The Necklace of Zedan

Chapter 30

The two Gohwarves storm towards the Demon. Its bat-like ears twitch in anticipation and its small eyes sunken into its face stare Kram and Vlim down. Its green claws dripping with an unknown black substance await the two Gohwarves rush. As soon as they are in front of it, a wall of rotting flesh blocks their path. Vlim and Kram's eyes get teary from the smell and both resist the feeling of nausea. Wielding their weapons, the Gohwarves hack away at the wall of flesh. Chunks of meat disappear as the wall starts to dwindle. The Demon chuckles out loud and then with a loud piercing scream, it attacks. Through the wall, a claw rips through Vim’s armor. He screams in pain and the blood on his skin begins to bubble. He knows that it is poison that is now racing through his bloodstream. Blocking out the pain, he goes into a berserk frenzy. When they take an excessive wound, the Gohwarves go into a rage that only stopped when the offender of the rage is dead. Should anything or anyone get in the way of the Gohwarves intended target then that object of obstruction will be destroyed as well.
Kram waits for the claws to come his way. When it does he ducks under it and swings his axe. It slices deep into bone. As the demon howls, Vlim in his frenzy of repeated blows, destroys the wall of flesh and streaks towards the Demon. Kram steps out of the way and waits to see the demon's fate.
* * * * *
Quickly, Jake makes his way towards the meditating Pontew. He’s aware of Pontew's intentions, and can already feel the draining take affect. With the image of Gwyninne in his mind, he struggles onward and now stands in front of the aide to Belghar. "If it's power you want Pontew, it’s power you shall get!” With all his might, he shoves the staff into the monk’s chest. Pontew's eyes awaken as he realizes he’s done for. The energy he was transferring comes into him all at once. The staff’s energies, magic, and essence flow into the monk. Jake watches as Pontew's head begins to expand. His eyes fly out. His nose and mouth burst, as blood, phlegm, and teeth land at Jake's feet. Finally his brain and head can withstand no more and they burst. Grey matter and brain parts scatter onto the snow. Jake grabs onto the staff, but there is nothing there. Its magic is gone.
"I guess I'll have to remain a mute again," he thinks. With a sigh, he grabs a sword from a nearby fallen soldier. Eyes focusing he sees his next victim. "I'm coming for you Belghar," he says in his mind. With a smile that would make even Belghar cringe, he starts to walk towards him.
* * * * *
Running out of breath but not out of options, Kyle waits for the sludge Demon to approach. As it gets close, he unstraps his wooden shield. "Burn!" he commands and the shield catches on fire. Seething from the heat, he waits for the shield to be ablaze. The intense heat begins to smolder his clothes. Thinking that it’s time, he thrusts the shield at the Demon. As expected a pair of hands reach out and grab the shield. They pull the shield into the Demon. Thrashing uncontrollably the Demon starts burning from the inside out. The black oil bubbles out of it's body and melts the blood covered snow. Kyle runs away as the Demon gurgles out a liquid scream. With no way to put out the fire, the Demon becomes engulfed by the flame and as a final farewell blows up. Oil showers the sky and lands to the ground with a hiss. Kyle smirks as a few skeletons disintegrate at the drenching from the oil. Several soldiers get hit too, but suffer no effects. Murmurs of thanks go out to Tyrellian armor. Seeking further skirmishes, Kyle helps the Gohwarves finish off some Goblins.
* * * * *
Thadden fares the worst of the Demon encounters. He can see no way to defeat the duplicate Demon. If he thrusts, it parries; if he leaps, it rolls. Like lightning the demon's rapier slashes at his legs and blood seeps out. Again, the thief attacks by kicking. The Demon blocks it with its shield. Feeling frustrated, Thadden attempts a different ploy. "It seems to do the opposite of what I do. I wonder if…" He leaps backwards and the Demon rolls forward. Extending his hand, Thadden thrusts his rapier out. The Demon can’t stop and impales its chest onto Thadden's weapon. Instantly it recoils, and rolls backwards before any further damage can be done. As the blood gushes out, it strikes Thadden. Hot boiling acid burns through his armor, and his skin. Releasing his weapon, Thadden falls to the ground in agonizing pain. The creature moves in for the kill.
* * * * *
Concentrating on their battle, Menecha and Magdellaine fail to notice the thief go down. The demon's tail lashes out at the women. They jump aside. Menecha strikes the tail with her longsword. It rebounds off the tail not doing anydamage. Magdellaine tries the same move on the creature's back with the same result. Cursing to one another, they continue to fight, and wait for an opening.
* * * * *
Belghar watches as one by one his Demons start to waiver and fall. His grip with reality is fading fast. Summoning up his magic, he targets a group of Gohwarves.
