Status: COMMENT PLEASE :) haha

One Regret

Chapter 17

*~S Dizzlys Perspective~*
“Who’s the girl?” Ripple asked, when him and Scout walked down the hall towards the living room; where we were all gathered.
“She was with Riley the day we tried to kill him. We’re using her as bait.” I answered. “Anyway, go guard the backyard, and get the dogs out of the area. They may attack one of us.”
“But- But they might attack me…” Ripple said.
“Go!” I shouted.
Scout and Ripple made their way over to the sliding glass door, and I turned back to LoneWolf. “And so, I believe we should-“
Gunshots interrupted me, and I smirked. “We have a visitor.”
I got up off the couch and so did LoneWolf. Together, we ordered our own gang members to spread out, and wait for orders.

*~Riley’s Perspective~*
I had called Lil Dog, the shot-caller of FA. I told him that my gang was under attack. He told me he’d get his allies and his gang to come over soon and help. The only problem was; Scout and Ripple walked out into the backyard, and I shot at them, but missed. I blew my cover and ran; running for the gate. Although I had missed, they returned the shots quickly, and I was shot in the leg. I stumbled over my feet, and fell to the ground. Shit. I started to crawl; desperate to get away.
“Riley.” A very serious voice growled.
I turned to see S Dizzly, and LoneWolf. I was in a bad situation… Besides the fact that I was shot in the leg; S Dizzly and LoneWolf were my rivals. I looked bad, crawling away from them; I was to appear fearless and physically strong. I stood up; and I made it appear effortless, just like I wanted. I finally did a nod of respect, “Shot-callers.”
“Ready to surrender?” S Dizzly asked. It was obvious he was in charge; LoneWolf only watched.
“Not going to answer?” He continued.
“I’m not going to answer a stupid question. If I was ready to surrender, I wouldn’t do this.” I punched him in the face.
Dizzly took a step back, but controlled his temper. LoneWolf looked amused by this. Two leaders acting like kids, and one acting like this was a movie.
“Ripple, Scout!” Dizzly called, glancing behind himself.
They came running to his aid, and then Dizzly said to them both; “Take him to a separate room from the others.”
They took my inside my house, and I noticed most people were helping themselves to my beer. I frowned. “No, guys- I wasn’t saving those for anything- Go ahead.”
What surprised me was the fact that when I said that; many of the gang members looked ashamed and quit drinking the beer. Odd, they must have more respect for me than their gang leaders.
They; Scout and Ripple, shoved me into a room that was down the hall and to the right. It was actually my bedroom, just throwing that out there. They sat me down in a chair, while the others tied me to it with belts. Hm, belts. Not a bad idea, who ever thought of that was a genius! Belts worked so much better than ropes; they were firm and could not be undone by wiggling.
“How many gang members do you have, Riley?” S Dizzly asked, getting right up in my face.
“Too many to count.” I replied.
“Names? Nicknames?” He countered.
S Dizzly smirked. “Not even one?”
He slapped me across the face with a belt; right across the cheek.
“Jog your memory?” He taunted.
“Go to hell.” I said. “I’m not going to talk.”
“Ripple, go get the girl.” S Dizzly ordered.
I frowned, as S Dizzly chuckled. “Don’t think we don’t know about your girl, Riley.”
Erika was brought in, by Ripple. “Give me a name, Riley, or I swear I will break her neck like a toothpick!”
She flinched at Dizzly’s words.
“Rachel…” I answered. Of course I would throw my ex’s name out there first! “Wolfhowler… Rebal… They all live in this neighborhood.”
“Ripple, go tell LoneWolf that we’ve got a few names for him.” Dizzly rasped, and Ripple slipped into the hallway.
“I know there’s more than that.” S Dizzly smirked.
“I don’t know any others.” I lied, putting my poker face on.
S Dizzly went to touch Erika with his hand, but I cut him off from doing so. “That are in this area, I mean. There’s Jaggidtooth, SilverPaws, Jing, and Red Bow who live about ten miles away.”
Dizzly smirked. “Alright, I know there’s more than that. You said there were too many to count.”
“I don’t know where all of them live. You’ll have to kill me.”
“Riley. Stop lying. When I’m going to kill you, I’ll kill her first!” S Dizzly growled and tugged Erika next to him; like he thought I couldn’t see her.
He did that, as Ripple walked into the room. “Sir, LoneWolf said we should put them together to discuss it.”
S Dizzly gave him a look. “That’s stupid. They be planning to escape. Just to make sure, I’ll have you watch them. Go get Sam.”
A couple minutes later, they brought in Sam, and I gaped at his burns. My eyes flickered back and forth from him to Dizzly.
“They’s all yours, Ripple.” S Dizzly said and walked out of the room
I noticed Ripple carried an AK-47. So, we would not be discussing how to escape.
“So,” I sighed. “Are we just going to rat out everyone? Even Ice?”
Erika frowned. “No. Not Ice, Katie’s with him and Shannay.”
“Um… Okay… Well, I know LoneWolf would not hurt children so-”
“Yeah, but Dizzly can.” Ripple chimed in.
I blinked and raised an eyebrow at him. “Whose side are you on?”
“I was gonna leave the gang. H.S.J.’s should never have risen up again. They suck.” Ripple told us. “Anyway, and Dizzly does and will murder children for information.”
I sighed, frustrated. “Does he know Ice is in the gang?”
“Yes, but he’s just waiting for you to list everyone in the gang so he can kill them all.”
“Okay, could you help us escape, Ripple?”
He nodded.
Sam frowned. “Okay hold on! How the hell do we know Dizzly didn’t tell him to say all this?”
“If you don’t believe me, that’s fine. But Dizzly is going to kill you all today, even if he doesn’t get the information.”
Sam walked over to me to undo the belt buckles. While he was doing that, I noticed there were burns on his hands, too. And feet- where was his shoes? Why was he burned?
“You should escape through the window- quickly.” Ripple told us.
“Wait! I need my shoes!” Sam complained.
“We’ll buy you other shoes.” Erika chimed in. “Let’s go!”
I got up from the chair, but flinched. I forgot I had been shot in the leg; two inches down from the knee. I think it would be fine for a while…
Sam opened the window in the room; and let Erika go out first, and then he followed her.
I looked back at Ripple before following them. “Thank you, Ripple.”

