The Necklace of Zedan

Chapter 19

Xibnar hums merrily to himself. Feacon lies miserably at his feet, with the collar around his neck. He has been waiting anxiously for this meeting. "Soon, I shall have the items from the thief, and once I end his pathetic life, the girl will no longer be his concern. And you Feacon, you will be the good little cat of the olden days. We will get along very fine, you and me.” He strokes the cat’s fur and he hisses, but Xibnar is not afraid. He smiles. Things are going his way, and nothing will stop him from becoming the greatest wizard of all time. As he thinks these foul plans, his hands complete a spell. Smiling, he continues his planning, as he waits for the thief, the items of magic, and his great destiny.
* * * * *
As dawn arrives in what remains of Ganshrag, the cruel and mighty Belghar laughs at his victory. His foot crushes the skull of a hapless soldier, who lay wounded on the ground. "It is such a glorious day, isn't it Pontew?” He smiles as he walks.
"It is sire. It’s much too beautiful than to be wasting it admiring one's handiwork.” His stomach churns at the gruesome sight.
"I disagree Pontew. One should always spend time to admire one’s handiwork. How else can you get any pleasure out of the day? One shouldn't go through the trouble to do something, if they're not going to enjoy it afterwards.” His eyes stare deeply into Pontew's. They search for a sign of betrayal; and find none.
"I suppose so, my liege. Are we going to hit the next town, or do you think the people have learned their lesson?"
"I'm sure these people have learned their lesson. However, I'm not so sure the Tyrellians’have. They seem to deem themselves independent of my rules. Isn't that where the child that defied me was last seen?"
"It was. She has yet to be seen coming out."
"Well then, I guess I shall have to take it upon myself to ask the Queen to surrender the brat to me at once. Should she refuse then, it is not by my hand that they shall die from. The Queen herself shall decide the fate of her subjects.” With a swirl of his cape, he enters The Bumbling Drunk. "Prepare the falcons! I want to relay my messages out at once. Then find me my servant. I have need of him. Oh, and Pontew, be sure that neither you nor anyone else enters the bathhouse. I am going to be taking a bath, and I do not wish to be disturbed. Of course, I do require my servant, for ah, cleaning purposes."
"As you wish Belghar," Pontew bows and then retreats to do his lord's bidding. Without another word, Belghar enters the building. The stride in his step oozes with his confidence.
* * * * *
On the road to Gena, four individuals, who have become very familiar with the road, ride on their horses. As they ride down the road, a figure stands in the middle. The men had already met him before, so expecting trouble, the group slows to a halt. They can't afford to have this confrontation. It will only deter, and slow them down from their appointment with Xibnar. Romeelus and Thadden hop off heir horses, and with weapons in hand, walk warily toward Kyle. He stops them ten feet away.
"Please come no further. I mean you no harm. I merely wish to speak to you of urgent business.” He holds his hands up in a peaceful gesture. Cautiously the men sheathe their weapons.
"Make it quick,” Thadden hisses. "We are pressed for time, and wish to be in Gena soon."
"I know of your destination. I bear news of something else that concerns you as well. A wizard by the name of Belghar has waged war. He has massacred every man, woman, and child in Millings'Dale, and has nearly destroyed Ganshrag. Only the women and children remain, and their protectors and they are hiding in the Five Valley Forest. News has reached me that he is coming back this way and is heading for Kyrella. Should he beat the Tyrellians, all hope is lost. He will continue on this rampage until there is nothing left, or until everyone announces him the overlord of the world. His army is vast, and he plans on calling upon the aid of Demons and foul creatures of other races. Someone needs to go back to Fentia, and speak to Kram. The assistance of the Gahwarves is greatly needed. The towns must be warned. Anyone who can fight must bear arms and meet at Kyrella. Those who cannot, must seek shelters, and pray that Belghar does not ravage anymore cities or towns on his way to Kyrella. I too have business in Gena. I must stop a madman. When I have completed my mission, I shall meet you at Kyrella. Thadden, come with me. You and I shall deal with Xibnar. Romeelus, talk to Kram, you are the only one with any close ties to him. Jake, you, and Gwyninne ride the horse to Kyrella. You must help in the preparations for war. A surprise awaits for you there as well. Be gone, and be quick. We have so little time.”
Thadden gives the reins to Romeelus. Jake and Gwyninne ride back the way they came. With a suspicious glance at Kyle, Romeelus decides to trust him. He turns his horse around and follows Jake’s dust. He hopes he can convince the dwarf to lend a hand in the war that is to come. Grabbing onto Thadden's arm, Kyle snaps his fingers. Just like his master, Kyle teleports away and takes the unsuspecting thief with him. The road is quiet once more.
* * * * *
In the castle of Queen Tyrella, two women lay on a bed. Having spent most of the night crying, they have fallen asleep. Unfortunately, other matters, other forces care not for their troubles. After only a few hours sleep a knock on the door forces Magdellaine to wake up and answer the persistent beating.
"What is it?” Magdellaine yells, holding her pounding head in her hands. Menecha stirs and she too, finds herself awake.
"The Queen has urgent news. She wishes to speak with Lady Magdellaine and Lady Menecha right away."
"Tell her we will be right there.” They hear the sound of shuffling feet and there is silence in the room again. Magdellaine's head gives her some reprieve.
"Well, daughter, we might as well see what is going on. It must be important, if we are needed right away.” Menecha drags herself off the bed. Lashing on her sword and scabbard, she follows Magdellaine out the door.
