Mind Tricks.


My breath was shortened, and tears cascaded from my green, soul searching eyes; my tears were cast out like angry waves crashing against the broken rocks. I was broken. My hands roamed across the darkened hallway wall, I followed the laughter coming from the second door. I sobbed uncontrollably, knowing what lay behind the dank wooden hell. My hands left the smooth wall to wipe away the stray tears, dropping from my sniffling nose; I knew my make-up had gone to pieces.

How could he do this to me? He was my best friend, my boyfriend of two years, the person I ran to for a shoulder to cry on! He was there when my puppy died, and he was there to watch my parents’ ugly life unfold before the divorce. He was there for me always. I just couldn’t believe it.

I sniffled again, and continued myself down the seemingly never ending hallway. More laughter filled my hurting ears; the laughter hurt me the most. His laughter, and then her laughter; it was laughter galore! Shaking my head, I cleared the thought of them laughing and playing together. My hand started to slip against the wall again; occasionally bumping the lamp or skimming across a family portrait. Ten more steps and I would be there, seeing them throw love at each other. I took five steps forward; it would have to end badly. Three steps together; my life would go on. Two steps sliding; He certainly didn’t love me. One step more; my knuckles rapped themselves at the door.

The laughter stopped for a second, and then Matthew’s voice came through, “Come in!”
My sobs broke loose as I opened up the door. She sat there, pretty as can be, a lollipop twirling in her mouth carelessly. Her eyes smiled at me, as her mouth did the same. I looked at him, his face worried, “Mathew, how –how could you?”

He was puzzled, “Crystal, what are you talking about? How could I what?”

I stamped my foot upon his carpet, “How could you cheat on me!” I watched the girls face move from the smile to a frown, her eyebrows knitted together in confusion.

He laughed, and then covered his mouth before answering, “Lacy is my sixteen year old cousin. She’s visiting from Oklahoma. Baby, I told you this like two weeks ago.”

I cried with frustration, “Your cousin?” I looked to her in an attempt to make sense of all this, “She’s your cousin?”

“Yes. Lacy this is Crystal, my girlfriend. Crystal this is my cousin Lacy.”

She stood up and placed her hand in front of me, “Nice to meet the girl Matthew’s been talking about since I got here.”
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