Status: COMMENT PLEASE :) haha

One Regret

Chapter 9

*~ At His Parent’s House ~*

I froze when my father answered the door. He crossed his arms. “I thought I told you never to come back here.”
I sighed. “I know… Dad. Um, I just wanted to stop by-”
“Well, what do you want?” My father spat.
I blinked. “Nothing. I just wanted to see how you and mom were doing. I-”
“We’re doing fine and plan to keep it that way. You and your gang members are not welcome here.”
I frowned. “Dad, they won’t just-”
“Get out of here, Ray.” My father growled.
Would he ever stop interrupting me? Goddess!
I sucked in a breath and sighed. “Fine. Goodnight.”
He slammed the door in my face, and I punched the door and swore to myself. Why would my dad want to talk to me? I threatened both of my parents before I left the house; the night they kicked me out and told me to get lost.

*~ The Next Day ~*

“Ray! Wake up- Come one!” Erika whispered excitingly in my ear.
I blinked awake. “Wha-?”
“It’s time for the ultrasound! Come on!” She said, with a Cheshire Cat grin on her face.

At the doctors office, we were shown to one of the small rooms in the back of the office. The doctor was a woman; Doctor Sholts.
As they were getting started, Will started calling me. I sighed and looked at Erika.
“Baby, I have to take this- I’m sorry.” I told her.
She frowned, saddened. “Oh, okay then…”

“Yeah, Will?” I said, right as I got out of the doctors office.
“What took yo’ so long to answer? The money ain’t here, Ray. And I’m not so happy about that.”
Oh jeez, oh goddess. Goddess! I forgot all about the money! Shoot, it’s at home…
“I have it Will, I- I’ll drop it off at the shed in a bit.” I replied, wearily.
“Yo’ better.” Will growled and hung up on me.

Great… I’m going to get violated again. So much for Will welcoming me back!
I was scared for my life. Will sounded pissed, and angry on the phone.
Erika walked out of the doctors office, then came and sat down in the car with me; only in the passenger side of the car.
“So, boy or girl?” I asked, trying to forget about Will.
“Girl.” She smiled, and leaned over then kissed me on the lips. “Who was on the phone?”
I sighed, not really wanting to share my conversation with Will. I’d just butter it up for Erika. “Will.”
“What did he want?” Erika asked, concern covering her voice. It took me a moment to answer.
“… Money.” I told her, and shook my head. “I- I don’t want to do it anymore, Erika.”
“Ray,” Erika whispered.
“I don’t want to be in H.S.B.’s anymore. It’s getting tiring- I’m getting violated- again!” I said, and shook my head. “Will is so angry with me… I may get killed if I disobey him or piss him off again.”
“Ray, It’ll be alright,” Erika soothed.
I just kept shaking my head, getting a gut feeling that I was so nervous that I was about to throw up.

*~ Will’s Perspective ~*

“Just do it, Rizzle.” I sighed into the phone.
“But- but-”
“You’re doing this!” I shouted into the phone. “Or I swear, I’ll hunt you down and kill you.”
I wanted my money, from Ray. He’d called me last night; right when I was killing 2 ex-gang members. I was thinking about taking out Ray… Hm, maybe. I’ll leave that in mind. He hasn’t been a worthy gang member like I’d thought he’d be. Ever since he met that girl, he’s been changing. I’ve seen it. And that pissed me off. Ray is MY gang member...

*~ Sam’s Perspective ~*

Walking to the liquor store, the same question kept coming up into my head. Where was I going, in life? Was I just going to be an H.S.B. all my life? I’ve always lived by the saying ‘get it how you live’ (Take whatever comes) but now, it’s getting hard to live by.
I missed River. She was like no other girl… I loved her. I was planning on marrying her. But how could we? We were both in H.S.B.’s, and Will would be pissed.
The school year’s coming to an end, and H.S.C.’s are starting to expand their territories into neighborhoods. I keep wondering why Will won’t order us to do the same. A lot has been on Wills’ mind, and I’m almost too scared to ask him about our territories outside the school. I wonder if Will isn’t thinking about letting his gang members loose and starting a different gang.
He’s done it before. To The Snake Murks, Wild Dogz, Fallen Angels, Demons of the West, and the Black Hearts.
Only the Demons of the West tried to get revenge on Will. They jumped him one night when Will was alone, but Will got away with only a scar across his neck. Lucky guy, there were five guys who jumped him. At least, that’s what the rumors say… Hah, bet you thought Will told me that himself. No, Will doesn’t trust anyone enough to do so. He’s a runner, and an abandoner. Anyone could tell, if they’d heard the rumors.
I just hope Will doesn’t leave us. He’s stayed with the gang for three years, and I don’t want this year to be the last.

*~ Ray’s Perspective ~*

Will, Rizzle, and some other H.S.B.’s had violated me in the shed. I knew I had it coming, but this beating was harder than the last. Will had taken out a switchblade and had cut my arm several times. I flinched, every time the blade went across my skin. You would think, being emo, this would have been heaven; but no, I stopped cutting myself ever since I found out Erika was pregnant.
The others pinned me down, while Will cut me; holding out my arms. It stung, really bad. They even put a gag in my mouth; probably so I wouldn’t cut my tongue off, trying to gasp in pain.
“Ray, the next time you don’t obey me- it will be death.” Will growled, as he left the shed. The others followed him, and Rizzle looked back at me while leaving; right when I passed out on the floor from blood loss.

When I woke up, I just laid there. Maybe for hours. It just didn’t matter to me, anymore. Time didn’t matter… my life was a waste of time; no school, no family. I didn’t want to go back to Erika. I wasn’t strong enough to even get to the door of the shed.
I sat up, and gasped in agony. I looked down at my arm, now remembering Will had actually cut deeper than him and I thought. I realized at that moment, I may die. I couldn’t- My cell phone started to ring, in my front pocket; which interrupted my thoughts.
I got it out of my pocket; blood smearing on my right side of my shirt. Great.
“H- Hello?” I said, answering it carefully.
“Ray, where yo’ at? I’ve been to your house, Erika said-”
“Sam!” I gasped. “I’m at the shed. Can yo’-”
I was getting dizzy, when Sam cut me off. “Why yo’ at the shed?”
I couldn’t reply. The room was spinning and I tried to tell him what had happened. “Will-” I dropped the phone, and it slid out of my reach.
Dang it! Come on! Really? It just had to do that?
♠ ♠ ♠
Oh... my... god. What is going to happen to Ray? That would probably happen to me with my luck; the phone sliding away from my reach haha