*~Ripple’s Perspective~*
I watched them as they left. Maybe I should have gone with them. No, I will die here. I want to die; there isn’t anything left for me. About five minutes later, Dizzly walked into the room and gaped at its emptiness.
He turned to me, and pushed me against the wall, with his body. “You let them go!”
I knew this had been coming; Get your Issue; take whatever comes. S Dizzly punched me, everywhere. Eventually, I fell to the floor, and stayed there. Other gang members were now joining in on the beating. I gasped as one stabbed me in the gut, and then shouted out in agony when someone kicked the knife; making it going deeper into my stomach.

*~Ice’s Perspective~*
I was kinda pissed that we were supposed to watch Katie. Why couldn’t Erika just take her with her?
Shannay and I both sat on the couch watching Katie run around when the doorbell rang. I immediately stood up and rushed to the door, thinking it was people who actually knew how to hang out. But, when I opened the door; Erika barged in followed by Riley and Sam.

*~Dizzly’s Perspective~*
I watched full of anger, as Ripple breathed his last breath. I then looked at Scout. “Track. Them. Down.”
Scout took his astonished eyes off Ripple and looked at me.
“Now!” I growled.
He backed away, with his eyes flickering between me and Ripple, then turned and left the room.
Kyle walked over next to me, as he stared at Ripple’s limp body, like I was doing.
“He was your captain, Dizzly.” He stated.
“I know.” I said. “He betrayed us.”
“No, he betrayed you. We’re not in the same gang. Or have you forgotten?”
“You better shut up, and go outside before I kill you.”
I went to hit him but LoneWolf; Redgie stopped me.
“You do NOT command my gang members.” He rasped.
I frowned, my lips forming in a straight line. “I wasn’t commanding-”
“Our alliance was broken the moment you stepped into ROTS house.” LoneWolf went on.
I backed away from him, right into the wall, as he got out a knife. I gaped at him, trying to grasp some words. “I- we- we were friends, Redg!”
“Don’t take it personally, Dizzly.” Redgie sighed. “It’s just that… Jemba was never to be a gang.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Hey you guys! Sorry I haven't been able to update! School work has been keeping me busy, but I will try to update!:)