Status: Complete D: No worries we got a sequel!!!

Our World Made of Fiction.

I nodded, "Get me some concert tickets, and I might consider putting you on my iPod." I giggled.

Matt and Zacky pried the two apart, both of them going there separate ways. When we thought they were all calm, we asked them to come down so we could talk about the moving arrangements but Alice said she had to let off some steam after she changed into her workout gear. I knew she was going to go to her underground fighting place, but there was no way I was going to stop her. She needed it.

Once she was gone, I sighed, knowing that this evening was going to go nowhere. Then a thought came to mind about earlier today, and I searched the house for Zacky until I found him out back, smoking.

"Hey." I said, just to let him know I was there.

"Hi." he answered, not looking up at me. In fact, as I got closer, I seen that his eyes were closed.

"Can I talk to you.. about earlier today?" I asked.

His eyes fluttered open, but only slightly. "About what?"

I sighed, taking a seat next to him on the patio chairs.

"Earlier, at the restaurant, you said that we could actually be friends.. I just wanted to make sure I heard you right." I chuckled, taking the smoke from his hands and inhaling the toxic fumes. I wasn't a smoker like my sister, but it felt good to just not care every now and then.

Zacky glared playfully at me, taking the cigarette back and smoking the rest, flicking the butt out.

"Yeah, you did. Believe it or not, I actually can't stand it when some one doesn't like me. That's why I was pissed when you didn't know who we were." he confessed.

I nodded, "Get me some concert tickets, and I might consider putting you on my iPod." I giggled.

It was nice to be able to mess around like we were friends. Well, I guess you could say we were, but not the closest. It was nice though, nonetheless.

We continued talking, messing around and the usual joke about one another. We stayed out there until it was dark, and I had fallen asleep.


I woke up in my bed the next morning, which kinda creeped my out. Then I remembered that the house was filled with egotistical men, who could, and probably would, have a contest to lift the most.

After I took a shower, I got dressed and walked downstairs to see a lot of boxes and suitcases by the door. Alice was the first to walk over to me, giving me a hug and smiling.

Justin and her must have kissed and made up.. or she was just putting up the front she uses when she's too ignorant to let people know how she really feels. Either way, I smiled back and gave her a look that said 'we are sooo having a talk later'.

She looked behind her, running over to Johnny and jumping on his back.

"What the fuck?! Ahh, come on Alice, I'm packing your bags and you jump on me? That's the reward I get?" he pouted, making me chuckle.

"Johnny!" she faked hurt, "I'm offended that you think that! And to think I was going to give you a kiss as a thank you!" she muttered, walking a way with a barely noticeable smirk.

Johnny huffed, wrapping his inked arms around her waist and pouting, "Nonononono! I was simply stating that at the moment, it seemed like I wasn't getting much out of this whole packing thing, but now that you mention it, my lip kind of does hurt, mind kissing it better?" he puckered his lips and shut his eyes.

Everyone walked into the room from the kitchen then, including Justin, who looked a little hurt at the scene before him. But thanks to Jimmy, it didn't get that far.

"Johnny Christ! What kind of PedoBear do you think you are?! Hitting on my daughter and trying to put your sad moves on her?!" he yelled, running over to Alice and embracing her like his life depended on it.

Would it make me a bad person if I said I was jealous of my own sister for getting more attention from our father than me? I sighed, looking at my feet and jumped when there were was a body next to mine.

"What's the matter Kitten?" Chris asked using the nickname only he used.

That whole story was actually pretty funny. When Justin refereed to Alice as a bunny for her hoppy-ness, Christ refereed to me as a kitten because I scrunch my nose and purr like a kitten. He thought it was cute, and it just stuck.

I shrugged, "Just.. indifferent I guess. It feels like he only claims her as his daughter. But that's okay, it's not like we're twins or anything." I huffed, walking away to go pack my stuff. No one else was going to.

The noise downstairs was annoying, but I don't like quietness, so I guess it's better than that. I started packing my clothes into a suitcase first. Then I boxed all of the things I would keep in my room. I was happy that most of our stuff ended up at Justin's. When I look back now, I realize that we almost spent more nights her than back at the apartment.. with our dead mother.

I cringed at the thought. I miss her so much, it's unbelievable. After I let out a shaky breath to keep the tears back, I focused back to packing.

In the middle of my second box, there was a pair of arms wrapped around me. I jumped, but then thought that it was just Zacky trying to scare me like he did at the restaurant.

"Stop Zacky. I'm not in the mood to put up with shit right-" I was cut off by a blade being pushed to my neck.

"Not in the mood for what, Doll?" a unfamiliar voice said in my ear.

I gasped, knowing that it wasn't Zacky. Out of shock, I stood there frozen. It wasn't until his other hand sneaked up to grab both of my wrist did I start fighting back, kicking, thrashing, and yelling.

"Aww, come on Doll, don't be such a little bitch about it." he said, I could tell he was trying to keep his voice down, but did nothing to contain his anger.

The man's hand came in contact with my face when I screamed for someone to help me, making me gasp and fall to the floor sobbing. He went over to the door and locked it, coming back and using a shirt I left out as a gag for me and my box tape to tie my wrists together.

"See Doll, that's what happens when you're a bitch, you get tied down." he snarled.

My sobs kept coming, and soon my vision was blurry. I could make out him moving in front of me, but I couldn't see what he was he was doing. Then I felt it- his hands on my zipper. I tried to scream again, but it was muffled, no one could help me.

Reality hit me then. I'm a 16 year old, whose long lost father favors my twin sister more than me, and is currently being given the idea that some man came into my room and is about to take my innocence by force. Fuck my life.

"Calm down, Doll, or it'll just get worse." he said.

I kept squirming, and some how, he got my pants off faster with a grin, and straddle me. I let out another muffled scream, and this time, I felt a sharp pain on my lower stomach. I looked down, seeing through my blurry vision to see him cutting my skin, fascinated by the blood as it quickly seeped out. He cut from the left side of my navel, to my right hip bone.

"Disgusting, Doll, just disgusting." he muttered.

I sobbed. Because of what was happening, because of the pain, and because the only part of my family left was only a floor away.

He watched the blood for a while. Just sitting on me and watching it. I looked at him in horror. Then he put the knife back up to my navel, making another incision, but this time it was from the right side to my left hip bone, making and 'X' thing. I screeched out as he crossed the knife over the first wound.

Once that was over, my blood was flowing out. He had cut pretty deep, maybe half an inch. It was then that he used the knife to cut my panties off. I was sobbing non stop by now.

My breath got caught in my throat as I felt him at my entrance. That was it. I gave up on all hope, and let him take what he wanted as I laid there and sobbed, praying to whatever gods that it would be over soon.

I couldn't feel below my waist, which was probably a good thing for me right now. His grunts and groans were kept down, and his movements became jerky as he released. God I hoped he was wearing a condom.

I laid there, silently crying as he pulled his pants up, walking back over to the tape and taping my ankles together.

"You're a fucking slut" he hissed, back handing my cheek. "You're pathetic, and deserve to be put to death. You should just crawl in a hole and die" he hit me again, and again, and again.

It kept going on. Him calling me names that will be burnt into my brain and hitting me. I was bleeding. A lot. I was pretty sure a ring had broken some skin on my cheek bone, and my nose and lip were probably both busted.

All I could do was lay there and watch as he climbed back out of the window with a successful smirk. That was all seen before I passed out.
♠ ♠ ♠
All right, I'm feeling a little better, so I made up for my last short one xD
Um.. yeah, not a lot to say actually..

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