Sequel: Lost.
Status: Active.


Chapter 8: Restraint.

Chapter 8: Restraint.

Hunter’s POV

It reeked of foreign Were all over the shed, the porch and definitely the backyard.

I know that the foreign Were is targeting Massie. He probably thought that Connor was Massie or something.

Whatever it is, his scent is all over the backyard and the stupid humans are walking all over it, making it impossible for us to later track the fucking foreign Were down.

I shifted Massie higher up on my hip. She had cried herself to sleep. In her situation...who wouldn’t?

“No, Sir. We got home from the 7-11 and she went out to get her brother. That’s when she found him.” I explained, god knows how many times, to the detective.

He wrote something down on his dingy note pad, “Mmkay, so did he have any enemies?”

I sighed, this question again? “I don’t know. I haven’t talked to him in years.”

He opened his mouth to suggest waking up Massie, “- and I’m not waking up Massie, she’s been through enough shit today.”

The detective gave me a look, I gave him a death glare right back, “Its fucking Thanksgiving”

“I know. I want to go home too.” He rubbed his head, “where’s their mother?” he asked

I shrugged, careful not to wake up the sleeping Massie in my arms, “I don’t know, last I heard she was doing some last minute shopping.”

He wrote that down too.

“and the father?” he asked.

“Hell if I know.” I answered honestly. I really didn’t know much about Massie or her family. And its making me feel like shit for not knowing or even bothering to find out.

An officer that was inside the house came running out to the Detective, “there something in the garage you may want to see.” He told the Detective with a nervous glance at me.

That’s right be scared.

“Alright” the Detective said and made his way to the garage. I was about to follow him but a female crime scene investigator put a hand on my chest making me stop. I slightly growled at her touching me.

Only Massie can do that.

“Er- what’s that brown mushy stuff by the entrance to the Wood shed, that smells like shit?”
she asked me gesturing behind her.

“What Massie ate for dinner yesterday.” I told her. Well Massie didn’t eat dinner, she just fell asleep and whatever she last ate didn’t digest and came right back out.

This reminds me, she hasn’t eaten properly today and she’s anemic so I need to feed her something when we get out of this shit.

She made a face and mouthed ‘ew’. Oh like cleaning up the blood and dead body isn’t gross enough?

“Excuse me” I muttered and pushed past her.

She called back to me, “ What is Massie Pierce to you?” she asked.

I stopped dead in my tracks, “why do you care?” I growled.

She fidgeted before giving her excuse, “standard procedure.”

“Personal affairs” I retorted and continued to walk away. Jealous bitch.

What the fuck is going on here?

I felt Shadows presence approaching with others from the pack. They’ll be here within a matter of seconds. Good. My wolf needs to mate or shed blood. And it’s going to have to be the latter.

Shadow materialized next to me, he put a hand on my shoulder and took care of the investigation for me while I took Massie to the car. It wasn’t hard walking off a crime scene the only thing standing in my way was that pesky jealous bitch saying that it was ‘standard procedure’ for me to stay on the crime scene.

Standard Procedure my ass.

I settled Massie in the passenger seat to the pack’s silver Camaro. I was about to close the door when someone’s hand grabbed the door. I glared at the person who the hand belonged to.

It was a guy, he stared me right back down, “What the hell is going on here? Where are you taking Massie?” he demanded from me.

“Are you Jordan?” I asked, calmness in my voice.

“Yeah.” He seemed confused that I knew his name.

“Fuck off” I said and slammed Massie’s door shut, I made my way over to the drivers side.

By his body stance he wasn’t taking no for an answer.

“What the fuck. I have a right to know where you’re taking her!” he said opening Massie’s door. I could hear him beginning to unbuckle her seat belt.

“HEY!” I screamed, I was by his side in a flash. I grabbed him by the back of his shirt and pulled him away from Massie and at least three feet away from the car.



My wolf wants out.

And if this bastard doesn’t back off, a bloodshed he will get.

Jordan stood back up and made his way back towards me, I prepared myself to shift in any second.

A soft voice stopped me from clawing Jordan’s intestines out, “Hunter?” I turned around. Massie was half awake and she was looking for me. “Hunter,” she called again, “where are you?”

I ran back to her side, “I’m right here babe.” She stuck her arms out, I got closer and she wrapped her arms around my neck. ‘mmm’ she murmured and nuzzled her face into my neck. I hugged her and stood up with her.

My anger seemed to slowly melt away.

Jordan seemed dumbfounded, “Massie.” He looked hurt- like I care, “Massie it’s me… Jordan!” he called reaching out to her. I took a step back and kissed the top of Massie’s head, she was already back asleep.

A small girl ran up to Jordan and whispered something into his ear, she glanced at me then turned back again. “Massie!” she shrieked and began to run towards us. Before she reached us, I took a step sideways dodging her.

