The Necklace of Zedan

Chapter 6

A pair of eyes watch Thadden and Menecha as they wake up from their night's rest, and into a sunny, winter day. Menecha untangles her arms from around Thadden's neck. Cold ashes indicate that the fire has been out for a long time. Their only source of warmth, has been, each other. Thadden gets up and surveys the area around him. The silence in the woods, give Thadden a false sense of relief. PURR! Feacon regards the couple curiously. From whence he came from neither of the two know. Thadden by now has gotten used to this trick, but Menecha, still seems very much impressed. Walking side by side the trio heads toward Fentia, one bird flitters away, as they depart. This time, Thadden pays no heed. A face smiles in the bushes. The face seems to revel in the stalking. It eagerly waits for the capture.
* * * * *
A moan comes from out of Jake’s lips. His hands rest on a block. There's no way to move his arms. As his fingers rest upon the block of wood, there stands a grinning man holding a hammer.
"It's too bad you can't move, ‘cause this is really going to hurt.” He breaks two fingers as they can offer no resistance.
“Belghar will be coming down here to interrogate you. It would be easier on yourself, if you answer his questions." he breaks two more fingers until the bones poke through the black and blue skin.
Jake however, does manage to stifle a scream. Hearing footsteps coming into the dungeon, Drekkar decides to speed up his work in case they spoil his fun. SLAM! SLAM! SLAM! CRUNCH! CRUNCH! CRUNCH! This act sends waves of pain too much for Jake to bear. His fingers are bleeding, and the throbbing sensation is enough for Jake to know how much trouble he’s in.
"Well, hello Belghar. It's a pleasure to see you again. Shall we go interrogate the prisoner?” With a nod and a smile, Belghar follows Drekkar. Belghar looks upon the tortured man with a smile.
Pontew blanches at the sight of what is no longer the same Jake Rebish they'd brought in last night.
"So you are the father of Menecha Rebish. And how is your daughter today?” he says sarcastically.
"Fine, I guess," Jake says through chapped lips.
"You guess? Don't you know where your daughter is?"
"No, I don't." His tone is defiant, and protective. A fist careens into his mouth. Jake finds it surprising that the fist came from Belghar, not his minion Drekkar.
"You owe a debt to me. Your daughter has yet to finish paying it off. Furthermore, you harbored a criminal in your inn the night before last, and she is presumably with him right now. You can ease your pain this very second if you tell us where that thief took your daughter. We guarantee that no harm will come to your daughter. I'll ask you again. Where are the thief and your daughter” he bellows.
"I told you, I don’t know.”
The angered magician strikes the poor man repeatedly in the face. Drekkar laughs aloud. "Drekkar do what you want with this man." Belghar smiles.
"Be sure to keep him alive. I do want to show his daughter the cost of her action. By the way, Jake,” he sneers., "your daughter wasn't too bad in the sack. I look forward to meeting with her again. I'll try to be gentle this time. It shouldn’t be a problem though, I'm sure that once the thief is done with her, she’ll already be loosened up.” He hears Belghar's laughter echo down from the stairway. Enraged at the comment, but helpless to do anything, Jake sighs, and waits for more pain to visit his tired body. Secretly, he plans his escape. "I will get out, and I'll get my revenge. It's only a matter of time.” He plots and smiles inwardly. When the pain arrives, Jake can't feel it. His thoughts focus on one thing, freedom.
* * * * *
Kyle sits cross-legged near the coals of last night's fire. He closes his eyes. Sitting in front of him is the wizard. He also has his eyes closed. The sound of chanting is like a melody to Kyle's ears. He's eager to receive his newfound powers; the powers that Xibnar is about to bestow upon him. Sweet, sweet music floods his ears like a bursting dam:

Almighty god of Wildqernog,
Let me see through the fog.
I ask permission to give some power,
To a man, who does not want to cower.
He asks for our help. He is all alone.
He wants to be able to win, on his own.
Let's make his spirit, strength, and
willpower stronger.
Our enemies approach, we can't wait
any longer.
He is going to be our darkness, our light.
Through him, we shall win the final fight.