"Ice Spears!" he commands. From his fingertips streak ten slivers of ice. The slivers stretch out and resemble the shape of spears. Before the unsuspecting Gohwarves know it, the spears skewer them. Some of them die instantly, becoming a block of solid ice. The ones that remain conscious slowly watch their bodies turn to ice. Their transformation is painful. Before long, they too are like their companions. Belghar begins to recite another spell.
* * * * *
Vlim wastes no time in finishing off the Demon. It tries to scurry away but the Gohwarf is quicker. In three quick strokes, the product of evil falls to pieces in a bloody heap. Kram remains behind his leader and waits for the frenzy to dissipate. Surprisingly, Vlim is quick to return himself to his normal condition. As he does so, the effects of the poison start to affect him. Kram watches his leader. Writhing in pain, Vlim begins to shake. Rushing to his leaders side the Gohwarf realizes that poison must be deadly.
"Kram," Vlim calls to his favorite warrior. "Kram, listen to me! This poison is too strong for my body to resist. I know that my death is drawing near. Take my axe, shield, and the amulet of leadership. I bequeath them to you. They are yours now. I won't need them where I'm going. You’re the one best suited for leadership in our clan. I know the others won't have a problem following you. Remember my death, and honor this war. I see the war going in our favor. Finish it for me, and take care of the clan. Farewell.” He closes his eyes close and he shudders. Tearful, sad, and angry Kram puts the amulet around his neck. With Vlim's axe and shield in his hand, he seeks out the nearest band of Goblins, and single-handedly wipes them out.
* * * * *
Thirty undead soldiers throw themselves upon the stone creature. Their weapons shatter on its stony hide. Having no other option, they flail their arms wildly at it. With a mighty sweep of his huge fist, the stone creature pounds them to paste. The victory is short, and sweet.
* * * * *
In a furious rage, Belghar witnesses victory sliding completely out of his reach. As he contemplates his next move, he catches movement out of the corner of his eye. A figure, very brave, daring, and stupid, he thinks, is attempting to attack me. It isn't until Jake gets closer that Belghar recognizes his would be assailant. "At last the man who killed my torturer and escaped from my dungeon is getting visions of grandeur. Well, little man, when I fry the skin off your bones you will be cured of becoming a hero. Maybe, I'll rape you as I did your sweet, sweet, daughter.”
At that comment Jake feels the recessed memories and emotions and lets the rage take him. He blocks out everything. Belghar is the only image that Jake can see. Belghar taunts him with a laugh, as Jake charges forward with his sword swinging.
* * * * *
The Demon swings its tail. Menecha manages to jump harmlessly out of the way, but Magdellaine catches it full force. She breathes out just as the tail hits, andshe is able to maintain her breath. It doesn’tt however, prevent her from falling to the ground. Quickly, Menecha moves to stand protectively over her falling mother. The Demon tries to bite her and she blocks the teeth with her tail. Pushing forward the shield forward with all of her strength, she is able to hold the Demon's forelegs in the air. The underbelly, unlike the outer shell, is soft. Keeping the Demon in the air, she prays that Magdellaine will recover from her blow quickly.
Just as her strength begins to wane, she yells, "Mother, hurry, strike at the belly, it is the only soft spot on this Demon’s body!” No sooner do the words leave her mouth when a sword, sent flying, sticks into the creature's stomach. Holding the Demon up, Menecha dives to the side. Gravity, and the weight of the Demon, sends it crashing to the ground. The impact causes the sword to impale the creature of evil. After getting up, Menecha stands beside her mother. The two stare at the dead monstrosity and breathe a sigh of relief. That's when they hear the roar, and look over to where Thadden is fighting.
* * * * *
Seeing its victim fall, the Thadden doppelganger moves in for the kill. Before it can get there, a small black cat intervenes. Uncertain of its motives, but sure enough of its own ability to defeat the obstacle, the Demon sets its eyes on the small, four legged cat. Sword in hand, the Demon prepares to kill him. As it swings, Feacon teleports behind it and out of reach. The Demon turns. Suddenly, it’s no longer a cat that the demon is fighting, but a huge black panther. The Demon has no time to prepare for this unexpected change of events. Razor sharp claws tear at its body, and pin it to the ground. With a roar, Feacon's jaws go for the Demons throat; helpless, the Demon can only gurgle a scream as Feacon enjoys a feast.
* * * * *
Belghar waits until Jake gets within range then casts his spell. Hundreds of bees swarm towards Jake. As they start to bite him and die, he continues on his course unwaveringly. Belghar backs up in uncertainty. He is not prepared for the thrust of Stefan's Bec de Corbin. It rips through Belghar's back and comes out his chest. Dazed, he looks down at the weapon, and then looks for the owner. Stefan stares back at him proudly.
