Status: Complete D: No worries we got a sequel!!!

Our World Made of Fiction.

We get in a heated make out, then cloths start flying, and then we have sex.

Justin and I pulled into the drive way after our date, I smiled over at him as he undid his seatbelt.

"I really don't want to go in right now."I whined at him, he smirked over at me, I leaned towards hims and kissed his lips lightly.

"Kepp doing that and we won't have to go in." He said kissing me again, I giggled and kissed him back, and of course you know what happens after this. We get in a heated make out, then cloths start flying, and then we have sex.

Psh, did you really think that's what happened? Stupid.

We keep kissing when I looked up and saw my dad and Zacky sitting in the windiw, I pulled back from Justin and gaped at them.

"Oh. My. FUcking. God! They really have to sit in front of the window waiting for me?!" I snarled getting out of the car and walking towards the door with Justin behind me. I threw the door open and got rushed by my dad and Zacky, we all fell on the floor knocking something over making something break. I Roxy come downstairs and started laughing, ya laughing!!

"RJ, stop laughing and help these poop heads off of me!!" I whined at her, she shook her head and stood there laughing, I pouted and looked at Justin who was smiling and biting his lip.

"Is this a ring? Did he propose?!" My dad shouted, I sighed and tried my hardest to push them off of me.

"No, it's a promise ring. He promised one day we were gonna get married." I said emphasizing the word 'gonna'. Roxy gassped and ran towards me and grabbed my hand and starred at my finger.

"It's gorgues!!" She gushed, I laughed at her and smiled.

"Thanks, it has and inscription inside to." I giggled, Roxy pulled the ring off and read the inside.

"I didn't know you were such a softy Justin." Roxy said smiling at him, he shrugged his shoulders. "So why did you give this to her a day before you had to go on tour?" Roxy said, I froze.

"Shit Roxy I haven't told her yet!" Justin said, I turned and lookeda t him, disbelieve showing in my face.

"What? You never told me this, why?" I whispered at him, I knew I was starting to cry I could feel the the tears trying to go down my face.

"Bunny, listen, I'm sorry I-"

"I didn't ask for you to say sorry, I asked why you didn't tell me!" I snapped at him, he jumped and looked down at the ground.

"I don't know, I was just to scared to leave you after what happened. I didn't want to leave you now." He pleaded with me, I shook my head.

"What about the day you were leaivng, were you gonna tell me then? Or were you just gonna leave?" I asked, he looked up at me and shook his head.

"Of course not, I would of told you Alice! You know I would of!" Justin yelled, I glared at him.

"Ya did you ever think I would of been hurt more? You not telling me until the day you had to leave!" I yelled back at Justin, we were now in each others faces yelling at each other. How could such a wonderful night turn into one full of yelling? Justin and I just kept yeling at each other until someone final pried us apart.
♠ ♠ ♠
Ok sorry this wasn't that long, I had to get ready for school and stuff. Also I've been super busy and stuff D: Oh no work!!!!

Well here you go and I hope you like this one, personally I didn't that much.