Gusts of wind, strong, and quiet, swoop and swirl around the two men; it's a fury stronger than any castle can withstand. A spark of lighting shoots out of Xibnar’s fingertips and wraps itself around Kyle. It travels through his legs, his abdomen, and his chest. It continues to his arms, his lips, and enters through his eyes. Kyle screams once. His body starts to spasm, and then stops. Kyle opens his eyes and stares at Xibnar. A smile; devious, and malicious, plays across his face. With an aching, body he rises to his feet. "It is done, Xibnar. Now I shall get you your cat.” Powerful; purposeful strides carry Kyle out of Xibnar’s sight. Xibnar too is smiling. Xibnar's smile brims with pride. He looks at Kyle as a father would when his son becomes a hero. Xibnar however, does not quite know what he has unleashed. Xibnar snaps his finger, and he too, disappears.
* * * * *
The sound of the whip carries through the room like a thunderclap. A piece of flesh is torn to ribbons; the whip finds its mark. A slight murmur of pain escapes from Jake's lips. The pain rips into his very being and shakes him like a rag doll. Drekkar's taunting laughter, coming from behind him, feeds the burning fire called hate that is creeping into Jake's soul. Repeatedly the whip strikes the flesh. Blood cascades down Jake's back. The flesh just hangs in loose strands. Occasionally, one of the pieces will fall to the floor, and add to the collection.
"What's the matter sir, are you in a little pain? That's too bad, because I'm really enjoying myself. Don't worry though, there's more fun coming up.”
Jake grits his teeth. I refuse to give that bastard any pleasure by showing him my pain. His thought gives him grim determination, however, even that cannot prepare him for what is coming up next.
* * * * *
Thadden and Menecha are three quarters of the way to their plotted destination. Remarkably, Thadden notes, there is no sign of pursuit. This knowledge seems to give him great delight and Menecha squeezes his hand in affection.
However, off to the side, just 20 feet away, stands Romeelus. He aims his crossbow directly at Thadden. As his fingers start to squeeze the trigger, a row of teeth, stained, and crooked, indicate his smile. The bounty hunter fires his shot. At the last second, a black streak barrels into the two targets, knocking them over. The arrow flies into the trees.
"Feacon, you bumbling, idiotic cat, watch where you're going.” Thadden’s curses drift to the bounty hunter. The cat seems unconcerned at the rebuke. With its head held high, the cat walks forward. Once, it turns its eyes in the direction of the shot. Green, cold, eyes freeze the bounty hunter in his tracks. He notices the hair on the back of his neck, is standing on end. Cowering before the gaze, he places his crossbow back in his sack. A personal contest has just been shown, and he was at the losing end. To get the thief, I must first get the cat. He studies the cat as it turns around the bend, and out of sight. Its master, still cursing at the mysterious beast, follows behind. Soon, he too, is out of sight. Romeelus remembers how it's always fading in and out. How to capture a teleporting cat, now that truly is, a good question. Meanwhile, unbeknownst to the bounty hunter, watchful eyes have studied him, as well. This amethyst colored eyes, narrow with hatred. Without knowing why, Romeelus feels his skin begin to crawl and his hairs stand up on end. He waits for it to pass, then starts his stalk again.
* * * * *
Having laughed himself hoarse there is now only a giggle coming out of Drekkar’s cruel mouth. With his body limp, bleeding, and hurting, Jake slumps over his whipping post. What used to be his back is now a mass of shredded skin and blood.
"I whipped you a good one that time, yes sirree!” A childlike grin looms in front of Jake.
"The grin must be identical to the brain, as my torturer seems to be lack of any brains other than that of a child.” Jake mumbles under his breath; and Drekkar laughs insanely at his joke.
"You thinking you’re funny now are ye?” The face becomes a mask of rage. "Well, good, give me some fight, 'cause I'm sure ready for phase two.” Jake watches Drekkar as he walks over to a cabinet. He opens the doors, seems to be trying to read, and then grabs a bottle of liquid. The chuckle, is the sure sign that Jake isn't about to be laughing.
