Status: Complete D: No worries we got a sequel!!!

Our World Made of Fiction.

I chuckled lightly, "And what if it was a girl? Gay marriage is legal now, ya know."

They started jumping around hectically, announcing to everyone that my belly was going to explode if they didn't get me to a hospital soon.

Five minutes into the ride there, we were stuck in traffic at 3:30 in the afternoon, and the worst contraction so far shot through my spine and out my muscles. I let out a scream, telling Justin less then nicely to get a move on.

What felt like forever later, we were at the hospital, Alice filling out paperwork.

Another spasm of pain shot through me, "Oh! Dear sweet mother of Jesus! Daddy! Daddy, hold my hand, please?" I nearly begged.

I guess you could say that after I was attacked, my dad and the guys have been really good to me, but he was the one that was by my side all the time.

"Oh course Hun, anything else you need?" he asked, trying to make me comfortable.

"No Daddy, I'm fine, I just- Ahh!" I screamed.

A nurse came in, took off my sweats and checked how far I was.

"Well, you're dilated at four, so when you're at five, we'll give you the Epidural, then the doctor with birth your baby" she explained.

"Thanks, but I would love you forever, buy you a fruit basket, and even tip you ten dollars if you gave it to me now!" I yelped, my breathing heavy.

She chuckled, "Sorry kiddo, but if I gave it to you now, it would be gone in the middle of your labor, and that would just piss you off."

After she left, Alice broke out the camera, Daddy and Zacky were holding both of my hands, Johnny and Brian were playing cards, and Matt was sitting in a chair.. reading?

I sighed, Then felt a bigger pain in my lower abdomen. "Holy fucking shit! Cock sucking bitch fucker!" I yelled, tightening my grip on Dad and Zacky's hand.

"You know, for a small girl such as your self, you'd have a great hold on who ever you're going to marries dick." Zacky muttered.

I chuckled lightly, "And what if it was a girl? Gay marriage is legal now, ya know."

He gawked at me, and was about to say something when the doctor walked in.

"Alrighty Roxan, you ready to have this baby?" he asked, sitting in the wheelie chair in front of my vag. Needless to say, I felt very exposed.

"As ready as I'll ever be." I told him.


Three and a half hours later, I was holding my baby boy in my arms. I couldn't stop the tears, and when everyone asked what was wrong, I told them it was the left over hormones.

"What are you going to name them?" Alice asked looking down at him with a smiled.

I thought about it for a while, looking over at my baby girl, "Well, for her, I like Heidi Ann Sullivan, and for him, I like Harley James Sullivan."

Daddy's eyes lit up at that, and I couldn't help but to offer for him to hold his grand son.

Wow, I'm now the mother of twins. Heidi and Harley.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry for the mix up guys.
Anyway, here's this =]

I like the names Heidi and Harley, how about you?
