Status: Complete D: No worries we got a sequel!!!

Our World Made of Fiction.

Like they were about to tell a six year old that the tooth fairy wasn't real.

I didn't really know what to do when Alice started yelling and screaming. She wasn't usually this mad, so I decided to let her get her anger out and scream all she wanted. At one point in her little tantrum, I looked at all of the men standing within hearing distance and gave them an apologetic look. Though our dad just sat there and took in everything she was saying. His face never changed, no matter how many ugly the words spewing out of her mouth were.

"Do you know how to speak?" she sneered at him.

Right now, everyones eyes shift to the tallest man. Damn, if tension was money, I'd have stacks of it.

His mouth opened, and I shifted on my feet, waiting for him to say something.

"Yes." was it. That's what all of the tension was for, a simple 'yes'. Well, that sent Alice off her top.

She lunged at him, too fast for Justin to stop her. Me being her twin, knew exactly what would have happened. She would run at him, get on top so he couldn't get away, and start the beginning of her 'This is for not being there for 16 fucking years bitch' ass kicking.

But then she did something I never expected. She stopped. Right when she was in front of him, she stood there and glared down to him.

"I want to get one thing straight, and you better fucking listen." her voice was calm, which probably meant that she was so pissed off, she didn't know what to do, but she continued, "I loath you. I hate you to the point where it physically hurts me to even think about being near you. But the only reason I'm going to is because for some reason, my sister doesn't feel the need to punch you in the face like I do. Got it? Good."

Alice turned to me and it was then I noticed the tears pricking her eyes. I ran over to her and wrapped my arms around her. She fell into me, not fighting me like I thought she would. God, why do people have to have bad timing? I mean, they could have waited at least two weeks to show up on Justin's doorstep.

I asked Justin to take her and calm her down. Once they were out of the room, I turned to the freakishly huge guys in the room. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't scared of them. If you had five muscle-y tattooed guys standing in front of you, you'd be scared too, right? Yeah, I thought so.

"Sorry about that.. she has a temper. Um, listen, I want to be blunt and just say that she just.. hates you. And I'd like to defend you, really I would, but she has a point. If you would have been in our lives, our mother wouldn't have.. d-died. But besides all of that, how was the trip here?" I asked, deciding that I should stop rambling.

They all looked at me like I was half zebra. The time that they have been here, I've given them nicknames, since I don't know there real names. The tall one, our dad, he's Legs. Then there's the short one, Smalls. The one with the shades and muscles is Hulk and the one with the snakebites is Bad Ass. The last one, the one with the nose ring, he's Sexy. Well, I wouldn't ever say that out loud, be he is..

"It was great. We saw dear!" Legs said suddenly.

I giggled at his randomness. I must have gotten my genes from him.. I turned off my iPod I was listening to before they arrived.

"Did you see Bambi's mom? She like disappeared in the beginning of the movie. I never got where she went, she just left!." I said all seriously. I could remember watching the movie with Alice and Mom when I was a lot younger, when she didn't use Meth to get away from her problems.

Mommy! Where's Bambi's mommy going?" I asked, not taking my eyes off of the TV.

"Well babe, when Bambi gets to a certain age, his mommy has to leave him, so that he can learn to grow up on his own."

At that moment, I felt like all of the answers to the universe were embedded into my head, we were all alone so that we could learn how to grow up on our own. Then that part of being a 5 year old kicked in. That part that doesn't filter what you say, how you never think before you speak, yeah, that part.

"Is that why Daddy left?" I asked quietly, chancing a glance at Mommy.

Her body tensed up, and she slowly turned her head to me, nodding the slightest. "Yeah, that's why."

She sounded like she was trying to convince herself, but that was all I needed to believe that's why Daddy left. But like all parents, she lied. She lied because she thought she was doing a favor in my part. She lied to forget everything she knew. If lying was a drug, she would have been addicted a long time ago.

They looked at me for a while with an expression that made them look like they were about to tell a six year old that the tooth fairy wasn't real.

I started laughing at them. "I'm kidding, I'm not that young. I know she got shot." A look of relief was on there faces in an instant.

"So do you need introductions? Or are we good with all of that?" Hulk asked.

Confusion swept up my face, "I guess, I mean, I don't know who you really are.. should I?" I asked.

Bad Ass smirked, "You don't know who we are?" I shook my head, making his smirk disappear, "We're Avenged Fucking Sevanfold, how could you not know?"

I know a lot of music. I know almost everything from Toby Kieth to Eminem. Hip hop to rock. Oldies to today's top 10. But never in my life have I heard of 'Avenged Sevenhold' or what ever they call themselves. But instead of arguing, I pulled out my iPod again and handed it to him.

"Look for yourself." I told him, turning to the rest of them. "Now, names?"

"Johnny Christ." Smalls.

"M. Shadows" Hulk.

"Synyster Gates." Sexy.

"The Rev." Legs.

I sighed, "I'm sorry, but if those are your real names, you sound like all of the kids that would be in Special Ed. What are your real names? I asked, crossing my arms out of frustration.





Bad Ass turned back to me, handing me my iPod and glaring. Aw, Mr. Hot Stuff looks like he just got rejected. Good, fucker.

"Zacky fucking Vengeance. Got a problem with it, deal with it." he sneered, narrowing his eyes.

You see, usually I'm an alright person. I try to be fare, and I leave the fighting to Alice, but right now, I could tell that Zachary and I were not going to get along. And ya' know what? Fuck. Him.

"Anyway, what's your name Sweet Cheeks?" Brian asked.

I smirked, "Sullivan, Roxane Jay Sullivan."
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Haha I liked this one xD

Zacky and Roxy are just the best est of friends, don't you think? <-- sarcasm, gotta love it! I also felt the need to put in a flash back, they're just so fun.

I'd try to bribe you with candy, but that would just remind me of that weird guy down the block that goes around offering Halloween candy to kids,, in July.. So instead, I'll bribe you with an awesome chapter!

Comment and Subscribe= Fan-fucking-tastic chapters!!!
