Status: Complete D: No worries we got a sequel!!!

Our World Made of Fiction.

All we needed was the bride.

*~4 Months Later~*

"Uhg! No! I told you that goes over by the entrance! That's where the chocolate fountain goes!" I yelled at the help.Yeah, Alice just had to have a chocolate fountain at her wedding. No one was complaining though.

The day after Alice announced that she was getting married, Darrel asked me on a date, and things just kicked off from there. He's really gotten to me, and I think he might be 'the one'. Heidi and Harley really like him and Austin, so that's a plus too.

Today is the day of Alice's wedding, and me being the maid of honor, I have to make sure everything is perfect for my sister, 'cause she deserves it.

Everything was hectic, though. The caterer was late, the flower arrangements were all wrong, and to top it off, Gena is no where to be found. A fucking bridesmade is gone!

I sigh inwardly, finally content with the flower arrangements. One of the waiters knocked over the punch bowl, making my groan and start my search for a mop and cleaning supplies.

When I find the closet, I damn near shit my pants. Gena and Darrel were fucking. I gasped, getting their attention, then shot both of them a glare from the deepest pits of hell.

They broke apart, Darrel pulling up his pants and Gena pulling up her panties and fixing her dress. I stood there, arms crossed over my dress clad chest. Scared was clearly written on their faces.

"RJ, this isn-"

I cut him off, "This isn't what? This isn't you cheating? And you!" I turned to Gena, "Zacky's head over heals for you and you go do this shit?"

She stuttered for words, "I- this is- what-"

"Exactly. Now, I'm going to walk away. We" I motioned between Darrel and I, "are over. Go away, and stay away. And Gena, You're out of the wedding. I'll have Val pick up the dress later. Just.. just leave before you fuck things up even more."

I saw the hurt and sorrow on Darrel's face, but ignored it, telling myself to wait until after the wedding to lose control of my emotions.

Forgetting about the mop and cleaning shit, I go into the back room where all the groomsmen and brides mades are waiting.

"Guys, there's been a mix up. Gena and Darrel aren't in the wedding anymore, so I moved Zacky up to walk with me down the isle first." I said, quickly making up a plan.

They looked at me for a moment, wondering what I was talking about, but when I shot them a look that said 'drop it', they did. I walked over to Zacky and bent down to whisper in his ear.

"We need to talk later. And don't talk to Gena until we talk first, kay?" I asked. My voice sounded weak and even broke in some parts, but he nodded nonetheless.

Checking the time, I made sure everything was ready before getting my miniature bouquet and linking arms with Zacky, the others doing the same.

The music started, signaling for Heidi and Harley to start walking, so I started following them, being sure to hold my dress. I plastered a fake smile on my face, being sure to glare when I seen that Gena was still their. That bitch has nerve.

I finally got to my last steps, Val, Michelle, and Laceyfollowing behind me. Everything was perfect so far. The guys were standing where they should be, Justin didn't look as nervous as before, and everyone was smiling.

Now all we needed was the bride.

The song finished, and there was still no Alice. Everyone had turned their heads to look at the door she should have came through, but nothing came out. We stood there for five minutes in our own thoughts before Dad came rushing through the doors and halfway down the isle, no Alice in hand.

"She.. she's not there. She's gone, and the window was broken, and their was.. blood." he panted.

All the color drained from my face as I felt myself beginning to panic. No. No. She can't just be gone.

I didn't think when I ran for her dressing room. The door had been broken down, probably by Dad, but the window.. it was shattered, and blood was everywhere. Furniture was scattered everywhere, and the mirror in the corner was cracked.

My knees gave out from under me, causing me to fall. Tears rand down my cheeks, ruining my makeup. Someone tried to help me up, but I shoved them away. I sat their crying for what felt like hours. Long, excruciating, hours.

I finally fell asleep with one last thought.

We will find you, Alice. I promise.
♠ ♠ ♠
So this is the end! Unless my good friend has something to end.. but I don't think she does, so yeah, this is it.
No need to cry though! Their is a sequel. Did you really think we would seriously end it like that? Psh! I'd have to bitch slap myself!

I want to thank all of the people who have commented and made this simple idea for a story into a whole new beginning!

So thanks to all our sexy bitches!
xXcrazy-desiXx (x9)
XxWishxOnxAxStarxX (x4)
Bubbleloveworld (x4)

And I think that's it. Thanks again, and be sure to check out the sequel!