"Stefan? Why?"
"You killed my father, raped and killed my mother, and raped me. I promised my father that I would avenge him. And now it’s time to fulfill that promise."
"I killed them a long time ago. I could've killed you too, but I let you live. Is this how you treat my generosity? I may die tonight.” He looks down at the weapon. “But not before I kill YOU!" From Belghar's hands emerges an electric whip. Stefan stands and awaits his fate. Crack! The whip wraps itself around Stefan's neck. Electricity pours through his body. Slowly it starts to strangle him.
* * * * *
Romeelus' bear hug still grips the Demon tightly. Despite its efforts, it cannot shake free from his powerful hands. He finishes biting off the last of the stalks and with a final demonstration of strength, he breaks the demons back. It dangles limply in his hands. Throwing the body to the ground Romeelus turns around, and sees Sasha. Her expression is enough to tell him what she is seeing. Covering his face in his hands, he turns away. The lust for battle sated, he walks off the field, with tears streaming down his face.
* * * * *
Through the bodies of the buzzing, biting, bees Jake can see Belghar's back. A weapon, big, and dangerous is stuck through Jake's enemy. Menecha's father runs over and grabs onto Belghar. Belghar releases the whip and turns. Jake's bumpy face glares back at him. Faster than Belghar can, react Jake swings his sword. It cuts off an arm. Blood starts to soak Belghar's body. The last of the bees falls dead and Belghar goes into shock. Jake cuts off an ear. Sagging to his knees Belghar can feel himself fading away. "I'm dying" he says with numb horror. Holding himself up with one arm, he tries to die with dignity. Jake drops his sword and holds "the mighty" Belghar's head in his hands. He thinks back to a promise and squeezes. Perhaps, it is magic, or a sudden burst left over from the staff, but Jake feels strength pour into his hands. Both eyes pop out of their sockets. Blood cascades down his wrists. Throwing Belghar's body Jake beheads the would be conqueror. With a final farewell to the time spent in the dungeon, Jake fulfills his promise and stomps on Belghar’s head. Stefan, now sitting and shaking, stares at his savior with wonder.
"You have helped me avenge my father's death. I go to join him now. Perhaps, someday, we will find a way to repay you.” Yanking his weapon out of Belghar's body, Stefan sticks the end into the ground and falls down on it. His body twitches, and then is still. Shaking his head, Jake ignores the chaos around him, and looks for his friends.
* * * * *
Shortly after Belghar dies, so does his war. His soldiers fought well, but upon seeing their leader die, they quickly give up. The goblins finding themselves highly outnumbered, stop fighting and try to run back the way they came. Wanting no part of this, the Gohwarves mass murder them, until none remain. The undead skeleton warriors quickly lose substance and simply melt. Belghar's magic can no longer sustain them. The war is over. Tyrellian soldiers, Gohwarves, and even the granite man head into the castle.
* * * * *
Still on the battlefield, four figures and a panther surround another figure on the ground. Menecha, Magdellaine, Kyle, and Jake, who was woken, stand watch over Thadden. Feacon the panther watches and waits too. The acid has taken its toll on the thief. It has almost made its way to his bones. Propping himself on his elbow Thadden starts to speak. "I want to say something to all of you. When I am through with each of you, I want you to return to castle. When I die, I want it to be in peace. Kyle I wish to speak to you first. May we speak privately?" Kyle nods. Everybody backs out of hearing range.
"I hardly know you. I know you used to work for Belghar, and Xibnar, but I am glad that you switched sides. We could not have won this war without you. Always remember your part in the war, and always fight for the cause in your heart. You have a pure heart now, and I know that it will stay that way. Good luck in your future and always remember me.” Hugging Thadden fiercely, Kyle steps back and prepares to leave.
"Kyle! One more thing! I notice that Romeelus isn't here. Can you see if you can find him and tell him that I wish to speak with him?” Kyle nods. Wiping the tears on his sleeve he glimpses at the heroic thief for the last time, and walks away.
"Magdellaine! You’re next.” Hearing her name, she appears at the dying thief's side. "I thank you for taking care of Menecha and training her to protect herself. I'm afraid Jake left her in my care and I quickly lost her. I have never forgiving myself for the carelessness. I love your daughter a lot. I'm just saddened that I won't be able to spend any more time with her. May you live long, and become the next Queen of Tyrellia. Goodbye and good luck.” Grieving for the man she barely knew, Magdellaine kisses him on the forehead and departs.
"Jake!" the thief yells. "My friend Jake, come here! It is your turn.” Slowly, sadly, Jake comes forward to see his dying friend.
