s here. Again.


My Mom started talking to me about Hunter, and I could feel the throbbing in my mark begin again. She was asking if I had spoken to him yet, and I told her that I hadn’t—I wasn’t about to tell her what had really happened.

“Has the crick in your neck improved?” He smiled at me, “Your friends bed not all that comfy?” He asked with a knowing glint in his eye. My face paled. The bite was still itchy, but lately it’s been pulsing and throbbing.

But what was bothering more at the moment was how he put so much emphasis on the word ‘friend’ as if he knew that I spent the night—well more like fainted at—Lenora’s home.

I tightened Alice’s scarf around me, “Absolutely comfy.” I said with the biggest smile I could muster.

Something flashed in his eyes.

He knows something.

“Well, this Hunter guy—he doesn’t deserve you,” He said honestly. I titled my head questioning him. He chuckled, it sounded nice to my ears, “you deserve much better.” Was all he said. It made a blush blossom up onto my cheeks.

I glanced at the clock and saw that it was almost the time school was out. I walked over to my Mom’s side, “Bye Mom, gotta go talk with Alice,” I kissed her cheek, “ Spending the night at her place,” I said as I began walking out.

Someone clearing their throat loudly stopped me.

“What? No goodbye for me?” Taylor asked with a shy sweet smile. It melted my heart and I couldn’t help the smile that crawled onto my face. Or my palms from becoming sweaty as I hugged him goodbye.

The bite wasn’t just pulsing—it was pounding.

“Bye!” I shouted as I walked out of her room and down the hall.

I pushed the elevators button. I waited patiently. I remember when only a few days ago these very same elevators couldn’t open fast enough, I was so impatient to get a move on. I laughed to myself as the doors dinged open.

I walked in and pushed the first floor button; I have to speak to Hunter.

But first I have to talk to Alice.


I turned around to see who was calling me. It was Taylor. He was running down the corridor, looking really handsome while doing so. He made it inside the elevator just as the door closed.

I laughed at his desperate moves to get inside. He caught his breath before asking me, “Would you give me the pleasure of having lunch with me?”

I stared awe struck at him.

He stared right back at me, waiting for a response. “S-sure?” So I gave him one.

The thousand watt smile he gave me was so worth it. It looked like I had just agreed to marry him or something, “Perfect!” he turned around to face the doors. After a few moments he turned back around to face me becoming slightly red in his cheeks, “Would the hospitals café food be alright with you?”

“Yes,” I laughed, “Cafeteria food is fine with me.”

He was shy to tell me that—it’s so cute!

Our lunch was fun. Not really fun but alright. It was okay... not amazing. I think you get the idea and I don’t have to explain it anymore.

But Taylor looked like he was having the time of his life. He’s too.. old fashioned for me. Before I knew it, the time for me to leave was already here.

I practically ran out of there.


“The Music house?”Alice asked scrunching her face up.

I had just told her and Jordan what had happened to me last night. I made it to school just as they were letting the students out, I fought through the crowd and found them near Jordan’s car. First they asked why I hadn’t replied to their messages or calls, my phones battery had died. Once that was out of the way I was able to get down to business.

“Why haven’t you reported it?” Jordan asked angrily. He was talking about the attacker from last night.

I sighed, “Me and Lenora talked about it. If I do I’ll get in trouble for being out past the State’s curfew. The odds of the police actually finding him are very slim, they can’t leave him in the condition that Lenora and Ash left him last night.”

Jordan sighed but didn’t completely agree with me. He looked around before asking me, “So now you’re going to try and make things better with Hunter?”


He shook his head, “Unbelievable!” he shouted, “I need to walk it out.” he said before he walked away. I stared at his back confused. Things were going great just a moment ago!

“Where is he going? His car is right here.” I said confused.

Alice shook her head before turning to face me, “Ignore that, he’s just been stressed out lately.”

“What’s been stressing him?” I asked, hating the fact that I’m even asking that. He’s one of my best friends; I should already know what it is. It’s making me realize that I’ve been too disconnected from them lately.

“Everything,” she sighed.

I bit down on my lip, and began scratching the itching mark. It was like jumping more than itching actually. “You really should stop scratching that,” Alice eyed my—more like her—scarf before focusing on something behind me, “speak of the devil and he shall appear.” She muttered.

I made another confused face at her, what was she talking about?

She only smiled at me before she gave me a hug, “If things don’t work out, my guest room is always open.” She told me with a wink as she walked away to her car.

A shadow fell over me and the mark suddenly stopped jumping and just began softly hopping.
I turned to face the person, “Hunter.”

“Massie,” he said with a bright smile.

It immediately became quiet between us, and I thought of Ash.

“So,” I began, “You never told me if I’m still a virgin or not.”

He laughed and it… it just took my breath away. It made me smile. He calmed down right before saying, “You can come with me to tempt my faltering memory.”

It was my turn to laugh, “Sure!”

His smile was bright than Taylors.

He stuck his hand out and I grabbed it with my own. He entwined our fingers together. It made my heart rate pick up, but it brought another smile to my face. He wants to make things right again, why should I stop him?

I have a feeling that tonight is going to be interesting… and steamy.
♠ ♠ ♠
DISCLAIMER: I do not own this *song or Payton, the rights belong to its respective owners.

Next chapter will be up quicker, this chapter was just difficult to write because I couldn't make up my mind.

Happy Reading.