The Necklace of Zedan

Chapter 18

In the aftermath of the fight in the eerie inn, Thadden, Romeelus, and Jake make time to relax. Gwyninne lies in Jake's arms. She sleeps peacefully, and surrounds herself in his warmth. The three men speak in whispers not to arouse the woman who has just lost her husband and child.
"How did you learn to speak?” They stare at Jake in amazement.
"I think it was this staff. I was holding on to it, and was wishing I could speak so I could try to comfort this lady. At one moment I felt a terrifying numbness start from my fingers, and travel all the way up my arm. It didn't stop though, it went up my neck, and throat, and then it was gone when it was in my mouth. A voice spoke at that moment, and told me that my wish was granted. As long as I hold this staff, I can speak. Otherwise," he drops the staff and continues to speak, but no words come out. He picks up the staff. "See what I mean."
"I wonder what other properties that staff contains. It obviously is worth something to someone. Who did you steal it for?” Romeelus asks, remembering the incident at the thieves’ guild.
"We stole it for a man who is holding Jake's daughter hostage. She was the girl that I was with when you took Feacon from me."
"Feacon? Is that the cat's name?” Thadden nods. "I regret having done that now. I was merely doing what I was being paid to do. How did you come about that cat anyway? Was it yours from the start?"
"No, Feacon and I go a long way back. I shall tell you the story, and then we should get going. We must be in Gena tonight. A bargain must be struck with a madman.” Letting fatigue seep out of their bones, the men sit back and await Thadden's tale.
* * * * *
As the men listen to the tale, in a castle many miles away, there is another tale about to start. Magdellaine and Menecha, make it back to Menecha's room minutes after the young girls' glorious victory. As soon as the door closes both women stare at one another. The color drains from Magdellaine's face.
"Please sit down," she gestures towards the bed and Menecha does. "I have some news to tell you that you need to know."
"I don't suppose it has anything to do with you being my mother does it?"
"Have I slipped up that much? No matter, since you know then I might as well start telling you my story.It starts way back when you were born. Your father and I were very proud. It was like a dream came true. You had your fathers charming eyes, and my blonde hair. We cried tears of joy that dayThings went great for the next five years. Then something happened. Jake celebrated your birth with all of his buddies, by going to the bar. Your father started coming home drunk every night. He would always be loud, and when I'd tell him to quiet down, he'd just yell at me even louder. I could see in his eyes that he wanted to hit me, but that was against your father's nature. His mind, even in that drunken stupor, would always be able to keep your father on the right track. I got tired of seeing him waste his life away, and our money too, so I told him that I was enlisting in the Tyrellian’s army. That for him was the last straw. He threatened me, and told me to get out of the house. I was frightened. Not just for myself, but for you as well. As soon as I gathered my things and went outside, your father came after me. He was crying. He tried to come after me, and talk to me, but I was now too angry to listen. I still loved him, but I couldn't live there anymore. That was the last time I saw him, and you."
"Through the network of spies that we maintain, I had been able to keep track of the both of you. I heard that he had stopped drinking the day after I left. I waited and waited for him to contact me, but I never heard a word. I assumed that he wanted nothing to do with the woman who deserted him.” Tears form in Magdellaine's eyes.
"That's not the way it was. Dad has always loved you, and still does. He would always tell me stories about you. He was very proud of you. He would cry whenever he thought back on that night. Over the years, he gave up thinking you were ever coming back. I think he blames himself to this day. My father wished that you would have forgiven him and come back. I realize why you left and I forgive you. We both just want you back.” Hearing words that she never thought she would ever hear, Magdellaine the fearless heroine, bursts into tears. The two women hug each other and cry. Perhaps, there is a time when reality must be faced, and then a new light, a new life can begin.
* * * * *
Thadden starts to tell the tale of when he first meat Feacon. He was in the woods heading for his next mission when he saw the group of men. They had a food hung over an open fire, fresh, pink fish seemed to dare the black cat to take it. The cat makes it to the salmon, and snatches it into his jaws before voices stop him in his tracks.
