Please Tell Me There's Something Better

Abby Hoshi

Abby Hoshi hates her life. She hates her job, her house and that she never has enough money. The only things she loves are her daughter hope and her life long friend Chantelle. So when Emmett comes into the picture can she handle the pressure from the people around her to be with him? Or will Sam come to the rescue? Who will she open her heart to?

Hope Hoshi

Three year old hope loves playing with her toys but hates seeing her mum upset but the thing she wants is her daddy. But what happens when both Emmett and Sam come and whisk her mother off of her feet? Who will she want to be her daddy Emmett or Sam?

Chantelle Spring

18 year old Chantelle always looks at the positive side of life but what happens when a wolf with the name of Jacob imprints on her but he isn’t willing to let another girl go? Will Edward be able to heal the hope in her heart?


Carlisle and Esme
Jasper and Alice
Demetri and Rosalie


Paul and Emily
Jared and Kim
Jacob and Bella
Embry and Leah
Quill and Clare