Status: COMMENT PLEASE :) haha

One Regret

Chapter 14

*~S Dizzlys’ Perspective~*
LoneWolf and I split up when the cops and everyone started to show. We wanted nothing to do with them. At least Riley of the South would be dead soon. That’s all that mattered. I would not let D.O.T.S. rise above us. H.S.J.’s were better, and therefore needed to be respected more than they already were.

*~Sam’s Perspective~*
Erika wasn’t back yet. She should have been…
“Sam, where’s my mom?” Katie asked, looking up at me.
I shrugged. “She’s at the store. She’ll be back.”
I had been watching Katie, while Erika made small errands around town. I kept wondering why she didn’t take the car. I had picked Katie up from pre-school about three hours ago. Sneaking a peek at my phone, to check the time, I saw that it was 6:47 pm. Erika told me she’d be home at six…

*~Ice’s Perspective~*
Riley started to wake up, in the hospital. I was sitting by his hospital bed. It was 8:30 pm. I’d had my head in my hands, wondering if he’d be okay. I never trusted doctors, always thought they’d do something wrong.
“Ice?” I heard Riley’s weak voice.
I looked over, seeing Riley’s eyes open. I immediately stood up. “Riley, do you need something? Or-?”
“No. Sit down.” He choked out.
I sat down, but kept talking. “Man, I thought I was gonna lose you. What were you doing over there? You were about to cross their border.”
“Yes, but I didn’t, Ice. They attacked me- LoneWolf and S Dizzly, together. Anyway, where’s Erika?”
“She’s fine. She’s back at her place.” I replied.
Sam came into the room, and did a hello to us, but noticed Riley before me. “I heard you had a run-In with Dizzly and LoneWolf.”
Riley smiled. “Well, you know me, Sam. I’m a magnet for trouble.”

*~Sam’s Perspective~*
I left, after talking with Ice and Riley for a while. Riley was looking a bit tired, so I left. Erika, I knew for a fact, freaked out when Riley was shot. She came home, in tears. I felt bad for her, that shouldn’t have happened.
I walked to Erika’s house, knowing I didn’t have keys for Riley’s place. I staggered along, not fully awake. I was also thinking. Riley had been attacked because he ‘supposedly’ was going to cross the border of H.S.C territory and D.O.T.S. territory. If he was jumped just because of that, then why had LoneWolf been with Dizzly? And why was it the shot-callers? Not the actual gang members? I kept thinking that all the way to Erika’s house. I cut across the park, by accident. Then, before I knew it, I was being jumped myself.
“Come on DOTS! Fight back!” An H.S.J. taunted.
I was fighting back, with my fists. I just had to get my switch blade, in my back pocket…
Over time, I was just too weak to even stand, and eventually fell to the ground, unable to stand back up again.
Luckily, after a while, they stopped and walked off. I had a major head ache, and reached for my cell phone in my front pocket. Pain shot up my arm, and I gasped, “Fuck!”
Goddess, this wasn’t good. Maybe some Hobo would fine me and call for help- eh, never mind, he’d just steal my stuff. I prayed to the Goddesses’ Sarasvati and Ganesha; praying that one would help me over-come the obstacles in my life, and for the other to give me wisdom.
I laid there, starting to get numb from the cold. I shivered. This isn’t right, that should not have happened. I should have immediately gotten out my switch blade and-
“Hey, you alright?” A guy asked who I couldn’t see; all I saw was a shadowy figure.
“No, I was jumped by H.S.J.’s,” I replied. “I’m a Demon of the South.”
“Okay- so we cool. We’re FA- Fallen Angels. We allies.” The guy replied, then his voice faded just a bit; like he was looking away from me. “Tick! Call for an ambulance!”
I didn’t know where was a second person there… were there more than two?
“What’s your name?” The Fallen Angel asked.
“Sam.” I replied. “You?”
“I’m Jake. So, what were H.S.J.’s doing over in D.O.T.S. turf?”
“They jumped Riley. R.O.T.S.” I told him.
“What?! Is he alright?” Jake asked, kneeling down beside me.
“Yeah, he’s fine now, but Dizzly and LoneWolf were meaning to kill him.”
“That sucks, man. I knew his brother, Chris. We were once D-Boys together.”
D-Boys were the money makers in the gang, and the partiers. They were usually known as ‘Populars’. “Wait, Chris was in FA?”
“Yeah, that’s how D.O.T.S. and F.A. became allies.” Jake told me.

*~Erika’s Perspective~*
It was about 10:40pm and I was getting tired of waiting up for Sam. He was supposed to come back and tell me if Riley was okay or not. I just couldn’t believe that had happened. It was like when Ray got jumped in the parking lot- and I couldn’t do anything about it…
My phone started to ring and I looked at the caller ID, seeing that it was Sam. I answered it quickly. “Sam!”
“Oh, um- Hey, this is actually not him… Sam’s in the hospital right now, he got jumped. Don’t worry, he’s fine.”
“Wait! What?” I gaped. “Is he at St. Lukes?”
“Yeah. Oh, and Riley’s fine. Sam told me to tell you not to come down to the hospital, it’s not safe.” He replied. “Don’t go anywhere, H.S.J.’s and H.S.C.’s are teaming up. It ain’t safe anymore.”
He hung up after that.

