Status: Complete D: No worries we got a sequel!!!

Our World Made of Fiction.

"That's right. You better walk on. I'll hit an old man in public!" I yelled.

"Yes! Food!!!!" I yelled.

God, I love food. It's like.. the god's way of rewarding us for living! Well, we would die without it.. so I guess I'm just an over appreciator.

People were looking at me oddly, so I skipped up to the register, cutting in front of three people and jumped onto the counter saying into the microphone, "Dr Faggot. Paging Dr Faggot. Dr. Faggot!!"

Matt, Johnny and Chris were laughing at the end of the line. Then in walked Alice, Justin, Jimmy, Brian, and Zachary. Once they seen me on the counter, they started laughing. Even Zacky. No! Fuck I guess Zacky is a shorter name.. oh well.

The manager came out, glaring at me, showing off the wrinkles on his forehead.

"Ma'am, I'm going to have to ask you to leave." he said, reaching for my arm.

"Is it because I'm Black?! Is that it? You racist penguin fucker!!" I yelled, now standing on the counter and running back and fourth. I kept jumping over the registers until he gave up, walking back into his office.

"That's right. You better walk on. I'll hit an old man in public!" I yelled, quoting The Hangover again.

Once we ordered our food, I apologized to the three people. They weren't sure if they should laugh, or be pissed that we got food before they did.

We sat in the back corner, 'cause we're that cool. It was quiet, we were too concentrated on our food. Well, the guys were watching Alice and I scarf down my Quarter Pounders and her freakin huge King Salad.

"Where doe all that shit go? You guys are so fucking skinny!" Johnny said, poking my tummy.

"Bitch! Poking leads to pregnancy! Then I'll be eating for two! Which is like.. twice as much as this!" I yelled pointing to the big burger in my hand.

They all laughed, then Alice said, "Holly shit, RJ, did you know we are the nieces and daughters of a fucking famous band?!"

I gawked at the people around me, "You fucktards! That is some vital information! But that's okay, I have all the Cristofer Drew I need!!" I said, smiling at Chris and giving him a side hug.

We kept eating until four girls walked up to us, one blond, two brunettes, and a red head.

"Uh.. sorry for bothering you, but we couldn't help but hear" the blond started and shot a dirty look in my direction, "that you're" she pointed to the older guys, "a famous band, and you're" she pointed to Chris, "Christofer Drew."

It amazed me, really. She didn't even call them by there band's name, but 'famous band'. I just scoffed, taking another big bite of my food, fuck it was good. She looked at me in disgust. Probably because she's anorexic..

I noticed that her little 'posse' were almost drooling over the guys. Then the red head made a very huge mistake. She asked for Justin's number. I dropped my burger, raising my brow and waited for what Alice would do.

Alice rolled her her eyes, standing up and walking over to the poor girl.

"You're really going to stand there and ask for my boyfriend's number in front of me? Bitch, please." she said, grabbing her bright hair and pushing her into the blond. They fell with an 'humph!' making everyone laugh, even the two brunettes.

Justin walked over to Alice and put his arm around her waist, how sweet, "Since when was I your boyfriend?" he asked.

"Since I became your girlfriend, duh!" she giggled.

"And when did all this happen?" he kept on.

Alice turned so that she was facing him, "Since now." she said, kissing him lightly.

There was a round of 'Aws' and then I finished my burger. I walked over to the garbage by the bathrooms, throwing my trash away ans turned back to the group. I was stopped by a hand covering my mouth and pressed me against a hard body.

"We actually might be able to be friends, you know" A male voice said in my ear.

I tried to scream, it was a thing that came natural now, ya know, living in LA and all.

He chuckled, "Don't worry, I won't hurt you, Roxy."

I muffled a scream again, but this time he went down to his knees, letting me go. When I turned around, I let out a sigh because it was only Zacky.

Then I turned to a little boy.. in a Batman costume..

"Did you kick him?" I asked him, kneeling down so I was at eye level with him.

He nodded, "Righ' in the jewels!" he yelled.

I giggled at him, giving him a hi-five before picking him up and turning back to Zacky.

"Dude, you just got taken down by Batman!" I yelled laughing and walking back to the group.

The little boy's name was Austin, his mom worked here, so he came here a lot to hang out. Everyone liked him, even Zacky warmed up to him. After a while, his mom came out and gave me her number so I could babysit him when she had to work.

When we had to leave, I didn't forget to give him a hug and tell him that he saved my life. Aw, his face was so cute.

Then he asked, "Would you be Ms. Batman? Please?"

I giggled and nodded my head, giving him a kiss on the cheek.

"Bye Austin! I'll see you later!" I said, walking out.

"He's such a cutie!"
♠ ♠ ♠
Ha ha I love The Hangover!! I loved this chapter, and sorry it's not longer, my dad kept making me leave D:

Anyway, tell us what you think?!

Comments+Subscriptions=The bestest of love from Synyster Gates!!!
