Status: COMMENT PLEASE :) haha

One Regret

Chapter 8

*~ Erika’s Perspective ~*

“Mr. and Mrs. Peterson, hi,” I said, when they opened the door.
“Hello, um- who are you?” Mrs. Peterson asked.
“I’m your son’s girl- ex girlfriend.” I choked out.
“He told you to come here, didn’t he?” Mr. Peterson growled. “He wants something, like always-”
“He didn’t tell me to come here. I just wanted to make sure you knew he got me pregnant.” I informed them both.
Mr. Peterson’s eyes widened. “He- he did?”
I nodded.
“Oh honey, I am so sorry! Are you getting an abortion?” Mrs. Peterson asked. “It would be wise of you.”
“No. I don’t believe in abortions.” I told them.
Mr. Peterson sighed, and glanced at his wife. “We know a lot about Ray, including the things that he is. But what he isn’t is a parent.”
“He’s a good guy, Mr. Peterson. But he’s just so confused and slacking in school work-” I don’t think I meant to mention that.
“Exactly why we kicked him out.” Mrs. Peterson told me. “He was getting abusive towards others.”
Not me…
“You don’t know him now! He’s joined H.S.B.’s because he didn’t have any-” Mr. Peterson interrupted me.
“He joined H.S.B.’s?” He gaped.
I nodded. “Two guys had a knife to his throat when they asked him to join.”
In a figure of speech…
“I would have died than joined H.S.B.’s.” He replied, matter-of-fact like.
“Yes, but that’s you Mr. Peterson. Not your son.” I said.

*~ Mr. Whites’ Perspective ~*

I was grading papers Friday; before school, when Erika walked into my classroom. I glanced at the computers clock. It read 6:34a.m.
She looked a bit sad; and tired.
“Hello Mr. White.” She stated, and sat down in one of the desks closest to mine.
“Hello, Erika. You’re a bit early.” I chuckled.
She only smiled, so I asked. “Is everything going alright?”
She shrugged. “It’s going okay. How close are you to Ray, Mr. White?”
I blinked. “Not that close, since he joined H.S.B.’s… why?”
“He… got me pregnant.” Erika sighed.
I raised my eyebrows. “But Erika, you’re only sixteen-”
“I wish people would stop telling me that.” she growled.
“Erika. Girls who are sixteen and are pregnant- they have a change of dying while they’re giving birth.” I told her, seriously.
“I don’t care, Mr. White.” I told him. “All I wanted was to know where Ray is.”
I shook my head. “No clue. He’s probably with Snap or Rizzle.”
She looked shocked. “You know them?”
I smiled and nodded. “They used to be my favorite students.”

*~ Ray’s Perspective ~*

“Hey, yo’ know what? We need to go do something.” Rizzle said. “I’m bored.”
I nodded, in agreement. “We should go hang out with Will at school.”

At school, we met up with Will and he gave us some dope to sell for drug deals.
“Ray, there’s Erika.” Will nudged me. “Go talk with her. You need to.”
I groaned. “Nah man, we is done.”
“I was not suggesting it.” Will told me with a warning frown.
I sighed and walked over to Erika knowing I had to obey my shot caller.

She looked up at me, for she was sitting on the ground, resting her back against the school building.
“Hey,” I sighed, sitting down next to her.
“Hi.” She replied and looked away from me.
“I’m sorry for last night…” I told her.
I knew she wasn’t listening, so instead I grabbed her chin and gently made her look at me. When she did, I pressed my lips to hers.
She broke the kiss and blinked at me. “Ray…”
“I said I was sorry. You should keep the baby, Erika.”
She smiled at me and kissed me; again.

Weeks past after that, and I finally got the house I had put an offer in. Erika moved in with me, so we bought some furniture. Her parents helped out with the money and things. We even painted a room red- the family room- and had been in a SWOP (serious war of paint).
It was a two story; with three bedrooms, a master bedroom, and included two bathrooms along with a kitchen and a bonus room upstairs.
I was laying in bed one morning; Erika was in the bathroom doing her make up.
“Ray!” Erika called from the bathroom. She sounded scared, so I got up immediately and rushed into the bathroom to see Erika bending over the toilet, throwing up.
I walked over to her and pulled her hair out of her face. She only threw up two more times then it finally stopped.
“I’m sorry.” I whispered, and sat down next to her. Heh, I was sorry. I was the one who banged her up.
It was Saturday and it was close to nine in the morning. I felt helpless to her condition, and I was. All I could do was support her.

