Status: Complete D: No worries we got a sequel!!!

Our World Made of Fiction.

"NO! My ego is not prego, I wear condoms everytime I have sexy time." I said smirking

"Aunt Ally is here!!!!" I screamed walking through Roxy's door, I heard little footsteps coming from the kitchen. I waited and when I saw my neices I smiled, I think they grow everyday. Heidi jumped and hugged my left leg as Harley attacked my right, I laughed and started walking into the kitchen with two kids hanging on my legs.

"Roxy your babies are hanging on me." I said, I looked up and saw another kid. "Wow, did you get knocked up again?!" I looked at Roxy and saw a dude with her, I raised my eyebrow.

"NO! This is Austin, remember the kid in the Batman costume?" She said waving her hands in the air, I looked at the kid and smiled.

"Austin! You still kicking bad guy butt?" I asked him, he smiled and shook his head. I pulled Harley and Heidi off my legs and picked Austin up and hugged him.

"Is Roxy still your Mrs. Batman?" I whispered.

"Yes!" He said, I laughed and sat him down.

"You guys I heard there's a new Adventure Time today. You better go watch it!" I said, Heidi and Harley ran towards the living room as Austin stood there.

"I don't watch Adventure Time." He whispered with his head down.

"It's okay little man, come here you can sit on my lap." I said patting my legs, he jumped up on my legs and smiled at Roxy. I looked at the new guy and then at Roxy.

"So who are you?" I asked pointing it at blondie, he laughed and shook his head.

"I'm Darrel, Austin's brother and dad." I raised my eyebrow at him. "Our mother died leaving me with him."

"I'm very sorry, your mother was a very nice woman." I said smiling at him, he nodded his head. My phone started playing 'Afterlife' telling me dad was calling.

"Hi daddy!" I said smiling, he laughed on the other end.

"What are you up to darling?" He asked, I ran my hands threw my hair and sighed.

"Well Justin and I have something to tell everyone, I just got back from tour, and I'm at Roxy's." I said, playing with Austin's blonde hair.

Yes I did say tour, no I'm not in a band or anything like that. I'm just Papa Roach's band roadie, ya I know who wants to hire a girl as a roadie? Well since my dad knows Jacoby, he kinda got it for me.

"You're pregnant?!" My dad screamed. I laughed and shook my head.

"NO! My ego is not prego, I wear condoms everytime I have sexy time." I said smirking, knowing my dad scrunched his nose in disgust.

"Nasty child!! Well how about you and Roxy come over with the kids and we will have a BBQ. Yes there will be food for vegans." He said.

"Okie dokie, bye daddy Roxy and I love you!!" I shouted and then hung up, Iooked at Darrel and smiled.

"You and Austin wanna come to a BBQ?" I asked.

"Sure why not." He said shrugging his shoulders, I smiled and stood up carrying Austin.

"Heidi, Harley!!! Go get dressed we're gonna go see grandpa!!" I yelled into the living room, I heard a sqeaul from Heidi.

"I can't wait to see Zacky!!" She screamed, I laughed at her excitment. I turned around and looked at Roxy and smiled.

"How can your daughter love Zacky when you andhim got off on the wrong spot at first?" I asked she shrugged her shoulder and stood up. I walked into the living room and set Austin down, he looked up at me and smiled. I ruffled his hair and looked up to see Heidi and Harley coming down the stairs.

"Come on we are taking Auntie's car, mommy is taking Darrel in her car." I said smirking at RJ, she shook her head and grabbed her car keys. The kids ran out towards my car and got in, Austin got front and the twins were fighting over it.

"Ok stop, Austin gets front cause he is older." I said getting in the driver's side, I looked back at Heidi and handed her my phone.

"Call Uncle Justin and tell him to head over to Grandpa's." She nodded her head and called Justin, I heard Harley and her small voice as they talked. I looked down at Austin who was looking at all my CDs.

"What's your favorite band?" I asked him, he pulled a CD out and held it towards me. I laughed because he was holding up Avenged Sevenfold's new CD.

"Do you ever wanna meet them?" I asked him, he looked up at me with big eyes and nodded. "Well sweetheart I'ma make that dream come true today." I said pulling up to my dad's, he looked up and gawked at the huge house.

"Welcome to the Seenfold mansion." I said to him, he dropped the CD and ran out of the car. I got out and the twins and I followed up towards the door, I threw it open.

"Alice is here to play!" I screamed, I heard multiple laughed coming from the kitchen. I ushered Austin to follow and he did. When we got in there you saw everybody, I smild and let the twin's hands go. Heidi ran towards Zacky and Harley ran towards Matt, I laughed and looked down at Austin who was hiding behind me.

"COme on baby boy, you don't have to be scared." I coed, I pulled him up in my arms and he hid his face in my shoulder.

"I thought you said you weren't pregnant!" My dad yelled, I shook my head.

"This is Austin, Zacky should remember him." I said smirking at him.

"Ya I kicked him right in the jewels!" Austin yelled making everybody laugh except Zacky. I turned around and saw RJ, Darrel, and Justin coming in through the door. I set Austin down and ran towards Justin.

"I've missed you so much!" I said hugging him, he laughed and hugged me tighter.

"Me too." He whispered in my hair, I pulled away and we walked into the kitchen. I motioned everybody to sit down, when everybody was sitting and the kids were in the living room watching tv I looked at them.

"Justin and I are getting married!" I shouted.
♠ ♠ ♠
So I can't wait for the wedding :D

Also thank you for all the commenters and subscribers, I wuve you!!! Tell us what you think about a seqeul or else there won't be one!!! D: We don't want that, we would still make one anyways :P

xoxo Tanisha