The Necklace of Zedan

Chapter 3

"Arrrrrrg," the angry scream seems to send a chill up and down every resident of Belghar's castle. Pontew, Belghar's personal aide, rushes into the bedroom of his master. He waits for the berating. A scream like that does not mean good news for the aide. Belghar is sitting on his bed staring wide-eyed at an empty space on the dresser.
"What is wrong master?” He doesn't want to ask, for fear of his wrath, but he knows he must.
"What do you see on top of my dresser?"
"I see nothing, sir."
"Nothing?" Belghar screams in anger. "You see Nothing?” He begins to breathe heavily. His chest moves up and down rapidly. Never has Pontew seen his master in such a frenzy. "Why do you suppose you see nothing on top my dresser Pontew?” At this point, Pontew, is not sure which answer, if any, would be correct.
"Because there isn't anything there, sir."
"Imbecile!" He knocks the dresser over with his hands. The finest robes, sandals, and undergarments spill out onto the floor. "Get me the sentries from last night’s duties."
"At once, sir." Pontew leaves quickly.
Fifteen minutes later, he arrives carring one sentry. There is blood drying on his hand and some around his mouth. Pontew notices the dresser is back in place. The clothes have been put away. Pontew sees a servant leaving just as he enters with the wobbly legged guard.
"I assume you have a reason for being so late?"
"Well, sir, I've just got done reviving this guard.” Wanting to hear nothing more, Belghar motions Pontew to stop. "Now sentry, what is your name?"
"K-K-Kyle DuVac, s-s-sir."
"Kyle DuVac?” He says the name as if acid is dripping off his mouth. "Well, Kyle DuVac, what do YOU see on top of my dresser?” Kyle wonders where this question is leading him, but like Pontew, he can only come up with one answer.
"Nothing, sir," is his reply. A slight giggle comes out of Pontew's mouth. One glance from Belghar, cures im of his need to laugh, and he resumes his silence. Belghar restrains himself from having another eruption.
"So, you see nothing." He seems to be calmer. "And for once in your entire, miserable life you are right, there is nothing on my dresser.” The sentry begins to breathe a little easier. It doesn't last long. "Now let me ask you another question. Maybe you can be two for two, and that would really make my day. Since you see nothing on my dresser, what did you see on your sentry duty? Or did you indeed see nothing then as well?"
"W-w-well I did see a cat sir," he stammers.
"A cat?” Belghar begins to pace. "And how did this cat happen to get on top of the castle?"
"I don't know. It was there when I arrived for my shift. I didn't see another sentry, just a black cat."
"You see a black cat, but no sentry, and you did nothing?" he asks, his voice showing signs of anger.
"Well, actually, sir, I was on my way to do something, when I ended up tripping over the cat."
"There were two of them?"
"No, it was the same cat. One minute it was in front of me. The next, I'm tripping over it."
"This is a very amusing story, please, do go on," Belghar interrupts.
"I then tried to attack the cat, but it was once again gone. Somehow I lost my weapon because I remember trying to pick it up, and that's when it scratched me."
"Disarmed by a cat this just keeps getting better." He begins to chuckle. "Pontew, are you hearing the same story that I'm hearing?"
"Yes, Belghar, I believe I am."
"Good, I was just making sure. Continue, Kyle," he motions with his hand.
"Well, at that point I wanted to just leave and get help, or something. I don't know, I just wanted to get away from that creepy cat. Before I got to the door, I was tripped up again by the cat. I started to push myself back up to my feet when the door opened and I thought I was finally saved."
"Being saved from a cat! Now, that really is funny. You seem to have had more excitement last night than I did. I sure hope your story gets better."
"It's almost over with, sir, I assure you."
"When I looked to see who's coming out the door I saw a figure dressed in black. My vision was a bit hazy sir, so I didn't get a good look at his face."
"Oh. Of course," Belghar replies his voice riddled with sarcasm.
"Before I could react, he hit me on top of the head with the pommel of his sword. I just came to when Pontew came and got me.”
There is a pause. Belghar inhales deeply. With a voice that could freeze hell, he replies, "Pontew, put this man in chains until I sort this mess out. Disarmed by a cat! Rubbish! He's in league with the very man who stole my precious necklace."
"B-b-but sir, it's the truth I swear,” Kyle begins to blubber incoherently. Belghar's fist silences him.
"Pontew, I said get him out of here!” Pontew instantly drags the screaming sentry out the door to the sound of a crash.
"You there, servant," he points to a boy in the hall. "Go immediately to Belghar's bedroom. Carry out any orders he demands of you, and stand up his dresser," he adds.
* * * * *
One hour later there is a knock on Belghar's door. "Come in" he replies with authority. Pontew enters the room again. As always, he carries about him an air of knowledge, and cunning. Many times Belghar has relied on him, and every time he has passed. Belghar motions for Pontew to sit, who does so immediately.
"What's the news on the sentry's story?"
"Before you send me to the cells to rot with Kyle, you must first hear me out. I believe him.” He waits for a reaction. Belghar does not stir. Instead he sits, and waits to hear Pontew's argument. He is not a fool. "I have given Kyle a truth serum and have questioned me. He still gives the same answers in exact detail. After that, I sent a few spies into town who came up with some interesting answers. It seems there was a thief, dressed in black, in the market today. He was seen with a black cat.”
At this news, Belghar clenches his fist. He nods his head and Pontew continues. "The thief hassled an apple merchant who was trying to sell an apple for four coppers. There was a fight. The merchant ended up losing his pants and falling in the mud. The thief, adding more insult to the merchant's misery, cut the leg of the apple cart and caused all the apples to fall out. He was missing for about an hour then he turned up at the Wolf's Paw Tavern. He has not been seen leaving."