“Alice! Don’t bother- she’s asleep.” Jordan called, still pissed.

I heard Alice’s voice from behind me, “but I’m her best friend! ...wake up Massie! Wake up!” she screamed.

I turned to glare at her, “that’s not a smart to thing to do, midget.” When in reality Massie is smaller than her.

She gasped, and puffed out her cheeks making her look like an overstuffed doll, “what have you done to her!” she shrieked charging towards us again. I, again, did a simple side step
and she sped right past us.

“She’s sleepy, tired and been through enough today.” I thought about it for a second- this girl sleeps a lot.

Jordan stopped Alice before she ran herself to the floor or some wall, “what do you mean?” he asked.

I sighed, sooner or later they’ll know- “Her brother was …murdered.” I said whispering the last part.

The shock on their faces wasn’t worth it.

“Hunter!” someone called. I turned to see Winters come jogging up to us, “I’m supposed to drive you home. Since you’re on edge and all” he said walking to the car.

“You felt that.” I stated

“Yep. We all did” he said as he started up the car. I sighed; they felt the need for me to hunt.

My wolfs need to get out.


We reached my home, the packs home to be more exact. It was in the middle of the forest, a manor with slightly smaller homes located close around it. It’s easy to keep the werewolf secret when everybody in town is afraid of the dark, scary, forest; terrified of the evil things that go on in the middle of the demon infested forest.

A rumor my family was more than happy to spread.

I walked into my room, which was designed to look like a high tech cabin, and settled Massie down on my bed. I smiled to myself, it’s the second time she’s been in my bed.

I shook my head. No time for that- I need to hunt.

After leaving Massie under the care of Sasha, my distant cousin and Winters mate, I shifted as soon as I made it within earshot of the entrance door to our home.


Massie’s POV

Dream land

Is this a dream? Is that why I’m floating in a big empty space, no walls, or a floor?

Everything’s black and nothings stable.

Connor. Where are you?

You cant be dead can you? What I saw was a mean joke right? Right?

Then, like a ghost he slowly appeared before me.

“Hey munchkin!” he grinned.

I smiled at him, letting a tear fall down, “Connor!” I screamed and like ran toward him. Which
is weird cause there’s no real floor to walk on, let alone run on.

I hugged him, “Oh! I thought that I lost you! I saw you dead! I saw you dead Connor.” I shrieked hiding my face in his chest.

He hugged me back and patted my hair, “Listen kiddo, I don’t know what’s happening to me. But before I leave-”

“No. You’re not leaving me again are you?” I asked backing up to look at him

“Listen Mass, I don’t know how long I can visit you but I have to tell you something.”

“What?” I was hoping that he was going to tell me that this was some mean joke he was doing to me.

“What uh- harmed me, isn’t normal. I think that it confused me for you.”

“no” I shook my head, “I was at the store with Hunter, we were getting breakfast. We even
got your Nachos-”

“Listen Massie! Stay close to Hunter, be extremely careful! Whatever attacked me was after you and I’m terrified that it might reach you.”

“W-what...why Hunter?”

“Promise me you will. He’s good, I trust him and even though he may be seem strange sometimes I know that he will risk his life to keep you safe. You can trust him.” He said his image slowly starting to fade.

“Ok. Ok I promise, just don’t leave me!” but he continued to get fuzzier, “Connor! Don’t!” and I reached out to snatch at him but my hand went right through his chest. Like if he’s really a ghost. Maybe he is.

Through the static I heard him say, “I love you Mass.” And he completely faded.

Hes gone.

He’s really gone.

“Connor!” I screamed and ran around the infinite dark space. The tears began to cascade off my face, “You said you’d never leave me. That you’d watch over me!...Connor!”

A hand came out of nowhere and grabbed my fore-arm. It’s touched burned. The rest of its body was hidden by a dark mist I heard its voice cackle, “Little girl, Little girl. Come out and play!”

I began screaming and I tried to pull my arm away but its grip became tighter searing into my skin.

“Wake up!” I heard a voice from above yell down at me but the evil thing kept on cackling repeating itself.

With much pain, I pulled my arm free but as I turned to runaway it grabbed onto my legs and said “Got you, little girl!” and It began to drag me into the dark mist.

I screamed and scratched at the floor. Oh yeah! There’s a tangible floor now!

“Dammit Massie! Wake up!” the voice from above boomed.

My right leg was already inside the mist, the thing kept cackling. I tried to pull myself out, “Help! Oh god someone HELP!”, my voice cracking.

Then from the nonexistent walls, water came rushing in. Drowning me and the evil thing

Hunter: please read A/N below. It important to my existance
♠ ♠ ♠
Alright. I hate to do this but I wont update until I get at least 6 COMMENTS,

If I dont get the required comments...then I guess I'll stop the story? Yeah sure. I'll stop the story.

I want feedback, please.