*~S Dizzly’s Perspective~*
My cell started to ring and I answered it. “S Dizzly.”
“Hey, we just beat up a D.O.T.S.”
“Ah, really? Who was it? Is he dead?”
“Don’t know. We just left him there. We beat him pretty good, though.”
“Whose ‘we’, scout?” I asked, rolling my eyes.
“Me an’ Ripple.” Scout answered. “So, I heard you tried to kill Riley.”
“Yes. Along with Redg. We would have been successful if it hadn’t been for his loyal gang member and some cops.”
“Mhm, so he lived?” Scout tried holding back a chuckle.
I frowned, getting pissed off. “If you really want to say that, say that to my face.”
“Sorry, Dizzly. Just- we should kill the D.O.T.S. off one by one. Get Riley alone- then kill him.”
I nodded, considering it. "Hm, I'll cross the idea to Redgie."

*~Erika’s Perspective~*
“Katie, let’s go to pre-school.” I said, grabbing the car keys off the counter.
“I want to go see Sam!” She told me.
“We’ll go see Sam after pre-school.” I reasoned smiling. It was so cute how she cared for Sam.

After I dropped Katie off, I drove back to my house. It was a very boring three hours, waiting for her pre-school to get off. I finished doing the dishes, then cleaned up Katie’s room, then sat on the couch and watched a re-run episode of Vampire Diaries. It was 2:45pm when it finished, and I shut the T.V. off. It was time to get Katie.
I decided to walk over there, since I was low on gas for my car. I walked to the pre-school, and waited for Katie, along with two other moms; Shannay and Regan.
“So, how has your week been, Erika?” Shannay asked. She was taller than me, about 6 2”, dirty blond, and thin.
I sighed. “It’s been okay, how about you?”
I didn’t like much attention drawn to me, so I just answered with that.
“It was alright. Lilly was a handful-“
“Erika, you didn’t mention you were at a shooting!” Regan cut in. She was about 5ft 7in, with black short hair; purple highlights, and was one size bigger than Shannay.
I blinked. “What?”
What was she talking about? Was she talking about Riley and me?
“Yeah! You were on the news! You were mentioned being protected by some guy who got shot in the process!” Regan continued.
What?! I hadn’t seen a news cast there! I wonder if Riley had seen the news lately… That would probably be bad, considering he’s a- gang leader, who’s wanted dead by two other gang leaders.
“Oh.” That was all I could get out.
“So- is that guy your boyfriend or ‘to-be’ boyfriend?” Shannay asked.
I laughed. “What? Riley? No, he’s just a close friend.”
Kind of… I liked him a bit, but with him being a gang leader, I really couldn’t get into all that again. Gangs were everywhere in this town, and I hated that. I hated the gangs.
Regan and Shannay didn’t look convinced.
“Right. Well, whatever happened to Sam? He usually picks Katie up.” Shannay said.
“Sam… uh, he…. I don’t know.” I lied.
I blinked and turned around, following the voice. Ice was walking over to us. I frowned, with shock. What was he doing here? “Ice?”
“You need to learn to answer your phone. Sam’s all worried about you and shit. My shot-caller told me to keep you in doors at all times. H.S.C.’s and H.S.J.’s are getting to be a big problem with jumping people.”
“Katie barely even knows who you are!” I protested.
He stopped in front of me. “Jake was supposed to call you last night. He told you not to go anywhere.”
“Yeah but-“
“You could have been killed. H.S.C.’s and H.S.J.’s marked you as Riley’s girl, even though that isn’t true. They will come after you, as well as Ry.”
“What!? That’s so bullsh-“
“Who are you?” Regan asked, stepping closer to Ice. Shannay did the same.
“Erika’s best friend, as of right now.” He told them, and shot a smirk at me.
I frowned. This is so fucking stupid! I don’t even like Ice! But since he’s Riley’s friend-
“Mommy! Mommy!” Katie squealed, running over to me, with a piece of paper in her hand; a whole bunch of glitter and things on it. “Look what I made!”
I smiled, as she showed it to me. It was just a bunch of random drawings. “Oh that’s beautiful Katie.”
Ice looked at me. “Well, since you’re already here, want to come with me to see Sam in the hospital?”
I nodded, but Shannay and Regan gasped.
“He’s in the hospital?!” Regan said very dramatically.
“Oh no! Poor Sam, all alone and caged in that prison-like hospital!” Shannay cried.
“We must go visit him!” Regan said, in conclusion.
Ice looked at me with one eyebrow raised. “Former lovers of his?”
I laughed. “Nope, just fans.”
♠ ♠ ♠
hahaha I just had to have that scene with Shannay and Regan being all worried with Sam. Hahaha XD
Anyway, this has been great researching gangs and stuff; finding what their life styles are. What's weird is that I haven't read WestSide Story. I need to haha

So S Dizzly and LoneWolf are planning on murdering Riley... hm. Will they succeed?
Remember, this is two gang leaders here against one. XD