* * * * *
Romeelus makes it back to Fentia, and wonders if he is ever going to leave this town. He jumps off his horse, hands the stable boy the reins, and then runs off towards the Kram's blacksmith shop. He arrives to the familiar sound of pounding. Opening the door, he hears the voice of the Gohwarf, obviously upset.
"Now listen here, I do the best work around these parts, and do not haggle for my wares. My prices are as is. If you think you can get as good a quality as I'm giving you, then you can go right ahead. I guarantee that it is not going to happen. I have half a mind to bang you upside the head with my hammer, and see if your caved in skull will make you believe my words.” Romeelus enters the smithy room to see the Gohwarf holding his hammer in one hand, and his ale in the other. A human, with the look of utter dread, and fright begins to back his way out the door. Kram spots Romeelus, and advances on the human still waving his hammer. The human turns around and slams into Romeelus. He picks himself up. Seeing no help from the bounty hunter; he scrambles madly past Romeelus and runs out the door. Kram puts his hammer down, and pulls a swig from his flask.
"Humans have no sense of humor,” he laughs hysterically. "So, how goes bounty hunting? Did you catch the thief you were looking for?"
"Yes, I caught him. It turns out he is not as bad as I was led to believe. He is an ally now, not an enemy. I don't have a lot time for idle talk. If you will listen for a little while, I have some very important news to tell you. I have an even more important question to ask of you as well. Let's take a seat. How about giving me a swig of that ale while you’re at it? For the first time in my life, I really need it.” As they sit down to talk, the booze exchanges hands.
* * * * *
The sound of thundering hoofs on the road alert Tyrellians that someone is approaching fast. Word is sent quickly through the grapevine, and reaches the Queen’s ears. Soldiers are sent out and await the horse and its rider. Jake comes around the corner on his horse with Gwyninne sitting behind him. Her arms wrap tightly around his waist.
"I've never felt this alive,” she murmurs to herself as she tightens her grip, and nestles her head in Jake's back. At the sight of all the people looking at them, Jake reins his horse. A guard steps forward.
"State your business.” Jake releases the reins and grabs the staff. The thought of being skewered because he couldn't speak would not help his cause.
"There is trouble brewing, and it's heading this way. We just came by to warn you, and then we'll be moving on to the other towns."
"What kind of trouble?"
"Belghar has waged war on the entire nation. His force is huge, and nearly unstoppable. There is talk of him joining forces with supernatural beings, and horrible monsters. This city is his main target. Be ready, for he moves quickly. We must continue. Please don't delay us any longer.” He looks at the guard. With a shrug of shoulders, the guard stands aside and lets the riders go forward. Already panic plagues the city. All those who heard the conversation flee home to their families. There is going to be a war. Suddenly the city is alive. The Queen has a riot on her hands. Things are not going well.
* * * * *
Jake and Gwyninne continue. They pass an occasional traveler but give no warning. The travelers will know of the news as soon as they reach the city. Soon the horse slows down to a walk. As night descends down upon them, Jake knows they must stop. The night is cold. They veer off the road, and head into the trees that line the roadway. Under a clear sky and a bright moon, he ties the horse to a tree. Gwyninne still sits atop the horse. The moon strikes her face, and in the moonlight, Jake can see her beauty for the first time. Even with signs of fatigue, and her unkempt appearance, her beauty shines through and blocks out all other scenery. She folds her arms across her chest to keep warm, and Jake snaps out of his dreamy state. He rushes to her side, and holds out his hand. She takes it, and with his help, her feet are on the frozen, snowy ground.
"I'll get a fire started.” He hands her the staff. Knowing it's his only means of communication, she clutches the staff protectively. Once he has his wood, he has a hard time starting the fire. The wood is too cold. Things get worse as the clear sky, becomes invaded by snowflakes. Gwyninne approaches with the staff still in hand, it is glowing.
"This is keeping me warm. Maybe you can use it to start the fire?” He smiles. Their hands touch for a second and a flooding of warmth fills their insides. The warmth lasts long after the touch is gone. Jake stares at the staff. He touches it to the pile of sticks. Nothing happens.
"Maybe the warmth I felt wasn't associated with the staff.” He flutters for a second at the thought.
"Light!" he commands. Suddenly, a strong surge of power flows through his arms. They seem to want to rip right out of their sockets. The surge flows through his arms and into the staff. It glows red hot, but strangely, his hands don't burn. Then with a remarkable display of power, a flame shoots out of the staff. The sky flashes for a second, and then all is calm. A roaring fire is at their feet. His eyes spy another strange occurrence. The wood in the fire is not burning. With a warm fire going, the couple sits down on the ground. A twenty foot diameter circle that was once snow is now just dry ground. Jake begins to wonder just how much power he is holding in his hands. Wrapping their arms around each other, more for comfort than warmth, they look longingly into each other's eyes. With his free hand, he clasps the staff.
"Gwyninne, saving you has been the best thing that has happened to me as of late. It's been a long time since I have even been near another woman, save for my daughter. I have thoughts that I never have had in a long time. I fear I'm going to lose you soon, and there is so much more time that I need with you. Tomorrow, we travel to two towns then head back to Tyrella. I want you to stay in one of those towns, while I go back to Tyrella. I hope you understand. I have to fight in that war, but I don't want to see you get killed."
“It's cold Jake. I need to be warm. Let's not worry about tomorrow. Let's just live for the moment. Each moment from the minute we met, until the end, I shall cherish always in my heart. Just hold me, love me, and keep we warm tonight. All we'll ever need is each other.” She turns her face to his. Under a snowy night, beneath the moonlight sky, the pair kisses. All noise is silent except for their fierce lovemaking. Then they curl up in each other's arms, and fall asleep.