Status: Going to do a rewritten of this! I feel that I'm at a Writer's Block with this one, so I'm starting over.

Darkest Secret


The next morning, I woke up before everyone else walked down to the common room. I curled up in the chair by the fire and thought about last night. Fred had walked me back to my dorm and given me a big hug at the door. He had asked me if I wanted to go on a date with him. I said yes, of course. He said to meet him this Saturday near the Astronomy Tower. I stuttered a I will, but all the while feeling confused. I had not felt as happy about it as I had the first time, and I didn’t know why, but then, after Fred pecked my cheek goodnight, I knew why.

It was because of what happened when I was casting the patronus. I had been thinking about Draco when I should have been thinking of Fred. After he left, I went upstairs, but I couldn’t sleep. When I finally did, I had the weirdest dream.

At first I was waltzing with Fred. I looked over and saw Ron and Hermione dancing and I smiled. Then, I saw someone else standing behind them in the doorway. It was him. Voldemort.

My heart skips a beat and I turned back to Fred, but he wasn’t there. I ran away, looking for him, but I ran into someone else. They caught me and I looked up into Draco’s stormy eyes. I froze, and he brushed my hair back from my face. He leaned towards me…

I woke up in a cold sweat. Then, quickly got up and headed downstairs. I continued thinking about Fred, and if dating him was really what I wanted. I was pulled from my thoughts by footsteps coming down the stairs.

It was Luna. She walked over to sat beside me and we watched the fire together for awhile in silence. I thought about telling Luna about my dilemma, but thought better of it, because Draco sometimes made fun of her and I didn’t want to lose her as a friend.

I sighed. “Want to get some breakfast?”

She nodded dreamy like and didn’t not break her glaze from the fire.

On our way down to the Great Hall, I ran into him, again. He was at the entrance of the Great Hall with his goons crowding around him. There were three, Crabbe, Goyle and Pansy. Pansy was practically all up on Draco and he looked like he was not interested in the least. I thought it was pretty comical if you ask me.

I walked pass him as if I hadn’t seen him in my life. That seemed to work, but I couldn’t shake this feeling that he was staring at me as I passed. Maybe, that was just my imagination getting away with me again.


After a filling breakfast, Luna and I walked to our least favorite class of the day– Defense Against the Dark Arts. Umbridge happened to be the worst professor and everyone hated her to a hundredfold. Those that didn’t were Slytherins and they sucked up to her everyday.

On the walk there, Hermione walked by. We were still not on talking terms, but as I watched her walk by with Harry and Ron, I felt bad. I know I had every right to be mad, but I should have not pushed her away. After all, Hermione was just looking out for me, even if she was putting her nose where it didn’t belong.

We arrived in class on time to find seats, and like always Umbridge was sitting at her desk watching us like we were parasites. Her beady dark eyes scanned the room as the last of the students came pouring in, and then, she began today’s lesson.

Really, she never teaches the class jack, she makes us read the stupid textbook for the whole entire class period. Umbridge refuses to let us actually learn Defense spells and that’s why Harry decided to make Dumbledore’s Army, because he knew my horrid father had rose again. I wish I could have stopped it, but every time I tried some Deatheaters would get in my way, but then, again his rise was inevitable.

If it came to it, I’d kill my father and put an end to his games.

“What’s this?” Umbridge said, I looked up from my spot in the book to see Neville Longbottom come rushing in, red-faced and exhausted. “Longbottom, why are you late?”

“I’m sorry, professor,” Neville stuttered nervously. “I got caught–

Right then, Crabbe and Goyle came walking in with smirks on their faces as they shoved past Neville like he wasn’t even there. Neville went tense and tried to continue his explanation without stuttering too much, which was hopeless. Umbridge’s toad face didn’t look amused or in the least of moods to hear his explanation for being late. That’s how she was.

“Longbottom, you’ll be having detention for the rest of the week.”

Neville looked terrified at this reply from the toad. He tried to talk, but nothing came out. His shoulders slumped as he made his way over to sit, but before he could, I stood up. Everyone including Neville gasped in surprise. To tell the truth I didn’t know what I was doing either. Umbridge turned to see me standing, she smirked like she was challenging me to say something, so she could put me in detention. I have seen what she’s done to many of my friends. Harry had been forced to write “I will not tell lies” on the back of his hand and it still hasn’t healed completely.

“I think Neville doesn’t deserve detention. It looks to me that he was being bullied by these two goons, here.” I indicated to Crabbe and Goyle, who sneered at me. “Yet, when they come in late, you do nothing, and Neville has to suffer a week’s detention with you. This is unfair.”

“Look here, Delacorte,” Umbridge spat at me. Her toad face was turning a bright shade of red already. “If you don’t want to join Longbottom, I recommend you sit down and shut your mouth. I will not be talked to like this in my classroom.”

“Do what she says,” Luna whispered, voice shaking. “You know what she’s capable of.”

I ignored this. “Umbitch, I’ve had enough of your stupid rules and I think Dumbledore needs to get rid of you. You are doing nothing to help us protect ourselves against the Dark Arts. You’re just telling us to read this load of bull.” I slammed the textbook on the desk with a jar that made the whole class jolt up in their seats. Then, that’s when I felt it. My hands were turning red and were extremely hot. It looked as if they were steaming, but I thought this all my imagination.

“You little–” Before she could reply her pink hat, which sat upon her fat head was set a ablaze. This fire wasn’t orange, though, instead it was an electric blue. Umbridge began screaming and the class just stared in amazement at what was happening. No one looked like they were going to step in and help until a Slytherin girl ran out of the room calling for help.

At this, I ran out of the classroom and down the hall toward Dumblefore’s office. I have been there a couple of times since my stay at Hogwarts. I felt the only person I could talk to would in fact, be the Headmaster. He had done so much for me and now, I’m repaying him by talking back to a professor. What would he think when I told him about my episode in Umbridge’s classroom? Would he be angry and expel me from Hogwarts?

I hoped not.
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Comment and subscribe, please!: ) All comments are appreciated!:D Who conjured the fire? Will Katherine/Anissa get in a lot of trouble or will Dumbledore back her up?