The Necklace of Zedan

Chapter 25

Riding out of Mist Hollow Jake and Gwyninne elate as they head towards Tyrella. Coming out of the fog, they realize that the weather has gotten progressively worse. Fierce winds belt at them from all sides. The snow thick, swirling, obscures their vision. As a cold numbness ensnares Jake, he desperately clutches onto the staff. It's the only salvation that the man and woman have left. The wind picks up in an attempt to rip hope out of Jake's hands. Remembering his hell at the hands of Drekkar and how he overcame those odds, Jake grits his teeth, and yanks the staff into his chest. "Noooo! I won't let anyone or anything defeat me now.” A yellowish aura surrounds Jake and Gwyninne. He laughs hollowly as the wind, cold, and snow stays outside the aura. Female hands wrap themselves around Jake. Again, he is safe. His one thought as he rides towards Tyrella is of Belghar. "You have put me and my daughter through enough. When I get my hands on you, I'll squeeze your neck until your eyes pop out of your skull. Before they stop rolling, I will squish them beneath my feet. There is no hope for you Belghar. Be prepared to meet your doom Belghar for I am coming for you."
* * * * *
Inside Belghar's camp more vengeful thoughts brew. Stefan, Belghar's favorite servant, and leader of the pike infantry arises from his nightly slumber. It is the morning of the upcoming war. Seeing no-one else awake, he remembers and broods...
He was a young lad. At ten years old, he was as active as any other boy. The only difference was that he had acres and acres of farmland to play on. Stefan loved his farm, and his parents. Being the only child, he was pampered and doted on. Life was good for him; until the fateful day, that changed his life. His father was out hunting. His mother stayed home as usual and had just finished cooking breakfast. It was a beautiful sunny day. He wolfed down his food so he'd be able to enjoy the day. Before long, Stefan had finished breakfast, played, and ate lunch. When it was time for dinner, he began to get worried.
"Mother, shouldn't daddy have been back by now?” Trying her best to hide how much she was worried, she responded:
"He probably just lost track of time.” This answer didn't satisfy Stefan's question. As darkness fell, heavy, thumping footsteps pounded on the steps.
"He's here!" Stefan exclaimed. He ran to the door excitedly. The door opened, and Stefan's father fell to the floor. Throwing him out of the way, Stefan's mother ran to her husband's side. Wounds covered his body. Blood drenched his shirt. Horrified, she noticed that the wounds were not made by any animal, but by the beast known as man. "Stefan?" the dying father cried for his son. Stefan stood beside his mother terrified. "You are the man in the family now. Promise me you'll look after your mother and that you will avenge me. Before you die, you must kill the man named Belghar. I love you both. Farewell!” He died as his wife cradled his head in her arms. Salty, wet, anguished tears spilled out of the faces of Stefan and his mother. Another sound of footsteps snapped what was left of the family out of their saddened haze. Defensively, Stefan rushed to the door. It opened. Four men, with weapons and armor stared into the room. Stefan lunged at the lead man. Belghar caught the young boy and back handed him back into the room.
"Thanks for the invite!" he responded. Four men strode boldly into the house. Stefan wiped the blood from his mouth and nose, while his mother stood protectively in front of him.
"Get out of my house!!" She tried in vain to stop the men. They laughed. Belghar stepped forward.
"I am sorry about your husband." He tried to sound sympathetic. "But he shouldn't have tried to hunt the deer that we were already hunting. I'm afraid he was mistaken for a deer. The arrows were already shot before my men realized the error. He wasn't too happy and decided to attack us. We merely defended ourselves from his onslaught. I offer my deepest regrets and humblest apologies.” He smiled. SLAP! In a furious rage, Stefan's mother started to beat on Belghar's chest. Strong hands grabbed hers. Two of the men held Stefan down while the third man held her from behind. "It seems you won't listen to reason. I guess my men and I will have to make you see the light.” Belghar licked his lips. While his henchman held Stefan's mother, Belghar un-strapped his belt, and unsheathed his weapon. She struggled against the man, but it was a useless motion. "Keep that boy's eyes open. I want him to see what we are going to do to her.” Belghar grinned. Long, sharp nails pierce her flesh through her clothing. RIP! Her clothes fell off her body. Her pink flesh ignited the flames of desire that coursed through his twisted veins. Belghar raped Stefan's unwilling mother. When he was finished his henchmen took their turns. Stefan was forced to watch this grisly sight. It was then that Belghar committed his most insidious act. With weapons in hand, he carved at Stefan's mother. He gouged out her eyes, and cut out her tongue. "Now my dear, I saved your ears so you can hear what we are going to do to your boy.” Sheer terror grasped her. Each scream boomed into her ears. She couldn't see, but only hear Stefan scream as Belghar and his men raped her child. Sated, the men finished with Stefan. Belghar hovered over the boy's mother. "Now, you can join your mate, at the threshold of Death's door.” His sword plunged between her sore, swollen breasts. She died silently. "Now, boy, you have two options. You can die like your parents or you can join me and my men. I guarantee that you will like the latter.” Stefan couldn't imagine life without his parents. As he was about to choose death, another thought surfaced. It was a promise more than a thought. It was his fathers dying wish. REVENGE! With a smile, he replied. "I will stay with you.” Belghar and his men welcomed their newest member. It was a long time ago.
Blinking his eyes Stefan comes out of his old memory. He forces the tears back. "When this war is over, I shall get my revenge on you Belghar. Then I can die, and meet up with my long-dead parents.” He swings his Bec De Corbin angrily. Walking over to his pike squad, he kicks one of his men awake. "Arouse the troops. We will be marching to war soon. Be sure the men are ready by the time Belghar comes out of his tent.” Scowling Stefan turns his back on the saluting soldier.
* * * * *
Back inside Tyrellian Castle Thadden re-continues his goading on Romeelus. "Hey Romeelus! There's your redheaded friend. Perhaps you should see if indeed she is as good with her weapon as you are.” Romeelus remains silent as Thadden buzzes around his ears like an annoying fly that just won't quit. Romeelus reaches his breaking point.
"Okay. Okay. I will do it. Just quit you prattling.” Gathering his courage and shaking his head, the bounty hunter trudges over to the red-head. He gulps. With his fingers shaking, he taps the warrioress on the shoulder. "Excuse me!" he speaks. She turns.
"Can I help you?” Her eyes scan him. Her mouth shows a hint of a playful smile.
"I was just curious as to how good you are with that blade of yours.” Nervousness gone, Romeelus finds his confidence returning.
"Well prepare yourself gladiator. I shall have to prove to you just how good I am. I only hope you don't waste my time. Let me explain the rules to you. First, as this is only a contest, and we are not enemies...yet, only small nicks are allowed. Second and lastly, the first one to win is the one left holding the sword."
"Sounds fair enough to me!’ Romeelus comes back with a playful grin of his own. The two fighters unsheathe their weapons and circle one another. The contest is on.

* * * * *
Inside Belghar's camp, the troops await their leader. All is quiet from inside his tent. It isn't until the snow begins to fall, and the wind picks up that Belghar finally steps outside. Imperiously, and impetuously, he approaches his legion.
"Men! Today marks the day of the greatest day of our lives. For today, we march towards a new era, a new stepping stone for us Belgharians. Today marks the defeat of arrogance, and the victory that we will obtain. We will be arriving at Tyrellian castle and once we storm it, with of course the help from our allies, we will rule this world. Prepare yourselves men, for now we ride for ultimate domination of this realm.” A chorus of cheers follows his speech, as hundreds of men rush for their weapons, and March towards Tyrellia. Under the rulership and guidance of a madman, can there truly be any hope for the Belgharians?