Status: Complete D: No worries we got a sequel!!!

Our World Made of Fiction.

I smiled at my reflection and high five myself, I laughed and walked downstairs

After Roxy's little rant she went for Justin's bottle of Jack Daniels, she hasn't drank in a really long time and this was probably a huge step for her. After watching everybody drink like five or four cups of Jack, and me only two, I went upstairs and pulled off my pajamas and and stepped into the shower and started washing off the bad memories. I spent about two hours in the shower until I finally decided it was time to get out, I pulled on the cloths , I sighed and went to look in my mirror. I smiled at my reflection and high five myself, I laughed and walked downstairs, I saw everybody still drinking and Brian was passed out with his head in Roxy's lap. I laughed and sat down next to Matt, I threw my arm over his shoulder and smiled up at him, he burped which me scrunch my face up in disgust.

I stood up and plopped down next to Justin who had his eyes closed, I laid my head on his chest and closed my eyes, I felt fingers start to weave their way through my hair. It felt so good that I was drifting off to sleep, I opened my eyes and stared up at Justin through my eyelashes. He smiled down at me and leaned his head down, I lifted my head up and our lips softly brushed together before I pulled away, Justin pouted down at me making me laugh.

"Why did you do that?" He whined, I smirked and shook my finger at him.

"You're drunk mister and I will not kiss you with stinky breathe." I said wagging my fingers at him, I sat up and looked at Roxy who was talking to our dad. I sighed because I knew they were talking about moving in with him, I knew I would have to move in with him because I can't stay away from Roxy for at least 24 hours without feeling sick. I looked at Justin and smiled at him he smiled down at me and stood up taking me with him he went into the kitchen and started pulling out cheese, I raised an eyebrow at him, he pulled out some bread and started making grilled cheese. I laughed as I realized he was making grilled cheese, I helped him make everybody grilled cheese while listening to my ipod, ironically Justin's song Somebody to Love came on which just made me and him burst out in laughter.

"That was so random!" I laughed, he smiled at me and looked in my eyes.

"You wanna go somewhere tomorrow?" He asked me, I stopped laughing and looked at him.

"Why not, I got nothing to lose." I said smiling at him, he pulled me towards him and hugged me. I wrapped my arms around him and breathe in scent in, he always smelt like candy, I loved this feeling when we would just stand and hug each other. He pulled me away and looked at me and smiled, he pulled my face closer to mine and placed a soft kiss on my lips. He pulled away and smiled, I grabbed the collar of his shirt and smashed our lips together, I guess I just wasn't ready for him to pull away. He laced his arms around his waist and tugged me towards him, I removed my hands from his collar and placed them on his chest.

I ran my hands over his abs and smiled because he was so tone and muscley ( i know that isn't a word but who cares, not me!), I ran my hands up his chest and onto his shoulders. I lifted my hands up to his hair and started running my hands through his honey colored hair, his tongue traced my bottom lip asking for entrance. I kept my lips shut tightly and smirked as he groaned in frustration, he ran his hands down to my butt and squeezed it a little making my smirk grow. He removed his lips from mine and started leaving a trail of kisses down my neck, he soon found my sweet spot and started to suck on it, I moaned and he soon attached his lips back on mine. I smiled as he explored my mouth with his tongue, sneaky little devil , I moved my hands down to the hem of his shirt and started playing with.

I was about to take his shirt off when someone cleared their throat, I pulled away and saw Zacky, I blushed and looked down at the ground.

"Hey what's up Zacky?" I asked quietly, he laughed at my blushing face.

"Don't worry I won't say a word to your dad, as long as you don't take that any further when I'm in the house." He said to me as he turned around and headed back into the leaving room, I turned towards Justin and smiled at him.

"How about we continue this later?" I asked him, he smiled and nodded his head, I stood on my toes and lightly kissed him on the lips. I walked back into the living room and saw that almost everybody was watching MOD (music on demand), I ran up and jumped on Zacky's lap making him groan.

"You are so fat!!" He whined, I looked at him and pouted, that just made him laugh at me. I looked at the tv and this band called Avenged Sevenfold came on playing Afterlife, this made the guys laugh.

"What's so funny?" I asked, Zacky pointed back at the screen and I saw him on tv playing a guitar, my jaw dropped at this, I looked at the guys then at the tv. I jumped up and looked at them and than I opened my mouth.

"Holy fucking shit you guys are in a band!!! How come no one told me this?! I can't believe it my uncles are major rock stars!!" I squealed, I jumped up and down clapping my hands, I heard Justin scoff and looked at him.

"What am I, a pile of shit?" He whined, I laughed and jumped on his lap throwing my legs on Johnny's lap.

"No my dear lover, you are the amazing Justin Bieber!!! Who hit puberty at age 15." I laughed, he glared at me and stuck his tongue out at me while everybody laughed. I leaned my head on Matt's lap and closed my eyes with my arm thrown over them, I sighed and listened to their song. After a while I caught on to the chorus and started singing along, soon Matt's voice joined in, when the song ended I opened my eyes and sat up. I wrapped my arms around Justin's neck and snuggled into his side, he slid his arms around my waist and pulled me closer, if that were possible.

