The Necklace of Zedan


Eight months later:

Menecha is taking a walk through the forest trails near Tyrellia. As she walks, she looks down at her round, full, belly. "Now Thadden, as you grow up you will learn all about your father. He was a magnificent man. If he were alive today he would be so proud to know that you were on your way.” Absorbed in her conversation she does not hear the snapping of the twigs. She continues talking. As she talks, she rubs her belly. "It was adventure that your father was always seeking. His last adventure is where he met me. Unfortunately, the adventure ended up turning into a war, and that war claimed your father's life.” A kick, big and prominent, seemed to answer her question. In the bushes, five figures are hiding. The thieves are from the guild, and are planning an ambush.
"She will fetch a fine price when we hold her for ransom.” One of the thieves gloats to the others. As they prepare to jump at Menecha, a stone hits one of them. Turning in surprise, they notice a man and a woman watching them. Not wanting to alert the woman they plan on ransoming, the thieves move quietly towards the two people.
"Get out of here before you find yourselves bleeding in the bushes.” The leader of the group tries to intimidate the people. The man steps forward and stands in front of the leader.
"You are from the Shondell guild hall, right?" Romeelus asks.
"Yes! And if you leave now, we promise we won't hurt you or your woman. Maybe, we'll give you some of our money from the huge ransom that we are going to get."
"I'm afraid we are not going to let you do that.” Romeelus states calmly.
"What!" the leader replies stunned. He waves with his hand and the other thieves fan out to surround Romeelus and the woman. "Have it your way then." he replies. He takes out his short sword.
"Before you strike let me inform you of the mistake you are about to make. That woman you were about to waylay, is carrying Thadden's child. You remember Thadden don't you? He was the finest thief to ever come out of your guild. If he were alive, we wouldn't need to be here to save her. Perhaps, you boys should make yourself disappear before YOU find yourselves bleeding in the bushes.” The thief scratches his head.
"I remember Thadden. He was the cocky one that always made everyone look bad. I'm glad that he's gone. Now, I can finally replace him and be the guild's favorite."
"You could NEVER replace him.” Romeelus' acid tone makes the leader flinch.
"Men! Get them! Quickly!" the leader barks beginning to panic. His men move in with poison daggers. The leader swings his sword. Romeelus easily parries, and notices the man's ineptness with the weapon. He strikes. Barely parrying, the leader begins to back up. Two of the men attempt to stab at the bounty hunter from behind. He knows they are there, but waits for the element of surprise. From amidst the foliage, there is a roar, and Feacon, in panther form, swings his mighty paw. It snaps a neck of one of the rogues. The other tries to flee. In one mighty leap, Feacon is on top of his back. Before he can scream jaws clamp on to his neck and the fight is over.
The woman with Romeelus is faring just as well. One brigand thrusts with the poisonous dagger, but she moves out of the way, and he ends up stabbing his own ally. The poison, although average, was enough to send the man to his knees. Feeling no remorse the woman fighter swings her sword and watches as it cleaves the first of her attackers in half.
Feeling bored of the man before him, and still wishing to enact the proper justice to the thief who slandered Thadden's name, Romeelus waits for the attack. Not wanting to risk a long encounter, the leader sees what he thinks is his opening and attacks. Romeelus blocks the swing, spins 180 degrees, and swings backwards. The axe rips through the leather armor and shreds the heart. Not quite finished with the man yet, the bounty hunter takes the shortsword from the man's dead fingers and slices up through the legs. The weapon slices off various genitalia. Removing his bloody axe Romeelus lets the body fall with a thud. He turns in time to see poison tear a man apart. The last of the thieves tries to puke up the poison before it can do any damage, but he is too late. As the last of the foam comes spitting out of the convulsing man's mouth, Romeelus knows that the man is dead.
"Nice work Feacon! Sasha!” A slight smile plays onto his face at the mention of the last name. It is the name of the woman who he loves so dearly. A woman who despite his "side-effect” or "shape-change" as it is commonly referred, she stands firmly beside him, loving him even more. Feacon admires his handiwork. Making his way over to the paths, he stares at Menecha who is slowly fading down the path, heading back into the safety of the castle. To him she and what she is carrying is one of the few things left to remind him of his former master. When she is out of sight, he preens himself contentedly. Ignoring the cat, the couple stare at one another and smile devilishly.
"Well ! Since we don't have to fulfill a promise for a couple of hours, why don't we find something to do to occupy our time?” The bounty hunter says as his fingers pull on Sasha's hair. She falls backwards onto the forest floor. Their mouths meet. With a look of disgust, Feacon walks away, leaving the couple alone.
The End