Status: Complete D: No worries we got a sequel!!!

Our World Made of Fiction.

"Your pants are a little too tight for you, Mr Gates." I gigged out.

"Are you seriously just going to sit there like a PedoBear and wait for her?" I asked the six men in front of me.

After the two love birds left, Brian made a comment, one that I will not repeat, about his first date, making all the guys go ape shit and sit in front of the window.

There was a series of scoffs then Jimmy said, "Of course! I have a reason too! She told me she wanted to be my daughter, so that means I have to be a father, right?" he asked proudly.

I snorted, "Not with Justin. I'm sure he's not going to rape her or anything. And if he even tried, she's been in enough fights to know what she's doing." I retorted, fixing my shorts and walking back into the living room, plopping down face first on the big, fluffy, couch.

"Hey, did you all see where a little miss Foxy Roxy went?" Matt asked, even though he was right in front of me.

I squealed threw me over his shoulder yelling, "Foxy Roxy! Come get your Foxy Roxy! One of a kind boys! Get her while she's hot!!" he smacked my ass.

I squeaked, "Matt! Let me go! You son of a monkey's cock sucker!!!"

Everyone was laughing at me, Matt running around the house like a man on the run from the cops. He could be too, for all I know.

"Finally! Here ya go Syn. Have fun!" he said, handing me to Brian like I was a piece of paper. I am not that skinny.

Brian grinned at me, carrying my like a koala bear up the stairs to an empty guest room.

"Well well well, what do we have here? Is Bri Bri trying to kidnap me?" His face looked all tired, "Aw does Bri Bri need a nap?" I cooed like he was a little kid.

He chuckled, shutting the door and setting me in the bed. "That's not fair! Do you know how early I had to wake up this morning?! Five AM thank you very much!" he said, crossing his arms over his chest.

I took this time to look at his body. Yes, I am a very perverted 16 year old. But that's okay, not everyone can be all uptight and cranky all the time.

Brian's body.. well, to sum it all up, was fucking supercallifragilisticexpialidocus. Hell yes I just went Marry Poppins on your ass!

I giggled when I realized that he was just watching me check him out.

"Like what you see?" he snickered.

"Psh, that's a question I should be asking you." I said, laughing so hard I fell on my side. "Is there a reason we are in this room? I have a party to host downstairs, ya know."

He chuckled, walking over and sitting next to me. "Well, first I'm going to take advantage of you. You know, the works. And then, afterwords, I'm going to bye you a beer."

I couldn't tell if he was totally serious, but the little smirk on his lips told me that he was kidding a little. However, the little specks of lust in his eyes told me otherwise.

I smirked and asked, "And what if I scream?" before I could even think of what I just said.

The little, cute smirk then turned into a very suggestive grin, "Oh trust me, you'll scream." He moved closer so that he was leaning over me, "And it'll be loud, beautiful screams of my name." he whispered in my ear.

I gasped as his lips came into contact with the crook of my neck. His kisses assaulted my neck, making me lean back more, letting me crawl his way on top.

My head was spinning. Did I really want this? No, of course not. I'm still a virgin, and though Brian is considered family to me, I don't think I want him to be my first.

"B-Brian, no. Not now." I said, giving him a little push. He sat up straight, looking at me with something I couldn't determine.

He sighed, "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have pushed myself on you like that."

Brian laid down rubbing his eyes with the palms of his hands. The tent in his pants very noticeable. I giggled, making him look up at me.

"What?" he chuckled.

"Your pants are a little too tight for you, Mr Gates." I gigged out.

He blushed just the slightest, getting a pillow to cover himself. I kinda felt bad for just leaving him high and dry, but it just didn't feel right.

I sighed looking down at my hands, "Listen, Brian, I'm uh.. sorry for not.. you know. It's just.. I'm not ready." I told him.

"You're still a virgin?" he asked in disbelief. I nodded, not really knowing what to say to that. "Hey, it's okay Roxy. I understand, and it's okay if you don't want to right now."

I nodded again, hugging him before there was a loud band from downstairs. What the fuck?!

We hurried downstairs, me tripping over the little fluff ball kitten, and ran into the living room. I couldn't stop laughing at what I seen.
♠ ♠ ♠
Ugh, sorry that this isn't as great as it could have been, but I think I'm getting the flu or something. I've been throwing up all day.

Well, on the bright side, I can't wait to see what Roxy is laughing at!

Comments and subscriptions = a long and happy life!!
