Status: COMMENT PLEASE :) haha

One Regret

Chapter 4

*~The Next Day~*

“Ray, can I talk to you for a minute?” Mr. White asked.
I nodded, slowly, and we walked to his classroom. I sat down in one of the desks, when he told me to; then I noticed Erika.
I frowned, again.
She was sitting in the desk by Mr. Whites teacher desk.
“As I understand it- Erika, was raped by H.S.B Gang members. She said that you- told them to. Is that true?” Mr. White stated.
“Yeah. But, Mr. White. They were going to kill her. It was either that or rape. And besides, she should know not to talk back to our gang leader, I mean- Will.” I told them both, glancing at Erika.
Mr. White frowned. “You joined them, didn’t you?”
“It’s not like I had a choice.” I scoffed. “Will has had his eye on me to be in the gang for a while.”
“Why not choose against it?” Erika snapped, through a sob.
“I don’t want to die!” I shouted.
“At least then you’d be with Matt!” Erika shouted back.
“Erika!” Mr. White yelled, silencing both of us.
I stood up, looked at Mr. White and left the classroom.
Maybe I did make the right choice! At least Erika will be out of my face! At least I’ll actually have a family! At least I wouldn’t be reminded of Matt 24/7!

*~Mr. White’s Perspective~*

I sighed. “Erika. I don’t think you know the whole story between Matt and Ray.”
“They got into a car accident.” Erika shrugged.
“It was more than just that. Matt and Ray had been friends since they came into high school. Matt was popular, and in a gang. Ray- wasn’t. They went to a club about five months ago and got drunk. On their drive home, Ray lost control of the wheel… the accident was all his fault. Ray gets blamed for everything… He got beat up by gang members every day for five months until he joined H.S.B.’s. So now, bringing up Matt, brings up all the bad memories along with it.”
Erika was silent for a moment. “… Is that why he joined the gang? For protection?” “Protections, drugs, family…” I told her. “He must care a lot about you, Erika. He saved your life.”
“How?” Erika spat.
“He could have just let Will do what ever with you, I know many gang members wouldn’t have spoken out of term.”
Erika stood up and just left the room without saying another word.

*~Ray’s Perspective~*

“Hey.” Sam said, walking over to me.
“What’s up?” I asked, not really caring about an answer.
“Mm, not much man. Got laid last night.” He told me, smirking.
“Who was it?” I questioned.
“My girlfriend. River.” He said.
“Seriously? She was suppose to be innocent.” I told him, with my eyes widened in shock.
“Eh, not anymore, I guess. She’s an H.S.B member.” Sam replied.
“You made her be in the gang?” Erika’s voice chimed in, making Sam and me jump.
“Jeez, girl! You gotta’ make some noise or something before you jump in on a conversation! And no, she was already in the gang!” Sam exploded.
“I know River.” Erika said. “She wouldn’t do that.”
Sam rolled his eyes, as River came walking over to us.
“Hey, Bunny,” Sam said putting his arm around her, and kissing her on the lips.
“Hey Rattlesnake,” River whispered back, and smirked at him.
“River?” Erika gaped. “What are you doing? You joined their gang?”
River looked at Sam. “Baby, that was suppose to be a secret…”
“I could never understand why. You look beautiful with your tat, River.” Sam told her.
“Why would you join H.S.B.’s?” Erika asked, disgusted.
“If you have not already noticed, half the school are already in gangs. Only like five people aren’t in gangs. It seems you think you know everything about us when we know nothing about you!” River shouted. “And you never shut up about him!”
River pointed to me and I backed away. Erika frowned and glanced at me.

“You think you own this school, but you don’t! Will had to teach you that and so did Coyote and Sam! Most of this school are apart of H.S.C’s or H.S.B.’s!”

Erika frowned. “What a stupid school.”
“Yo’ haven’t learned a thing!” Sam yelled. “We ain’t like other schools!”

“We’re like a split family. You’re either in H.S.C’s or H.S.B.’s.”
She gave me a look of betrayal, when I said that.
“Of course, you’d say that. You don’t have a family!” Erika spat.
Sam was about to do something until I grabbed her by the arm. I dragged her over to the building and slammed her against the wall. “Talking back will only get you killed, or raped!”
“Don’t hurt me,” Erika whimpered.
“I’m not going to hurt you. But you need to realize that you’ve entered a high school that’s all about gangs. It’s time you learn what respect means.” I replied. “Why do you always bring up family, or Matt when I’m around?”
“You should go talk to your parents, Ray.” Erika said, calmly.
I shook my head. “They told me to never come back. They called me a druggie.”
“But you’re not.” Erika soothed.
“No, I am. I’m addicted to pot.” I admitted.
“I- I thought you were different from others…” Erika stammered.
“Well, then, you were very wrong.” I told her and turned to leave. “Don’t talk to me again. It’ll only end badly.”

*~2 Weeks Later~*

She never talked to me since then. I was glad. Things were going well in the gang… if you didn’t count Will almost dying from overdosing. We were all pretty worried about him. He was in the hospital for three days.