"You have an amazing voice Alice!" Matt sang, I laughed at him and stood up.

"I declared we go eat our grilled cheese!!" I said taking off towards the kitchen, I heard Justin and everybody else who wasn't passed out behind me. I laughed and grabbed a grilled cheese, I ran to the fridge and grabbed some ketchup and put it all over my grilled cheese.

"That is disgusting child." I heard, I turned around and saw Johnny with his nose all scrunched up, I laughed and stuck my tongue out at him that had chewed up grilled cheese on it.

"What's up with all the noise I was sleeping!" I heard RJ ask, I turned around and saw RJ rubbing her eyes.

"Are you sleepy?" I coed, she nodded her head and rested it on my shoulder I ran my hand through her hair. "You got bed head!" I laughed at her, she stuck her tongue out at me and grabbed a grilled cheese and put some ketchup on it.

"Do all of the Sullivan's put ketchup on their grilled cheese?" Matt asked, I looked and saw my dad had ketchup on his grilled cheese on his too.

"Of course dear, the Sullivan's are amazing that's why you love us." I shouted as I hugged Roxy and my dad, I laughed and stuffed the rest of my grilled cheese in my mouth.

"I'm hungry." I whined.

"You just freaking ate!" Brian shouted, I pouted and looked at RJ.

"Foxy Roxy, my sister, can we go eat somewhere?" I pouted at her, she stuffed the rest of her grilled cheese and nodded. I squealed and jumped up and down.

"Yay! Let's go you guys I'm starving!!" I said running out the door, I heard Justin laugh.

"Does she always act like this?" I heard Jimmy ask.

"Ya she does, I think it's because she is Bipolar." I heard Justin say.

"She's Bipolar?"

"Ya she is." Justin said, he walked outside and smiled at me and opened the passenger door of his Range rover.

"Thanks Justin." I said smiling at him, I slid onto the seat and looked at the sky that was filled with bright white stars, I heard Justin get in next to me. He grabbed my hand and kissed my knuckles, I smiled at him and looked out the window. Zacky, Brian, and Jimmy got in the back, I had a song pop up in my mind and I had to get it out.

"D-Jimmy give me a nice fast beat, Zacky Brian just play the air guitar." The just raised their eyebrows at me but the did it anyways, I looked at Justin. "Be my back up?" I asked, he nodded, I smiled and started bobbing my head to the beat my dad had going. I took a deep breathe and read the lyrics in my mind, I don't know if it's gonna be a good song I just wanted to get it out.

You go on a trip
I stay with a relative
You come back and flip
'Cause I didn't do shizz

But I'd much rather

For someone who seems to care
The fact that you WON'T stay home for me
Is bigger than me staying here
You lie constantly and it hurts me so bad
But you don't even seem to notice

That I'm randomly sad

I can't seem to understand how you don't see your effect
My heart hurts every time you leave, like you'll never come back
It makes me feel so unimportant
Like I don't matter one bit
Like those people out there
Are way better than I could ever get
But you don't see, no not ever

Not at all

Because by the time I round up the courage
You're too far to hear my call
Yeah, it hurts me in ways that only you could manage
But I can't mend it ever, not with the biggest bandage
It will follow me through life
A fear of people leaving me
A fear that I'm just not important

Enough to ever be

More than someone to live with
Someone to see
Because, yeah, I love you Mom
But do you really love me?
You say,"I'm your mother."
I can do this, I can do that
But I'm certainly starting to wonder

If indeed that is a fact

Because sometimes I feel so alone
That I yearn for fame
And sometimes I want boarding school
Away from all this rain.
Because the rain gives me headaches
It messes with my brain

But water itself

Is the place from which I came
And it makes me so sad
Cry even in the dark
Because it's so hard to deal with
So many many things being wrong.
And I leave you with this
Mother, dearest, oh my mom

Would I change a thing?

No, my creativity would be gone.
And so would this poem
And the songs your disappearances have inspired
Because without the struggle, pain, heartache, and numb
Why would I be? When it comes to reaching my dreams

I inquire.

It keeps going on

The words flow out of me so

My only worry

Where exactly will they go?
Will they go unheard
Unthought of, uncared
Or will you finally realize
Your leaving me scared.

And when I grow up
I refuse to be a case
Insecurity here, yup

And the fear of my own face.

I sang, I had a couple of tears running down my face as I finished, I felt Justin's hand squeeze my hand. I didn't expect the song to be about my mom, not at all, I just let it flow. I sighed and looked back up at the sky, and what made me laugh was that a shooting star passed by. I closed my eyes and wished for what I have always dreamed for.

I wish my sister and I will finally be happy.

I hope that wish comes true.
♠ ♠ ♠
ok so here is a long one :D

Song by BrendonUrieHasBigLips I did not make it she did. Check out her stories.

I hope you liked it !!!!!
I loved it

Comments+Subscriptions= Loving from the one and only Zacky V. :D

xoxox Tanisha