Status: COMMENT PLEASE :) haha

One Regret

Chapter 11

It was August 15th. Erika finally had her baby. Her name was Katie. She was now 10½ weeks old; Katie was born on June 5th. In September, Erika would go back to Rocky as a Senior.

Sam had tried to kill Will in a drive-by, but that failed. Will had been with a huge group of people, making it impossible for having a clear shot.

“Hey, Will called a green light on H.S.J. rouges.” Rizzle told Sam, on the 1st of September when school started.
Green lights were just code for ‘beat downs, or put on the hit list’.

Sam was sarcastic. “Great! At lunch, we’ll go do drive-by’s!”
“What’s up with yo’?” Rizzle asked, confused.
“I just hate Will.” Sam mumbled.
“What did he ever-?” Rizzle shut up, noticing his mistake.
“I’ll tell you exactly what he’s done to me!” Sam growled. “He killed Ray- for no reason! Left other gangs- for no reason.”
“What do other gangs matter to us?” Rizzle snapped.
“They was all left for dead, Rizzle. He didn’t care about them. He’s an abandon-er- you’ve heard the rumors! Don’t you see? He’ll leave us, too!” Sam shouted in Rizzle’s face.
“I’ll go tell Will you want a break from the-”
Sam interrupted him. “Nah! You go tell Will, right now, that I want either walked out or killed. He’s lost my respect for him!”

Rizzle’s eyes got wide and he backed away from Sam, a little shocked. “You- you ain’t my brother anymore, Sam. Yo’ gonna regret this! Will is going to hunt you down till’ he kills you!”
Sam had a strait face, but then smirked. “Who said I was ever going to run? Anyway, fine by me. I have no importance in life, no life. None of us really do. We’re all dead, and we chose to be. If we die, no one will care!”


In an ally, not far away from the school, Sam laid there, bruised and bleeding. Will had done this to him; but Sam had fought back. Something that never happened with Will; many were too afraid to fight back. Sam was prepared to die, though. He was so prepared, until someone walked down the ally.

“You alright, man? I saw you fighting down here from the rooftops.” A guy said, nearing Sam.
Sam looked at him, head to toe. He noticed the guy was wearing a black bandanna. Only worn by the Demons of the West.
“What happened, H.S.B.?” The guy asked.
Sam had forgotten that he still had his red bandanna on; informing everyone that he belonged to H.S.B.’s.
“His name’s Will. Do you know him? He’s the leader of H.S.B.’s.” Sam choked out.
The D.O.T.W. frowned. “Use to. He’s dead to us- he abandoned us, left us for dead.”
Sam tried to nod but only flinched. “Yeah, rumors get around- but Will ain’t no rumor. He’s the real deal. I’m going to die… Will told me he doesn’t want me in H.S.B.’s or nothing.”
“Would you like to be a Demon of the South, then?”
“I thought you were a demon of the west!” Sam gaped.
“No.” He replied. “That was our old name- the one Will started.”
Sam nodded, understanding the D.O.T.S. now. Will always did something to turn someone against him; but he never cared, or made it seem like he didn’t.
“Alright, why not? I’ll join the gang. Is there a jumped-in beating? Or anything?” Sam asked.
The D.O.T.S. smiled. “Yeah, and it’ll be at a random time. You’ll be expected to fight back, man. Oh, and by the way, the names Riley- Riley of the South.”
Sam frowned, astonished. He hadn’t known he had been talking to the Demon of the South’s shot-caller. He was very popular around town; he could get anything he wanted just by glaring at someone.
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Here's part two :D