Status: Complete D: No worries we got a sequel!!!

Our World Made of Fiction.

She knows about the person I killed.

"Zacky do you know where Rj is?" I said freaking out he came out of the kitchen and into the living room.

"Last time I saw her she went up to her room, she looked a little sad." He said pointing up towards her room, I nodded and ran up the stairs. I went to her room door and put my ear to it, I heard her window being open and freaked some more. I threw the door open just in time to see someone crawling out her window, my brain was telling me something bad happened. I walked towards Rj's bed but tripped over something, when I fell my face came to look right at my sister, she looked dead!

I screamed and scrabbled up, frantically looking around for something to stop the bleeding on her hip. I couldn't find anything so I grabbed my shirt off and pressed it to her cuts trying to stop the bleeding. My dad burst threw the door way and when he saw the scene before us he yelled for his friends, soon enough everyone was up here. What pissed me off was that they were doing nothing , they were just standing there.

"Don't just fucking stand there!! My sister is dieing!!" I screamed, Justin ran forward and helped me.

"Alice call 911 and I'll try and stop the bleeding!" Justin said replacing my hands, I grabbed my phone and shakily dialed 911.

"What is your emergency?" Some dull tone voice said on the other side, I ran my hand that wasn't holding the phone through my hair.

"My sister was cut really bad and she's passed out and losing a lot of blood please help!" I cried into the phone, staring at my sister as Justin tried to wake her up.

"Please calm-"

"Don't you fucking tell me to calm the fuck down!!! You fucking people are gonna come and help my sister!!" I screamed, "I swear to god if you people aren't here soon I will fucking kill you." I seethed, I looked at my sister whose eyes were fluttering open.

"I have sent an ambulance towards you." Then she hung up, bitch.

"Roxy, sissy, can you hear me?" I asked her, she slowly nodded her head at me. I cried some more and laid my head on her chest, she was the only one I had left that I truly trusted. She was the one that knew about my past, about everything I've done. She knows about the person I killed . I cried on her chest and waited, waited for anything really.

Hush little baby, don't say a word,
Sissy's gonna be a little absurd.
Hush little baby don't make a sound,
Sissy's gonna make everybody drown.

I sang to my sister as I cried, Justin was rubbing my back hushing me. I use to sing that verse to her whenever she felt like shit. My dad and uncles were shoved away from the doorway and medics rushed in, I would tell you what else happened but it was all a blur. I can't remember a thing. Not a thing.

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ At the Hospital ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~

When I opened my eyes the first thing I saw was white, I blinked a couple of times and looked to my side to see Justin, Zacky, and Matt. I smiled and then remembered what happened, it all hit me like a ton brick. I sat up and saw I was on a hospital bed? Why was I in one, I wasn't the one bleeding. I threw my legs over the edge of the bed and jumped down from the bed, my feet made a loud slapping sound. I saw Matt's eyes flutter open and smiled at him, he jumped up and hugged me.

"I'm so glad you're awake, you've been asleep for days!!" He whispered, I frowned and looked back up at him. "Roxy was so worried because she woke up yesterday and she wanted you but we said you were passed out." He hugged me some more.

"I'm hungry can you take me to get some food?" I croaked, my throat was so dry and I needed a drink of water so bad!!!! He nodded his head and we walked out of the room's door, we headed to the hospital's cafeteria and Matt grabbed me and him a tray of food. We sat at one of the tables.

"How are you?" He asked, playing with his cherry jello.

"I fell fine, how's Rj?" I asked, he looked up at me sadly.

"She was raped." I gasped, I felt tears rolling down my cheeks. "The doctors did a test and she's," he looked away and I saw tears were falling from his eyes. I crawled onto his lap and put my head on his chest trying to fit my short arms around his well built frame.

"Roxy is pregnant with the sick bastard who raped her baby." He breathed out in a rush, I froze and started to sob into Matt's shirt. He rubbed my back and sang a song to me.

Dear God the only thing I ask of you is to hold her when I'm not around,
when I'm much to far away. We all need the person who could be true to you but I left her when I found her,

"Did you guys make that song?" I whispered, he stroked my black hair that was all matted because I haven't had a proper shower.

"Ya, it's called ' Dear God' ." He whispered in my ear, I felt shivers run down my spine. Wait ,what?! I can't be having feelings for my uncle can I?

"Come on go eat your Fruit Loops than we can go see your sister." He said I turned around and began to eat my cereal. When I finished we stood up and threw our garbage away and started walking through hall ways. I grabbed onto Matt's arm when an old man walked down the hall way, his skin was stretched over his bones so it looked like he was nothing but bones. We came up to a door that had the numbers 130, Matt knocked on it and I heard someone say 'come in'.

We walked in the room and I saw my sister in a bed, her face was so pale and she had dark rings under her crystal blue eyes. I gasped and ran towards her, I hid my face in her chest and sobbed.

And sobbed, and sobbed, and sobbed.

Until nothing else would come out of my tear ducts, I was gasping and a odd sound was coming from my throat. I looked up at her and did what people probably would take disgusting, I kissed her, ya that's right I kissed her.

"Oh my God I'm so happy your alive!! I shouldn't have left you all only after what happened to m..." I began to sob some more, I buried my face back in her chest. My small hands grasping at her hospital gown. "I don't care if your pregnant and your gonna get fat and stupid shit like that, I'll always be here for you!!" She was rubbing my back while I cried, I looked back up at her and smiled.

"If you want I can be the babies daddy?" I whispered, she burst out in laughter and hugged me kissing my for head.

"Sing my song please?" She begged me, I smiled and nodded my head. I climbed upon her bed and sat Indian style, and I began to sing the song I made for her.

Hush little baby, don't say a word,
Sissy's gonna be a little absurd.
Hush little baby, don't make a sound,
Sissy's gonna make everybody drown.

And if those boys keep messin' around,
I want you to turn around.
Deck them right next to their lips,
Show them who you really are.

Hush little baby, don't you cry,
Mommy loves you and so do I.

I finished singing and saw that she was crying, I wiped her tears away with my finger.

"Why are you crying sissy?" I asked her crawling so I was laying in her side, she took in a rigid breathe and smiled.

"I always love that song." She sobbed, I smiled and hugged her side softly. I closed my eyes and fell asleep with my sister, and made all my nightmares go away.

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ Nine Months later ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~

"Oh my gosh can you believe our birthdays our today?!" I screamed at Justin, he laughed and smiled at me. I jumped on his lap and kissed him passionately, Roxy walked into our living room and gagged. I stuck my tongue out at her, she laughed and sat in front of Justin and I.

"Wanna watch our movie?" I asked Roxy and Justin, the nodded their head eagerly and I jumped up and ran towards the stack of DVDs we had. I grabbed The Life of Sevenfold. and popped it in the DVD player, technically the movie was about Roxy and I's life we were honored to have our characters played by Megan Fox. We thought we looked good!!! I went over to the couch and pulled Roxy with me, we sat down on the couch and I laid my head on her pregnant belly . I watched the beginning of the movie where Roxy and I were singing together when we were 5, I was missing my four front teeth so I sounded funny.

We were almost done with the movie when Roxy shouted out, I shot up and looked at her.

"What is it?" I asked, she looked at me.

"My water just broke."
♠ ♠ ♠
Roxy having a baby, or babies? :3

We have five more chapters after this one and then it's the end of the story!!!

Comment and tell us what you think about us making a sequel? I think it's a good idea :D

Copyright of the short song :P I wrote that!!

xoxo Tanisha