Black Magic

My name is Leslie Bickery, and I am intoxicated. I am obsessed and completely intoxicated by another being, a girl, the same gender as I. Her name is Alex. I’ve been secretly looking at her, taking in everything about her since I moved to Talent, Oregon.

I have been in Oregon for two weeks, since I moved from Coleman, Florida.

Coleman has a population of a little over 700, while Talent has around 6,7 hundred people. And of all those people, I become addicted to Alex Thandreson.

I’m completely getting off topic here, but I just have so many things to say at once, it’s hard to stay on topic. No, wait, it’s really not. It’s hard to get my mind off of Alex, she’s like a drug, but something exotic and overseas, because she’s just so strange and tangible, I just want to reach out and run my fingers down the length of her body.

What makes Alex special? Well, I guess you’re just going to have to find out. This story may be a little biased on my side, since I’m just a little obsessed, Alex is perfect in my eyes.

Rated R for:
Sexual Themes