Status: COMMENT PLEASE :) haha

One Regret

Chapter 15

*~At the hospital~*

We walked into Sam’s room, and Katie immediately rushed over to Sam.
“Hey, Katie.” Sam smiled, as she jumped up on his bed, and gave him a hug.
“What happened?” Katie asked. “Did you get hurt?”
Sam looked at me; wondering if he should actually say anything to her about the truth.
“Some bad people hurt Sam, Katie, He’ll get better though.”
“Hey, Erika. You should go visit Riley. He’s been asking about you.” Ice chimed in, and Sam did a nod of agreement.
“Alright, Katie, I will be right back.” I said, walking out of the room.
“Bye mom!” Katie called back.

*~Riley’s Perspective~*

“Wolfhowler, how ya doing?” I said, answering my cell phone.
“Hey, I’m doing good, R.O.T.S... Man, I just called to tell you H.S.C.’s are crossing the border. We’re just waiting for your orders.”
I frowned. “Kill them. All. After that, go by and tag the area.”
“It will be done.” Wolfhowler replied.
I hated being in this hospital. I wanted out, immediately. I wanted to be the one who took out the H.S.C.’s.-
“Hey, Riley.” Erika said, walking into the hospital room, interrupting my thoughts.
I smiled. “Hey, I’m glad you’re all right.”
“Same. Thank you for saving me in that alley- I was really freaked out- Thank you for protecting me…”
“You’re welcome. It was unexpected, but at least they’re far away. They were going after me.”
She frowned. “Oh. Why? Was it something you had or-“
“They wanted to kill me. I murdered Will and his followers- they wanted to avenge him.” I answered her.

*~Erika’s Perspective~*

I’m just not cut out for gang life; even if it was the ‘safest gang in America’. I didn’t get why they killed for power; why gangs kill people to avenge someone.
“Well that’s stupid.” I remarked.
Riley raised his eyebrows, amused. “Really, how’s that?”
“Killing someone to avenge another. That’s bullshit.” I told him.
“Wouldn’t you kill someone to avenge Ray?” Riley asked.
I gaped at him. Did he really just say that? “No- I mean… yes- well- No! Certainly not!”
Riley cracked a smile, obviously amused by this whole conversation, and that pissed me off more. “Really.”
“Yes, really! I don’t believe it’s good for someone to do such things! It’s wrong!”
Riley nodded, still smiling. “You’re right. It isn’t good for someone to do that. When you first kill someone on purpose- you cannot stop.”
“Oh Bull-shit!” I shouted. “You can stop! You just have to try!”
Riley shook his head. “No, I have tried. It’s not possible. Either on purpose or on accident, you still killed someone.”
I rolled my eyes. “Okay, whatever.”
Riley sighed. “That’s what happened to Will. He loved hurting people, and it started to control his life. He- murdered my brother... Chris. Chris was in Wills' gang a while back…”

*~Sam’s Perspective~*

Katie was looking at my IV that was in my hand; the nurse couldn’t find a stupid vein.
“What’s that?” She asked.
“It’s an IV. It gives you stuff that you need.” I replied.
“Is it medicine?” Katie frowned, as I nodded. “Ew! I don’t like medicine.”
I smiled at that, and laughed.
A couple minutes past, and Erika came in, looking upset. I frowned. “You okay?”
“Riley’s pissing me off.” She growled.
I blinked. “What did he do?”
“Nothing- It was about the gang. He told me it is impossible for him to stop killing people. I can’t believe he said that. He even asked me if I’d kill someone to avenge Ray!”
“Well, wouldn’t you? I know you’re Mormon and things but…” Saying that, Erika gave me a look and I sighed. “Look Erika. Riley isn’t Ray.”
Erika sighed and sat down on the hospital bed. “I know… I never said he was. But everything reminds me of him! Gang life reminds me of him…”
I smiled, but it wasn’t directed toward anything. “Erika, maybe it’s time you move on. I’m pretty sure Ray would want you to.”
Erika glared at me then glanced at Katie. “Come on Katie, we’re leaving.”

