Status: COMMENT PLEASE :) haha

One Regret

Chapter 1

*~Ray’s Perspective~*

It was like any other day, Matt and I were at Rocky Mountain High, as it was our Junior year. Matt had been my friend since 7th grade.
We were like glue; sticking to each other until the end. But, he had been popular in Middle school, and nothing changed in High school. I, on the other hand, had been marked as a loner. People spoke of me but, sadly, no one spoke to me. Rumors went around about me being “emo” and of course, I actually was. I think they were too afraid of me being emo to actually come up to me and say ‘Hi, are you really emo?’ But, who wants to talk to an emo, right? They were labeled ‘No fun, and depressed’. Matt, I guess, was different from them and had actually came up to me and said ‘Hi’. That simple hello, made our friendship. We talked for a while, then he asked if I would want to hang out sometime; and being me, I said ‘maybe’ then gave him my cell number.

Thinking back, that sounded weird, but now, I really could care less. Now a days, Matt’s in a gang called H.S.B.’s (High School Bloods.) I didn’t join because… well, it just didn’t sound like something I’d do. But Matt went all out on the gang, when he got jumped in; Got the tattoo’s, started talking slang, getting into fights and started being a drug dealer. Every time he’d mention anything about the gang, I’d roll my eyes, thinking it was a bunch of bull.

“Come on get your issue, Ray!” Matt said to me as we walked out of the school building.
“Get- what? What does that even mean?” I stammered, getting lost in our conversation.
“Get your issue means get what’s coming to you.” Matt told me, and then continued. “You’re hanging around a person that’s around gangs all the time. It will only be one drink at the bar, then we leave. Please, Ray! I’ll get you protection from my gang! Please!”
I sighed, defeated. “Fine, we’ll go. But only one drink.”
Protection from a well know gang, is very nice to have. That meant no getting beat up after school by people who didn’t like me, and getting shoved into the lockers during passing periods. If it did happen; the gang would go beat them up or something like that.


I stumbled out of the bar, knowing I was very drunk. We hadn’t just had one drink…
“I love my life!” Matt said, then laughed at himself, in spite of what he was saying.
I laughed too, thinking it was hilarious.
We got in my car and drove off down the street. Neither of us were wearing our seat belts…

I awoke in the morning to find I was in a hospital. I looked around the room, until finally a nurse came in. “Where’s Matt?”
The lady nurse, frowned and walked out of the room. I was a bit confused and tried to recall memories from the night before. It was impossible.
“Ah, Mr. Peterson, how are you feeling?” The guy doctor asked, walking in.
Only one question was on my mind at that moment and if I had something to say out loud, the question would be what I was saying. “Where’s Matt?”
The doctor and the nurse glanced at each other and finally the doctor cleared his throat after a minute. “Matt Sterling is- no longer with us. He died in the car accident… His family was notified this morning…”
I gaped at his words. “No… no, he- he couldn’t be…”
Tears filled my eyes, and I put my face in my hands. It just happened to fast… and it was my fault, I was the one who was driving!

*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*FOUR MONTHS LATER~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*

“Ray! Pay attention!” Mrs. Leron growled, as I laid my head down on the table, in my first period class.
I sighed and sat up. This was one of the classes I had been in with Matt… So I tried my best not to listen, and allow myself to zone out most of the class.

Mrs. Leron announced something about a new student but I really could care less at the moment.

*~The Next Day~*

“Ah you’re late again, Ray. Like every other day…” Mrs. Leron sighed, while she was writing some assignment on the white board.
I rolled my eyes and then saw a brunette sitting in Matt’s seat!
I frowned and turned to Mrs. Leron. “Uh, She’s in Matt’s seat.”
She glanced at me and sighed, annoyed. “Ray,-”
“Get her out of Matt’s seat.” I said, in a kind of pleading tone.
“Ray, stop it. Go out into the hall and wait for me there.”
I stormed out into the hall, pissed off. Why would Mrs. Leron tell her to sit there? Why couldn’t she tell the girl to move! This is so stupid!

Mrs. Leron walked out of the room and sighed. “Ray. I… know you’re going through a hard time. But, it’s time to move on. Ray, Matt is gone. He’s never coming back.”
I glared at her. “Just get her out of Matt’s seat.”
“No, Ray. I am not going to do that! If you want to move on, you must learn to let go!” Mrs. Leron growled.

I shook my head and walked down the hall, then down the stairs. I was leaving this place. I hated school more than anything. I didn’t give a crap about Mrs. Leron. Ever since the car accident she’s been like this.
♠ ♠ ♠
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