"What is this thief's name?"
"Thadden what?"
"It's just Thadden. That's it. No last name.” Belghar smiles for the first time this day.
"You have done very well, as usual, Pontew. I want constant surveillance on Thadden until I can find a means with which to destroy him."
"It's already being done, sir. What about Kyle?"
"The sentry? Let him rot for one day, as punishment for his sloppy work, then send him to me. I have special plans for him." He smiles again. "Is there anything else?"
"I've been thinking. Maybe we should put a bounty hunter after this Thadden character. We'll offer more for him to be returned alive. Once we get him, it won't be long until we get your necklace back. Then we'll throw him in the arena. He’ll be a lesson to any other would-be thieves who have dreams of robbing the Magnificent Belghar."
"Pontew, I am once again in your debt. Set all of those things in motion. Keep me posted, on any changes.” Belghar's day is getting progressively better. With a bow, Pontew exits. Belghar's evil laughter is all that anyone hears.
* * * * *
Sunlight filters in through the windows of Xibnar's Magic Shop. Its beam of light shines upon the man on the floor. With a groan, he seems to awaken, as if he had been in a deep, deep sleep. Xibnar opens one of his eyes and all the memories of yesterday's events come instantly flooding back to him. Slowly, and painfully, he rises to his feet. His eye, blinded is throbbing. He staggers to the counter for support. When he feels strong enough, he makes his way towards the back of his shop. Slowly, he opens the door and thrusts himself forward. He almost falls, but manages to grab onto the door knob. He is home. It is a small home, but adequate for a single male. Still in a daze, he finds his way, on steady feet surprisingly enough, to his bathroom.
"Nooooo!" he screams, horrified at his appearance. Before he can stop himself, Xibnar grabs the shard of glass. A quick yank, and he removes it from his eye. "Ahhhh!" he yells in pain. Blood oozes out of the hole that was once his eye. Working quickly, he opens his cabinet. Various potions line the shelves. He retrieves the one marked. “Healing.” With shaking hands, he uncorks the bottle and bracing himself for the pain, Xibnar splashes the potion on the wound. The blood stops flowing, and miraculously, the wound closes. He regards himself in the mirror. Although his hair is a little singed, it seemed to take the least of the punishment. Huge blisters cover his chest where the necklace still rests. The necklace, however, is no longer ebbing. It is as still as a chair bolted to the floor. His one eye that used to be brown, is now a bright amber. A theory, insane, illogical, but a theory nonetheless, pops into his mind.
“ I have suffered a great deal but I now at last have power. I already feel it coursing through my veins. As soon as I've rested, I shall find out exactly what I can do. The loss of the eye, was worth it”. He cackles madly. Xibnar heads off to bed.
* * * * *
Belghar sits upon his throne and peruses over a stack of papers. Happily, he signs one. andhappily, he throws another away. Such is his job day in, and day out. In front of him sits his monetary advisor, Ragan.
"But sir, that paper you just threw away is from the Duke of Millings' Dale. He is very influential and has enough money to increase our army to monstrous proportions."
"The Duke is a nobody. Nobody listens to him. Nobody wants anything to do with him. And, certainly nobody wants to take his filthy money. Besides, I need to save our money for other more important matters. If this Duke is so rich, why is he asking me for 1000 gold to pay for his daughter's wedding?"
"But… but, my lord," Ragan begins to protest.
"Enough! I have thrown the paper away." his voice is final.
"Have I made myself very clear?"
"Y-y-yes s-s-sir, you have," he gulps. Belghar begins his signing ritual again. He throws another paper away. Ragan looks as he's about ready to protest, but instead keeps quiet. Pontew re-enters the room.
"Excuse me, master, but I have a visitor for you."
"A visitor?" Belghar asks in his irritating habit of repeating what people say and putting it in a question.
"A Mister Romeelus Delgoth."
"Who?" he asks.
Pontew approaches Belghar and whispers in his ear, "The bounty hunter."
"Oh! Him! Of course, let the man in here.” A smile worms its way to the surface of Belghar's sinister face. "That is all for now, Ragan. I'll send someone to fetch you when I'm available.”
Ragan slinks away like a dog that's just lost a fight. Pontew returns with a man in tow. The man wears black plate mail. He carries a wide assortment of weapons. A shield, dagger, rapier, a net, and a whip are just a few of his arsenal that are visible. He instantly impresses Belghar, who doesn't impress easily.
"My lord, allow me to introduce Romeelus Delgoth the finest bounty hunter in the entire kingdom of Belgharia.” Pontew addresses Belghar and Romeelus makes a slight bow.
“Did my aide inform you of your target and the payment?"
"Yes, he did." Romeelus' speech is short, and to the point. Professional. Belghar notes quietly to himself. His liking of the man grows.
"I want to get that thief, and his mysterious black cat. I want him alive. The cat you can do with whatever you want. You'll get 1000 gold for the thief and 200 for the cat. Once you have him, bring him to me. You will get nothing if he is brought back dead. Is everything to your liking?"
“It suits me just fine. I look forward to collecting the money very soon.” Romeelus turns and walks away leaving a very awestruck Pontew, and a very impressed Belghar.
"When he's done this assignment, see if you can't persuade him to be my personal bodyguard and hit man. If he refuses, remember one thing, if he's not working for me he's not working at all."
"Yes, sir," Pontew responds leaving his mage on his throne.