*~Weeks later; Sam’s Perspective~*

They let me out of the hospital, a couple days before Riley. They gave me weeks’ worth of medicine for the pain. I was done with putting up with Erika. She just didn’t understand gang life; and she probably never would.
Riley was going to rehab, five days a week. When he was gone, we all hung out at his house.
“Hey,” Ice said, and sat down next to me on the couch, with a beer in his hand.
“What’s up?” I mumbled.
He shrugged. “Just bored, and hungry, you?”
“I’m hungry too, but I’m waiting for Riley to get back, though.”
“Okay, well I’m gonna go to the club, want to come?” Ice said, standing up.
“Riley can’t go, remember?” I told him.
“I’m asking you, Sam.” Ice sighed. “What’s wrong with you man? You’ve been following him around like a lost puppy.”
“He just seems lonely.” I replied. “Just, go on without me. Go have fun.”
Ice rolled his eyes. “Alright, well you have fun jus’ sitting here.”
With that, he walked out of the house. I was left alone. I finally stood up, and walked into the kitchen. Glancing at the clock, I grabbed a Coors beer from the fridge. It was 2:31pm. I opened the beer can and took a sip. The dogs were barking in the back yard, and I groaned. “Shut up!”
They didn’t, so I walked to the sliding glass door, and banged on it. “Quiet!”
When that didn’t work, I unlocked the door, slid it open, and walked out of Rileys’ house.
“Hey DOTS.” A laugh came from my right.
I quickly turned toward the voice; seeing Scout; an H.S.J. member. I dropped my beer can, knowing he wasn’t alone.
“Surprised?” Scout chuckled; taking out a good sized pocket knife; one that was meant for murder. “Don’t worry, it’ll be quick.”
I didn’t have a weapon on me… Goddess! This isn't good...
I bolted into the house, and into the kitchen, looking for a weapon. I grabbed a knife from the knife holder and turned around to face the sliding glass door. Scout had disappeared from view, but I knew he was inside the house somewhere. I didn’t want to be in this situation.

A crash came from Riley’s room; like broken china. I rushed to that room and burst through the half closed door. I don’t know why I made an entrance like that; I would have been shot if he’d actually had been in there. Yes, no one was in there. The door banged on the door stopper, as I walked further into the room.
Someone came up behind me; putting a rag to my mouth. By the rag. I noticed, immediatly what it was; Chloroform. H.S.C.'s freaking loved that crap, so that's how I knew what it was; it knocked me out in seconds.

*~Erika’s Perspective~*

my grandfather clock chimed, and I glanced at it; 3:00pm. Crap, I’m late picking Katie up!
I quickly rushed out of my house, and got in my car. After getting Katie, I received a call from Shannay. She told me Ice had called her and had asked her out. I found that random, but went along with it. She had to go somewhere, and hung up on me.
My phone started to ring right when I stepped inside my home. I answered it. “Hello?”
“Hey, Erika- um- It’s Riley.”
I frowned. “What do you want?”
He sighed, on the other line. “Look, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean anything I said… Hospital drugs have an effect on you.”
I rolled my eyes. “It doesn’t mean you get out of it so easy. What you said-“
“Was wrong, and I’m sorry.” He cut me off. “…I just wanted to see if you wanted to hang out later… or if you don’t want to, I understand.”
I sighed. “Alright, I’ll get a sitter for Katie. What time?”
“Um- maybe four? If that’s alright…”
“Yeah, fine. I’ll see you then. Whose house? Or are we going out or something?”
“Um… what about my house? Then we’ll decide where we want to go. Your house is kinda right on the border… no offence.”
I laughed. Man, I hate gangs. “No, it’s fine. My house is a mess anyway.”
I should ask Shannay if she could watch Katie. Shannay liked her, and I’m sure Ice wouldn’t mind.
♠ ♠ ♠
O.o Man, what's gonna happen to Sam? Oh my...
I loved writting this chapter but more chapters are coming soon! :D