Sequel: Lost.
Status: Active.


Chapter 7: On Edge.

Chapter 7: On Edge.

Why isn’t she in my arms yet?

Isn’t this how it’s supposed to work? I mean I barely touched her when she was loopy and she turned to putty in my hands. And that was when she was loopy. Now that she’s normal she should have been in my lap, us both being barely being able to keep our hands off each other.

Why isn’t this working?

Another voice crept into my head, It’s because of the adrenaline rush, little brother. Its sent her emotions and nerves out of order. When she calms down- hell will break loose

I snorted. I didn’t close the packs bond far enough, their thoughts can still crawl into mine.

No you didn’t.

I rolled my eyes, which was a bad thing to do since I was driving.

I thought out loud: Thanks, Shadow. Now get the hell out of my mind.

Challenging your alpha, now are we?

I sat up properly in my seat; No sir, I thought loudly.

No one challenges an Alpha- it’s just not done.

Good now be on your toes, there’s a foreign Were running around

Can’t we just take him down?

No because I don’t know if he’s dangerous or just passing by for the holidays. Besides attacking him would initiate the wrath of another Alpha.

Right, I forget about that fact that there are other packs out there.

Remember. Mating season is close by, we go into Heat soon so be extremely careful

A male werewolf so close by to Mating Season? And I haven’t even been able to Mark Massie yet. Well Fuck my Life.



Keep cool. We’re not sure about anything yet. Just keep your cool, stay on your toes, and watch over Massie. That’s an order. I heard Shadow say in my mind before I felt him slip out of my mind completely.

Alright, I muttered in my thoughts.

An order from an Alpha to any one of his subordinate wolves was law. No one disobeyed.

Alpha word was law.

I turned to face Massie, she was looking out the window spacing out. I felt my wolf reach out to her, wanting to nuzzle her neck in an affectionate way; to have her small fingers run through my fur; inhaling her scent of Cinnamon, Pine Cones, and Green Apples.

I felt the small waves of emotion hitting me softly whispering:





But a stronger wave of emotion hit me nearly shouting at my wolf, pulling him back into my soul to watch over Mass from a distance:





My wolf wouldn’t just go ape and disobey.

Alpha word was Law.


I helped Mass carry all of her food inside. God, either she can eat a lot or she’s storing up for the winter, to keep warm or some shit. Then I looked at the small tight body walking in front of me.

Baby, if you need anything to warm your side at night, just holler my name.

I shook my head, Bad Hunter! Don’t be thinking that way! Stupid Mating season has me thinking all perverted.

I mentally banged my head against the living room wall.

“Hunter, you can set those down here.” Mass said putting the other bags down on the kitchen table, I did as she said.

She smiled sweetly at me before she said, “I’ll go get Connor”, and she walked through the kitchen and out the back door

I grinned broadly; I’m winning her heart.

Even if it is just by millimeters, I’m winning her heart.

Massie’s POV

I closed the kitchens back door. And then I let the breath, which I was holding in all along- out. I put my hand over my heart, as I listened to it slow down.

What the hell was that back there?

My heart speed up, and its definitely not from the rush of nearly getting molested and thrown over the shoulder of some creepy gangster!

It couldn’t have been from when he called me babe, or hugged my waist, or held my hand.

No, definitely not it….oh! Who am I kidding, that was so sweet! He was like my knight in shining armor; he just kind of swooped in and saved me

I made a ‘eeeep’ noise, realization hit and I stood up straight.

I . Am. Not. Falling-For-Him.

I slapped my cheeks and let the sting settle in- that’s right Mass, don’t let him get to you. He’s a stalker

An incredibly sexy stalker.

No! dammit! No, no, no, no and NO! You do NOT like him, Mass.

You cant, you cant. I can’t!

I took in a deep breath and looked for Connor, he has to be somewhere here. Then I slapped myself in the forehead and I went to look for him in the Wood shed. Where he’d naturally be if he was chopping wood.

Hunters POV

I paced around the living room until my feeling settled down.

But another one rushed in. Panic- Fear- Danger. Uneasiness. My wolf screamed or rather growled at me.



My heart rate speed up tenfold. “Massie!” I screamed. The aura coming from her home wasn’t feeling right.

And it felt even stronger coming from outside, where Massie just left through. God, something is so wrong.


A blood curling shriek proved me right, “MASSIE!” I screamed and ran outside.

Massie’s POV

I heard Hunter call my name, but I shrugged it off and went to open the door to the shed, “Connor We’re home-”

The sight, the smell, of what was before me.

The paint that was splattered on the walls...I know very well what that is.

I screamed and hurled last night’s dinner right in front of me.

Then I screamed, and screamed, and screamed. I collapsed to the floor crying, “Oh my god. CONNOR!” I shrieked reaching out towards him. But I knew it was already too late.

Hunter ran in, “Oh, God.” He said at the sight before him. I couldn’t stop crying. It wasn’t silent tears, it was full on loud sobs.

“Massie” he whispered hugging me, and petting my hair, “Shhh, Mass it’s alright. I’m here. I won’t let anything hurt you.” He whispered sweet words into my ear.

I couldn’t stop staring at the sight before me. My tears blurring my sight.

“Connor.” I croaked.

“I know, Mass. I know.”

The red 'paint' splattered everywhere, and a wrapped Axe through a heart.

My brother was Dead.
♠ ♠ ♠
Ooooh, Cliffhanger. Thats right- I killed Connor, and what.

Technically ya'll killed him-yep for not commenting >:D

lets see you not comment now...

Hmm, I wonder whose next for the axe murderer?