* * * * *
In the forest just outside Tyrellia, a man in black, carrying an axe walks away from Tyrellia. With slumping shoulders and a sad face, he says goodbye to his companions in his mind, and with his heart, he says one special one, to a red-headed soldier named Sasha. He is so lost in thought that he fails to notice the man behind him. "Hello Romeelus. If you are planning to say good-bye to your friends you're going the wrong way.” Romeelus doesn't turn around.
"Mind you business Kyle he hisses. I have nothing more I can say now."
"Ahh! I see. Well, I guess it doesn't mean anything to you that Thadden is mortally wounded from his battle with a Demon and he has requested to speak with you before he goes. Obviously, friendship isn't a quality that you concern yourself with.” Kyle doesn't see the fist coming and is knocked to the ground.
"I do admire friendship! I just can't face anyone after, after what happened on the battlefield.”
"Do you think that anyone cares that you have become part lizard, or whatever it is that you are? I am just delivering a message. You can do as you please.” Having said his peace Kyle gets up and snaps his fingers and is gone from sight.
"Goats udders!" Romeelus curses. "That does it. After this, I am not having anything to do with friends. They are a weakness that a bounty hunter of my reputation cannot afford to have.” The bounty hunter heads back to Tyrellia with a heavy, laden heart.
There is a chuckle from behind the bushes and Kyle steps out. "I knew I could convince him.” With a final snap of his fingers, he is finally gone from sight.
* * * * *
At the sight of Thadden, Jake bursts into tears. He can say nothing, and hopes that his tears will be enough. When he stands next to the thief two hands reach out to hold his. Jake begins to cry some more.
"Jake, although you cannot speak I know what you are going to say. After your ordeal in the dungeon, and from the looks of you, your ordeal on the battlefield you wish you could put yourself where I am.” Jake nodded. "For that I am grateful. But, it is unnecessary. Your courage and willpower kept you alive in the dungeon and on the battlefield. When I found you in the dungeon, you were about ready to escape. I wish that had I been in the same situation I would have been half as strong and brave as you. You are a proud man, and have been through enough. Your daughter is the most beautiful woman I have ever laid eyes upon. It grieves me to know that I’m going to die and never be able to see her again. It grieves me not to have you as a father. She’s lucky to have you, as you are to have her. I love Menecha! All I ask is that you keep an eye out for her, and if she marries make sure it’s to someone that I would approve of.” Thadden chuckles; the acid starts to dissolve a part of his lip. "Remember me!" Thadden finishes. Giving Jake's hand a squeeze, he nods to the castle. Slowly, painfully, Jake leaves the thief to his pain.
"Menecha," whispers Thadden. She hears and comes running to his side. "The acid is dissolving my face, so I don't have a lot time left."
"That's o-okay, t-tell me w-what you c-can," she blubbers.
"You are the only woman who has ever been able to affect me. Before you, I did not know what it was like to love. My heart aches at the thought of not having to kiss you again. It saddens me to know that we could have had a wonderful life together, but now, now, we will be separated. I love you Menecha. I wanted nothing more than to be the father of your child. Good-bye!"
Not wasting a moment Menecha kisses him on the lips. "I love you too Thadden!" she replies as she smothers his face with kisses.
"Thank you Menecha. Now go! I must die alone.” Giving him one last kiss, she runs to the castle crying the whole way. Summoning up the last of his vocal chords, he cries out one last name. "Romeelus.” He is about to try again when he hears the familiar voice reply in his ear.
"I'm here.”
"I just wanted to tell you that you are a magnificent human being. Despite what you became on the battlefield, you still have a heart. Sasha loves you dearly. I'm sure if you go to her, she will accept what you have become. I have nothing to pay you, but I want to ask for a favor. It's a job I want you to do for me."
"Name it!" the bounty hunter replies without hesitation.
"Keep an eye on Menecha for me. Don't let her know that I want you to because she'll insist that she'll be fine. Women do that sort of thing all the time. Do your best to make sure no harm befalls her. Can you do that for me?” Feeling his heart turn over and forcing back the tears, Romeelus watches as the flesh on the cheeks become bone.
"I will do that. No harm shall ever come to Menecha while I am alive."
"G-good! Bye!” Thadden manages to complete the farewell before his lip disintegrates. As Romeelus heads for the castle completely shaken from the ordeal, Feacon approaches his old companion. Giving a final farewell lick to Thadden, he walks a few feet away and stands guard. Feeling the lick, Thadden smiles, then slowly meets his death.
* * * * *
After the thief's friends head into the castle in a state of gloom a figure arrives at the scene. The figure stoops down, and notices the green necklace on the ground. "The Necklace of Zedan!" He exclaims. “At last my uncle's treasure is now back where it belongs.!” With a smile on his face, Kram leaves with his family heirloom in tow.