The H.S.C.’s were buggin’ all of us. They would start random fights with us and were usually arrested by cops.
We were more mellow… until after school. I got the nickname RabbitFang which meant ‘Mellow, but don’t talk back to me’.
“Hey what’s been happening?” I asked Sam, walking over to the rest of the gang.
“Will and Rick are talking.” He told me.
Oh boy… Rick was the leader of H.S.C.’s, and had a huge temper. Bigger than Will’s.
“Yo’ just shut yo‘ mouth!” An H.S.C. Member told an H.S.B.
“An’ I expect yo‘ to do the same!” The H.S.B. member spat.
Sam and I exchanged glances.
“Looks like there’s going to be a fight.” I murmured. “Hey, where’s Jared?”
“I- he… you’ll find out later, man.” Sam sighed.
“He alright?” I asked, confused.
Sam nodded to a group of H.S.C.’s, and I followed his nod.
Among the group was Jared; wearing a freaking blue bandanna. “What-”
“He was beaten by RedSkull, a few days ago for talking to an H.S.C. Guess he was thinking about joining them… stupid crab.” Sam told me.
“Why’s he even here?” I growled. “Stupid traitor! So what? Rick’s just going to let him do that? And what about Will?” I questioned.
“None of them agreed, that’s why they is talking right now.” Sam said.
I started walking over to where Jared was, and Sam quickly followed me.
“Jared! Yo’s lower than I thought.” I yelled.
“Don’t you dare say anything to me, you slob!” Jared snapped.
“You Crab, what was yo’ thinking?!” I shouted.
Other H.S.C.’s were staring at us, same with H.S.B.’s.
“I was thinking about joining H.S.C.’s because of Will. You’ve heard the rumors, Sam, even you don’t like him- I’ve heard you talking about it!” Jared spat.
I heard a gun shot and turned around, but not really bothered by the noise. I was used to gun shots, all I wanted to do is see who got shot.
I saw RedSkull, who was laying on the ground, dead, with a bullet through his chest.
An H.S.C. member had shot him.
A gang fight immediately broke out on campus; and I saw Jared bolt. Sam and I were quick to follow him. “Get back here, Jared!”
He only ran faster, knowing his life was at stake. And it was. It so was. You don’t just leave a gang and get away with it. That’s like the first law in being in a gang. Once you’re in, you’re in. There’s no getting out.
“Jared! Sam yelled. “Yo’ gonna pay!”
We finally got him cornered, in an ally. No one would ever know it was us…

*~The Next Day: No one’s Perspective~*

“Jared Wiese was found dead in an ally, shortly after a gang fight broke out at Rocky Mountain High School.” The news reporter said. “Now for the weather, back to you Rob-”

Erika sighed. Even though Jared did some things to her, she didn’t think he needed to be killed. But who killed him? Ray would probably know… but she wasn’t to talk to him, anymore.
She got up from the couch and walked out the front door. She headed strait for Ray’s ‘house’.
He wasn’t there, so she sat on the ground by the door and hugged her legs to her chest.
“Erika?” A surprised voice gaped.
Erika jerked awake and saw Ray, kneeling by her.
“What’re you doing here, Erika?” He asked, then touched her arm. “Jeez, you’re freezing!”
“I… I saw the news report about Jared…” She told him.

*~Ray’s Perspective~*

Crap, did she know it was me? I decided just to play cool, and act like I hadn’t heard.
“About what?” I stated, not really caring for an answer since I already knew it.
“Uh- He was murdered, Ray…” Erika told me.
“Really.” I said, then glanced down at me red and black skater shoes.
“Yes! They found him in an ally- like, not that far away from the school!” Erika replied, tears falling from her face.
I frowned, bewildered. “What, did you like him or something?”
“Ray! He was your friend! I thought that him being murdered would mean something to you!” Erika gaped at me.
“No. It doesn’t. He was a traitor to us… he- He joined H.S.C.’s…” I told her.
I wouldn’t tell her it was Sam and me who killed him. I still can’t believe I killed him…
“Ray, do you know who killed him?” She asked.
I didn’t even think for an answer. “No. There are hundreds of gang members- anyone could have done it. And anyway, I thought I told you never to talk to me again.”
Erika looked hurt by my words. Good, then she’ll leave me in peace.
“I was worried about you. After what happened with Jared, I’d think surely something would have happened to you, too.” She replied.
Oh, great.
“Of course, I’m alright! I’m in H.S.B.’s- I am very well capable of protecting myself and others.” I announced.
She sighed. “Okay, then.”
“Would you like to come inside? You look cold.” I said, feeling a bit sorry for her.

She nodded, and I opened the door for her.
Once she and I stepped inside, I immediately walked over to the needles that were laying out on my dresser. I hope she didn’t see any of those!
“Ray were those needles?” Erika gaped, tucking some hair behind her ear.
I flinched, but remained calm. “They’re Sams’.”

“I think they’re yours.” Erika stated.
“So what if they are?” I snapped. “Stop prying! How come you need to know everything about me?”
“I…. it’s just that you don’t seem like the type…” Erika trailed off.
“Okay, Shut up! You don’t know me!” I growled, and backed away from her.
“Ray, let me help you-”
“I don’t need help! I shouted. All I need is for you to get out of my life! “Leave!- now!”
She left and I shot a needle into my arm, then cried for what seemed like hours. I was so mad at myself. I’d killed a man, an innocent (right?…) man.
♠ ♠ ♠
ahhh poor Ray

lol I'm like copy and pasting this from my word document haha blehhh more transfering.
I had to copy this story on a notebook, then to word, then here -.- haha its tiring