"You know what I’m holding in my hand?” Jake refuses to answer. "It's a healing potion.” Drekkar starts to pace back and forth, as he explains his next idea. "I'm going to pour this all over your bloody little back. Now, it's only going to hurt for a second, as it begins to repair the damage. But why am I doing this you might ask?" He thrusts the bottle under Jake's nose. "After your back is nice and healed, I'm going to start whipping you again. It looks like we're both in for a long day.”
Jake's last thought before Drekkar opens the bottle, is that dumb or not, the man before him is a master in his field. He braces himself for the pain, as Drekkar's hand begins to turn the cap.
* * * * *
Tired footsteps drag on the path, as a thief and his damsel, walk wearily towards Fentia, they hope that they are almost there. Their traveling companion Feacon, is absent from sight.
* * * * *
Time to play cat catcher! Romeelus replies to himself. But first, I need a little distraction. His eyes quickly scan the forest. He picks his spot then moves into action. With a whirling motion, he sends a rock flying out of a sling. It barely misses the thief. He smiles when he sees the cat appear, as if to protect the thief from harm. Romeelus laughs when Thadden pushes Menecha into the trees, as he turns to face the assassin. He spent too much time however, on rescuing the girl, as three pebbles embed themselves into his skull. He flies back, and bangs his head into a tree. Lightheaded and woozy, he tries to stand. He gets to one knee, then the other, and with astounding effort he gets to his feet. Just as he tries to move forward, his wobbly legs give and he falls to the ground. A pair of hands grab him, and gently yank him into the forest. As the cat leaps at Romeelus, he reaches behind him, and throws a net. It snares the cat before it has time to react. Acting quickly, the bounty hunter knocks the cat unconscious. He keeps the net wrapped around the cat and places it in his sack. If I know the teleportation effect correctly, that cat won't be able to teleport if it can't see where it is teleporting to. It's too bad I don't have time to get the thief, but I'll get him next time. The bounty hunter runs back into the forest. He marks this as a round for him. "And seeing's how the cat isn't in any position to threaten me I think I've already won the battle.” Satisfied of his day's progress, he finds a place to camp.
* * * * *
A feeling of cold, wetness wraps around Thadden like a blanket. He opens his eyes, thinking he's bleeding. Instead, he finds Menecha staring back at him. She has a wet cloth, and is applying it to the three lumps on his forehead.
"There's a stream right over there, so I refilled our water flasks." She smiles. It warms him up and gives him strength.
"Feacon, what about Feacon? Have you seen him?"
"He was taking by the man who hit you with the stones. I caught a glimpse of him catchin him and putting him in his sack."
"What did the man look like?"
"He was tall, and dressed in black armor. He seemed to be carrying a lot of weapons on him. I didn't catch his face. He had a cowl covering it."
"A bounty hunter,” he gasps in surprise. "Obviously, our escape was noticed. He had to have been very good, to take me out so quickly.” He leaps to his feet. "Come, these woods are no longer safe. We must travel quickly to Fentia. I shall try and get Feacon back as soon as you are safe.” They gather their things then quickly depart.
* * * * *
A feeling of elation overwhelms Romeelus. It's the feeling he always gets whenever he has maintained a victory. Humming softly to himself, he builds his campfire. He knows he is safe. The thief won't come after me yet. If he's as good as they say his first concern will be to get the girl safely to town. Then, and only then, will he come after me to claim his stupid cat. By that time, I'll be waiting for him. He continues to go about his preparation for his nightly lodging. His hair on his neck stand up again. He turns around with amazing speed.
"Alright, come out of hiding. I know you're there. If it's you thief, you're better off running away, because I'll kill you quick,” Romeelus begins to yell into the trees. Without warning, a figure emerges into the campfire light. "Who are you, and why have you been following me?” he challenges.
"My name is Kyle. You have something I need. Give it to me and I'll let you live. Keep and you will surely die.” The voice is guttural. Romeelus surveys the situation. In a cool, unwavering voice he replies,.
"Well, what is it that I have, that you want?” He then takes out a huge battle-axe that shines red in the firelight.
"All that I ask for is the cat. Give it to me and we'll forget we ever met."
"Then you'll have to kill me because I'm not giving up this cat for anyone.”
The two men circle each other in the moonlight like a pack of wolves. . Both men want a prize, and neither will refuse. A battle will be the decision.