Sequel: Lost.
Status: Active.


Chapter 4: Anything’s Possible

Ch. 4: Anything’s Possible

Massie’s P.O.V.

I stretched and fluttered my eyes open. For some weird reason I opened my eyes and saw the roof of a cabin but when I blinked again, it was my bed room ceiling.


I sat up in bed and was immediately bombarded by a salty smell. What is that? I sniffed the air around me before I sniffed myself. I realized it was me, and I quickly took off my sweater.

I smelled of wet dog.

No, it smelled more of a dirty dog who ran into the ocean and then pounced on me.

What the hell did I do? Wash Booger?

I grabbed my sweater and dropped it in my dirty clothes hamper. I still smelled of dirty wet dog so I got the bright idea of taking a shower.

I was blow drying my hair when I looked at the time; it was going to be 7pm already. Where had the day gone by?

I tried to remember what I did today but got a major headache as a result. No, don’t think. I wandered downstairs into the kitchen.

“Mom” I called and got no answer. Huh, must be at the store.

I prepared myself some toast and put cream cheese over it, when that was in my stomach I helped myself to some Advil. The weird thing was that I really wasn’t hungry. I’m usually starving by now.

I shrugged, put on another big warm sweater and went outside to serve Booger his dinner.

When I got back inside I heard noises, which sounded like video games, coming from the living room.

“Who’s there?” I asked not really frightened, as I washed my hands in the kitchen.

I heard a grunt that sounded like my brother, and I figured that we were home alone again until he added, “And guest.”

“Don’t make a mess, Connor and guest.” I said making my way upstairs again.

I locked myself in my room, for fear that Connor and his friend might do something, he’s 19 anything’s possible.

I thought of starting on my homework but I had no idea what that was and calling my friends up now would require to go looking for my cell phones charger that I lost somewhere in the house a few weeks ago.

I yawned and realized that I was really tired. I’ll call it a night.

I changed into my pajamas, stuck my head out the door, and shouted, “Hey! ‘Night, don’t burn the house down!”

I heard Connors response of, “No promises”

I locked my door again and jumped onto my bed. The second my head touched the pillow I was out like a light.

A plus side to being really tired is that you get no wacko dreams.

Too bad I don’t know why I’m really tired.


-Bark! Bark! Bark!-

My eyes flew open. I looked at the clock it blinked 8:34 AM.

I got out of bed and stormed to my window, I forcefully slid it open.

“Booger! Shush! There’s nothing on the other side of that fence! NOTHING!” I screamed, “Let me sleep, boy, its Thanksgiving!”

I looked down and realized that Booger wasn’t barking at the fence again, he was barking and playing with a guy and Connor in the backyard.

I rubbed my eyes to make sure that I wasn’t mistaken. I wasn’t. I screamed and locked my window shut.

It’s the guy from the forest! What was his name?! Oh Hunter!

Holy Cow Pancakes!

I shook my hands so quickly from how freaked out I was.

He’s at my house!

He followed me home!

He’s a stalker!

Oh monkey shit!

“Sweetie, you ok?” I heard my mom ask as she does every morning.

I could’ve sworn a lightbulb popped up next to my head when I heard her voice. “Mom!” I shouted as I threw open my door and nearly flew down the stairs.

She was in the kitchen preparing breakfast

“Yes?” she said by the stove, making bacon.

“Theres a stalker in the backyard!” I told her out of breathe.

“Now, sweetie, you shouldn’t call your brother’s friend’s stalkers. He slept over only for one
night” my mom said facing me with a spatula in hand.

My mouth made a “o” shape

“But Mom-”

“No buts, Missy. Connor had his friend Hunter over, and you best be on good behavior and
not call him a stalker” she said returning to the stove.

“But Mom! I met him in the woods, the scary forest the place you forbid me to enter all because I didn’t want to stand next to this girl! And he was without a shirtshowing his sexy abs and I bet he followed me home from school if I could remember what I did at that day!”

I bit my tongue. Nope, can’t say that.

“Ok Mom”

“Good now go get dressed. Breakfast is just about ready” she smiled at me.

Sometimes I think my mom stepped out of a sitcom.

“Yes.” I said going back upstairs.

One thought entered my mind as I changed into normal clothes:

A stalker has infiltrated my home… and played with my dog.

This means war.
♠ ♠ ♠
I know that its kinda short but its the second update/ch I've done today so it kinda balances out.

No, I didnt forget to post a ch I purposely skipped the part where she is loopy. Dont worry, that day will slowly be uncovered as we go along(:

So tell me what you like/dislike, where you want me to take the story, or if you simply want to be in it.
