Status: Complete D: No worries we got a sequel!!!

Our World Made of Fiction.

Brian smiled down at me, "That I do. I'm very.. handy with them, if I do say so myself."

I was happy to see Alice acting like herself again, minus the hatred to the man that helped bring us into the world. She was having fun with Justin and Chris after I started making breakfast. Fucking vegans. It's just natural that we eat meat! I mean.. who could live off of roots and berries?!

She was drifting off into Nowhere Land but I got her out of it by placing her food in front of her with a loud 'thunk!

Her eyes shot open and she was staring at me with wide eyes, "What the fuck, RJ?!" she yelled.

I just smiled at her, getting out the bacon and cutting the strips into halves. She scrunched up her nose and left the kitchen to eat in the dining room. I put the bacon in the pan and started on eggs.

"I smell BACON!!!" Johnny yelled, walking through the swingy doors.

I smirked at him as the rest of the guys came walking in behind him, all muttering something about food and loud noises.

Chris walked over to me and wrinkled his nose like Alice did, then walked away. I made bacon and eggs for everyone that was hungry, then made some for me.

Zachary kept glaring at me and I couldn't stand it anymore, "What the hell are you starring at you pedobear?!"

Matt, Jimmy, Brian, and Johnny started laughing, but Zachary just glared harder, "Why can't you be like your sister?"

"Because there is two of us. I cannot be just like her, that would take away my originality. Now, what is it going to take for us to get along?" I asked, I mean, is this how it's going to always be?

"Nothing. Absolutely nothing you do will make me want to be near you in a million years." he stated, walking out of the kitchen and into the living room.

I made a funny face, "Well then. Is he always like that when someone doesn't know who he is?" I asked Jimmy.

Something inside of me felt bad for him. I mean, sure he left us, but he was scared and didn't know what to do. He doesn't deserved to be totally hated, right? Or maybe it's just me, always trying to see the good in people. Alice always did call me a pansy..

"Not really. It never bugged him this much. Great food by the way. You're great at cooking." he said with a smile.

I smiled back, "Thanks d- Jimmy."

Oh shit. I'm not ready to call him dad. I mean really? It shouldn't be that easy.. but he is making it that easy. Fuck my life.

Justin came in and started picking at the bacon on my plate.

"NOOOOO!!! That's is MY food Mr.!" I held my fork up like I would stab him. He just smile and kept eating my food. I slammed the fork down on his hand before he could get my last piece of bacon.

"Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow!!! What the hell?!" he yelled, bringing his hand to his lips and sucking on it. What a baby.

"She said it was her food. You don't mess with a girl's food, man. You should know this." Brian said.

I smirked at him, handing over the rest of my food to Justin and sitting on Brian's lap. "Thank you Sir. You know your women." I told him.

Brian smiled down at me, "That I do. I'm very.. handy with them, if I do say so myself."

I scoffed, "Not my kind."

"What kind would that be?" he asked.

"A twin that was raised in LA." I said, smiling at him. Suddenly, I was craving Apple Jacks. "Anyone feel like Apple Jacks?" I asked, rubbing my stomach under my shirt and walking over to the cabinets.

"You just ate." Matt laughed.

I glared playfully at him, "Sue me if I'm a human being that cannot live without food. Besides, who turns down free food?"

"I like you! You don't care if a guy watches you eat like all of the crazy anorexic bitches in Huntington" Brian said.

I laughed at him, eating my Apple Jacks in piece. After I was done with my cereal, I went into the room I was staying in to get changed. Nothing too classy, just a pair of gray skinnies and a band shirt. I wore some heels and put on my usual make up, eyeliner and mascara. When I was done, I walked back downstairs and saw Alice on Zachary's back. I rolled my eyes and stood there.

When I seen Brian's hat I ran for it. I jumped on his lap, straddling him, and took his hat of and put it on me. He looked at me like I was crazy.

"If you wanted to wear it, you could have just asked." he said, not moving.

I giggled, "Would you have let me wear it?" I asked, batting my eyelashes at him. Damn his sexiness!!

"No." he replied.

I chuckled, standing up and offering my hand to him. He took it, but while I was pulling him up, I heard a special tune being played outside.

"ICE CREAM TRUCK!" I yelled, letting go of Brian's hand and running outside, trying to get there before all of the little kids did. I heard everyone laughing and when I looked over my shoulder, I could have sworn I even saw Zachary smirking.

Alice was right behind me, a very excited grin on her face. I loved moments like this, when we could be the little kids we truly are.

I ordered my Strawberry Sunday and walked back to the house. Justin, Chris, Johnny, Jimmy, Matt, Brian, and Zachary all sat in one of the available seats. They all looked very professional, and that says a lot, considering Justin's baby face.

I decided that now would be the time to be serious, so I took a seat in the far corner and looked at them all.

"Jimmy, Johnny, Matt, Brian.. Zachary, I guess it's time to get down to business?"
♠ ♠ ♠
ha ha I love how distracted Roxy can get =]

Comments + Subscriptions = Twice as much love! Cuz I would love you too! But.. not at the same time, that would be weird.. but you get what I mean!