Weeks went by after that, and finally, Erika’s morning sickness started to decrease. I had to deal more drugs to get money. I had $3,000, but even that wasn’t enough if I was going to make the payments for the house, and have to pay the hospital bills when the baby came. Will started to get angry with me; told me I wasn’t focusing on gang life. Erika told me I should get a real job, but that wasn’t possible. Will would murder me.

“Babe, you need to get a job.” Erika told me, one afternoon. “Because if you don’t, I swear I’m naming the baby a weird exotic name; like cruise, for a first name.”
I gaped at her. “Seriously? Erika, Will is going to murder me if I get a job like that- he just wants me to throw my life into the gang.”
Finally, after all the nagging, I got a job at Erika’s favorite restaurant; Olive Garden.
I hoped Will wouldn’t find out; for if he did, I’d get violated. A gang beating as a punishment that lasted about a minute.

“I think yo’s gonna get yourself killed.” Said Sam, when I hung out with him, on my lunch break.
“I really don’t care, Sam. It’s just a job. I need the money.” I growled.
“Fine, do what you want, man.” Sam sighed.

*~ Months Later ~*

Erika was staring at herself in the mirror when I walked into the bathroom. Oh boy… the rumors had finally gotten to her; at school.
I came up behind her and wrapped my arms around her. “Hey.”
“Hey,” She smiled. “Going to work?”
“Nah, I’m going to school with you, today.” I told her.
“Mm, we have two weeks left of school.” She told me.
“When is the baby due?” I questioned.
“June 2nd.” Erika sighed. “We get to find out the sex of the baby in three days.”

I smirked. “Cool, well we’d better go to school. I have a meeting with the gang that’s in like thirty minutes.”
Erika rolled her eyes. “So I have to go to it?”
I turned her around and gently placed a kiss on her soft lips. “Yes.”
“Fine I’ll be ready in five minutes.” Erika sighed, “Hey do I look good in this?”
She was wearing a black maternity long sleeve shirt, and a gray jacket.
“Yeah, why?” I said. “You look beautiful in everything you wear, Erika.”
“People know I’m pregnant, Ray. There are rumors about it.” Erika told me, sullenly.
“Who cares what people think. I love you, and that’s all that matters.” I replied, and kissed her.

At school we walked over to the gang meeting area that was out in the parking lot. Will, Snap, Rizzle, and Sam and about four other members were there. These were all the D-Boys in the gang (money makers). Will was making plans for Rips (Drug robberies). He mentioned the Foursome Rule, a lot. I was guessing someone had told him about me getting jumped all those months ago by the H.S.J. rouge.
“Ray, I want you to rob that place you’re working for now.” Will ordered me.
I gulped. “Yes, sir.”
I’d get cut if I didn’t obey. I felt Erika’s eyes on me.
“Take the oath, Ray.” Will commanded.
Great, he only made those he didn’t trust take the oath.
“As my shot-caller commands, I will obey. Whether he asks me to jump off a bridge or rob a store- I shall always obey.” I recited to him.
Will did a nod and looked at Sam. “You will be there to make sure he does that.”
Then, he looked back at me. “You’re being violated, Ray. You lied to me.”

My eyes widened and I looked at Erika. “Get out of here, Erika, NOW!”
She started to back away when Will threw the first punch to my jaw.
The beating lasted about three minutes. I hurt all over, and they all just left me there. I was gasping for breath, for it hurt to breathe.
“Ray!” Erika screamed.
I heard her footsteps on the pavement, and I moaned trying to sit up. I failed and fell back to the ground.
“Ray! Are you alright?” Erika gaped.
I nodded. “Yeah, I’m just tired…”
Ugh, I have to work tomorrow… great, and I have to steal the money, too.

*~ The Next Day ~*

“Erika, sweetheart. I’m going to work.” I whispered in her ear. It was nine a.m. and it was Erika’s day off school.
I’d have to steal money from the cash register when no one’s looking today…

*~ The End Of Shift ~*

I had $500, cash. Will would welcome me back when I gave this to him. I felt so alone, Erika was at her job at Sam’s Club.
Maybe it’s time I should get a pit bull; then I wouldn’t be so alone.
Nah, don’t have the money for it.
I laid on the couch and called Will, to tell him I had the money.
“Ray, what is it? I’m busy!” Will breathed into the phone. I could tell he was running. Gun shots were fired in the back ground. “Well?!”
“Uh- I have the money! I’ll drop it off at the shed!” I told him and hung up.

I should go visit Erika… Nah, she’s working. Maybe my parents….
♠ ♠ ♠
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Thank you:: xXCan'tWakeUpXx
for the comment, that's greatly appreciated