Status: Going to do a rewritten of this! I feel that I'm at a Writer's Block with this one, so I'm starting over.

Darkest Secret


A week or two after my date with Fred, he pulled me to the side before dinner. “Meet me after dinner outside my dorm. I’ve got a surprise for you,” he whispered in my ear.

At this news, I practically ran over to my house table to tell Luna. She looked at me expectantly when I slammed my bag on the table beside her.

“What is it, Anissa?” she asked as I sat down on the bench.

Smiling so wide it almost hurt, I replied, “I’m meeting Fred after dinner tonight!”

Luna smiles dreamily, “Really?” Where’s he taking you?”

“That’s the thing, I don’t know.”

Luna got an excited look in her eye, and off she went, “Maybe, he’ll take you to the Black Lake for a moonlit stroll, or a candle lit dinner on top of the Astronomy Tower.”

“But, Luna, we’re about to have dinner, right now.”

“Don’t ruin the romance!” she replied, pointing a finger at me to scold me for interrupting her.

“But-” I was interrupted by Luna putting a hand over my mouth. At this, I was taken aback her extreme change in attitude. Usually, Luna’s calm and collected, but now, she’s a tornado of energy. I just stared at her wondering were the real Luna Lovegood had went to.

“Can you imagine it, now? Fred taking your hand in his, while walking along the shore of the lake. Him whispering sweet nothings into your ear as you pause to look up at the starry heavens above!” This all did sound great I’d have to admit.

Soon after this discussion, we were shushed by a fellow Ravenclaw member, who told us that Umbridge was about to make her presence known. While she rambled on and on about much of nothing, Luna and I kept whispering back and forth about the possibilities of what Fred had planned for me.


Done with a delicious dinner, I rushed to Ravenclaw dormitory to freshen up a bit for Fred’s “surprise.” I was on my way to Fred’s dorm when I ran into him.

Draco blinked a few times. If I didn’t know any better, I’d think he was stunned, but for what I might ask. I didn’t know.

“Wow, you look. . . .,” he seemed to realize what he was about to say, and his mouth closed with an audible snap. It was hard to tell in this light, but it almost looked like he was blushing.

I struggle to think of what to say, but came back with nothing. I muttered a quick thank you and walked away as fast as possible. Once I was around the corner, I leaned against the wall. I just didn’t know what to think about him anymore.


Staring after her retreating form, I realized what I was doing and drug my eyes away from her. I turned and walked toward the Great Hall for dinner.

On my way there, thoughts consumed me, and I didn’t even realize that Pansy had said hello to me as I walked in toward Slytherin table. I sat down, but when I tried to eat, I found I had no appetite.

“Draco, what’s up with you, buddy?” asked Blaise Zabini from beside me as I played with the dinner on my plate with a fork. I had been staring off into space for I don’t know how long when he had said this.

“Nothing,” I replied still dazed from being spaced out a bit. He didn’t press the matter further.

Why could I only think of her and only here, I thought as I got up. Maybe, I good rest would help me keep my mind off of her for the time being.
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I know it's not that long, but we really wanted to update!

Draco's so confused! It's actually cute!:D