"And where do you plan on taking our fish?” a greasy bearded, yellow toothed man asks. He stared straight into Feacon's eyes. Feacon tried to back up, and must've sensed other men behind him; because his hair then stood on end. With a nasty hiss, and an arched back, he tried to scare the men away from his prize.
"Well boys, looks like we gonna have us a little cat meat, to go with our fish.” The two men, younger in comparison, grin with amusement. One of the men drop, as a sling stone found its mark, and crushes his temple. More aware of a bigger threat, the two men stare into the trees, in the direction of the stone.
"Hey coward, come out here and fight us like men. Don't hide behind the trees. I want to see if you can handle yourself man to man.” There is silence.
"Coward! Coward!” he yelled into the trees.
"...ard, ard," echoes back to him.
"Looking for me?" a voice replied from behind the two men. They whirl and saw a man dressed in black. Wearing nothing more than breeches, a hat, his sword, a sling, courage, and a cocky smile;,Thadden stared at the men.
"Now what could this little cat have done to you men, that you have to try to kill it?" Thadden asked.
Through glaring eyes the man replies, "It took our fish. We just wanted to take it back. Now if you'll get out of our way, we'll gladly get our fish, and the cat, and be out of your way."
"I think you gentlemen should just fish for some more. The brook has plenty of salmon, and it won't take you too long. The cat is obviously hungry, and deserves to eat the fish."
"Get out of our way, or die.” The man draws his weapon as he hisses the words.
"So be it. You were giving a chance.” Thadden unsheathes his rapier. The fight is over before it begins. The two men attacked in unison. Thadden parried both blows, and smashed his hilt into the younger man's teeth. Blood trickled out, as the man holds onto his teeth, and tried to put them back into his mouth. He somersaultrf and after landing on his feet, he kicked the man in the spine. There is a snap, and the man fell to the ground.
"I let you men live so that you can reflect back on this incident, and remember to never again harm an innocent animal.” Knowing that the statement sunk in, Thadden turned and headed back into the trees. When next he looeds down, the black cat, with the fish in its mouth, had waked along beside him.
“Purr, purr,” he said to him, with his head and tail held high.
" What's you name cat?” He never expected to receive an answer.
"Feacon,” a coice in Thadden's mind said. Then there was silence once more. Thadden finishes his story. There are tears in his eyes.
"I think it is time we go and get the girl. Once that is accomplished, we'll then find the cat. I hold myself at fault for whatever may happen to the cat. Should the time come, I shall give you my apologies,” Romeelus says, turning away from the grieving thief. Jake wakes up Gwyninne. After a quick preparation, they head for Xibnar's Magic Shop.
* * * * *
Other plans get under way on the road to Ganshrag. At least the town was giving fair warning. An army is ready and waiting for Belghar to advance forward. It is a small army, but it’s at least prepared, unlike the poor town of Millings'Dale. Belghar laughs at their pathetic attempt to stop his army. Inside the town gates, the people pray to their gods. They don't know why such evil is out to destroy them, but they wish they were left out of the madman's path. As night falls, Belghar stands before his men.
With a blood chilling, inspiring laugh, he barks out one command,"Charge!” The men storm the gate. Soldiers on the gate, do their best to slow the charge. Hot oil, dumps down onto the attackers. Oblivious of the attack the men continue to swarm the gate. Archers line the wall with flaming arrows.
"Fire!" the gate captain bellows. The arrows streak downwards and ignite the oily men. Screams pierce the night. The gate buckles as a ram slams into it. The defenders know they will die, but not until they take some of the enemy with them. As the gate crashes, guards in the interior prepare to defend the entryway. Bodies crash together as hand to hand combat ensues. Women and children led by a few soldiers, flee out the back road. They must move to safety until the battle is over. Tears roll down their cheeks, as they know they'll never see their fathers or brothers again. Such is the story with war. As dying screams fill their ears, a deep sadness rips into their souls. One question is left to haunt them. "Why is this gut wrenching horror, invading their once quiet life?” Agonizing screams is the only answering reply.