Sequel: Lost.
Status: Active.


Chapter 8: Restraint.

Then from the nonexistent walls, water came rushing in. Drowning me and the evil thing except I got to open my eyes to a blinding light.

Strangers surrounded me all intently staring me down, “Ahhhh!” I screamed and jumped off the bed I was on. I eyed all of them and noticed that one had an empty pitcher in her hand, and the sheets I was laying down were drenched not to mention I was as well.

I was sleeping and they must’ve heard my screams and woke me up, I looked wearily from one person to another, “um…thanks”

The girl with the pitcher smiled and said, “Alright. She’s fine now boys. So …get the hell out.” she ushered them all out.

There must’ve been at least ten tan-ish and really buff guys in this cramped…cabin? But there’s a big flat screen built into the wall. So I’m guessing it’s a room and by the looks of it
belongs to a guy.

But last I remember I was asleep in Hunters arms. Where the fuck am I?!

I slightly crouched as the only girl (besides me) pushed everyone out, she turned to face me. Wow. Shes like really pretty, she has that whole Native American mixed with Asian look going on, and she’s pulling it off great!

Wait! Stop mentally commenting on peoples looks!

“who..what?” I asked not knowing what else to say.

She smiled and walked up to me. She stopped two feet short of invading my personal bubble. I looked at her and waved an arm, “Uh- Hi” I said.

She gave me a full on grin and attacked- I mean hugged me, “ohmygosh! Your so cute.” She said and hugged me tighter.

She was squeezing the air out of my lungs so I began to scream and push her off me, then I saw that the closest window was open so I … jumped out of it and somehow landed on a part of the roof.

Needless to say, I totally freaked out.

She started screaming at me to come back inside, but I kept on maneuvering my way further away from her window.

That’s when I noticed that I was in a three story house, and I am now on the roof of a window of the floor below me. I saw a truck on the ground and it had some soft cloth looking
type of stuff in the back.

Ok, jumping out of the window was a psycho idea. Maybe I can just go back in through another window and exit out the front door? But when I turned around I saw that Ms. Hugs-o-Lot was also on the roof with two equally buff guys right behind her.

Oh shit!

I quickly thought about the choices in my head:

A) Stay, be captured and asphyxiated to death with hugs by Ms. Hugs-o-Lot


B) Jump off a third story window/roof into a truck that may or may not crack my ribs in three different places.

I didn’t need to turn around and see Ms. Hugs-o-Lot to decide on Plan B.

I jumped.

Worst mistake of the day, turns out the soft looking cloth was actually “Instant! Cement” that hurt like beyond hell and will leave bruises on my already hurting torso, but hey at least I got away.

In a lot of pain, I hopped out of the pickup truck and ran into the forest. So we’re in the middle of the forest.

I kept on running until my throat began to burn and breathing became a chore for my lungs. I was surrounded by tall trees and I could no longer hear the shouts of Ms. Hugs-o-Lot and her army of ripped men. I leaned against a tree. I just realized something- I’ve made a stupid mistake.

I’m in the forest. The sun is setting and I am with no food, water, or shelter and I am in heaps load of pain.

I slid down against the tree and began to bang the back of my head on it- I am so dead my night fall.

I heard a twig break to my right, I looked over and there was a boy about the age of.. 9 I’m guessing.

“Hey.” He said not getting closer to me but kneeling down close enough that I could hear him if he whispered.

“Hi.” I breathe out

“You’re hurting yourself” he said pointing out the obvious.

“I know”

“That’s not safe”

“I know”

“Everyone’s looking for you.”

“I know.”

He seemed to get frustrated with my awesome conversation skills because he asked me, “So if you know everything. Then how old am I?” he made a triumphant face.

I looked at his eyes- they remind me of Hunter- it feels like I’m seeing the younger 11year old version of Hunter and it gave me an idea

“Stick out your palm.” I tell him. He did as I said and faced his palm towards me, “You’re eleven” I said

I guessed right because he jumped up, “How did you!-”

“I know everything remember.” I said smirking, little kids are so easy to trick.

He looked down at his own palm and then back down at me.

“Can you show me the trick?” he asked, genuinely believing that you can tell someone’s age by looking at their palms.

“Sure” I smiled, without his help I got up, “So you just look at their life line and-”

A gigantic wolf jumped and tackled the little boy.

“OH MY GOD!” I screamed. The little boy and the wolf were wrestling on the dirt making
painful grunting noises. I screamed again and yanked off a somewhat heavy branch that was low enough for me to reach. And I swung at the fighting bodies hoping that I’d get the wolf and not the boy.

With my luck – I smacked both.

But it got the wolf off of the boy and growling at me, “Oh shit!” I screamed threw the branch at the wolf and booked it out of there.

I am so going to die tonight.

I couldn’t run as fast as I wanted to, it was getting really dark, and there’s a wolf bigger than me hunting me down.

“Hunter!” I screamed and dodged another low branch, “Help!” I screamed. I heard the wolfs breathing and growling getting louder and louder. Oh my-

“Someone help m-Ahh!!” my voice was cut off when I began to slide down the muddy river bank, and I didn’t stop sliding until the freezing water engulfed me.

I wasn’t strong enough for the current that just pushed me along downstream. I saw the wolf pacing along the rivers bank just waiting for me to get out- well ha! I can’t swim to shore!

Holy fucking peace! I can’t swim!!

I began to kick my feet in a pathetic attempt to stay above the current.“Help!” I gurgled, half the time my vision was the darkening sky, then the rivers sandy bottom.

I couldn’t get enough air with the few seconds I was able to get my head out of the icy water, “HUNTER!!”

The second right before I was completely submerged in water I heard my wolf- the wolf from my dreams- howl. It made my heart skip a beat and the adrenaline pump in my veins but it didn’t get air into my empty lungs.
♠ ♠ ♠
I AM NOT STOPPING THE STORY. well at least for now.

Thanks for the comments and putting with my threat- err I mean request(:

I just wanted feedback and feedback was what I got.

This chapter goes to -MyButterfly001- for her creative thinking methods. I was expecting someone to bust what she did, which was commenting six times

I did say that I wanted six comments...but I never said that they had to be from different people.
