Status: Going to do a rewritten of this! I feel that I'm at a Writer's Block with this one, so I'm starting over.

Darkest Secret


Walking out of Umbitch’s classroom, I was in a foul mood. I glanced down at my hand, which was bleeding and raw. It stung like hell! She had made me do the same as Harry had down while in detention, but she made me write, ‘I will not speak out of turn.’ While observing my wounded hand, I wasn’t looking where I was going, and I ended up bumping into someone. With a muffled ‘oomph,’ I look up to meet annoyed gray eyes. The annoyance was quickly replaced by worry when he caught sight of my injured hand.

“What’s wrong with your hand?” He asked with an anxious look on his face. He extended his hand in an attempt to grab mind. I pulled away.

He looked hurt and I felt bad.

“Have fun in detention with Umbitch?” He smirked. I really didn’t want to deal with him now. He was acting like a total git and in the state I was in I didn’t think I could handle his bipolar self.

I attempted to walk by him, but Draco had other plans.

“Where are you going?”

“Away from you.”

Blocked, I tried to us my speed and shortness to my advantage. He seemed to anticipate my every move, almost like a mirror. Least to say, I wasn’t getting anywhere at the moment, because Draco was making sure of that.

“If you don’t want a replay of last time, then I advise you to get out of my damn way!” I said in almost in a scream. I took a menacing step toward him, gaze never faltering from his.


I swallowed hard and took a step back as Annisa advanced on me. Little tendrils of her silky black hair look as if it where floating on end. Her pale cheeks were now flushed and looked hot to the touch. I’ve never seen her this mad before, it made me kind of terrified.

Pointing a finger at me, I saw faint steam radiating off of it. I knew this wasn’t good, so I turned and ran like a dog with its tail between its legs. Annisa screamed after me, but I was already halfway Great Hall. I didn’t look back to see it she had followed.


After the Draco fiasco, I went to the infirmary to get some bandages for my hand. I went in and asked Madam Pomfrey for some. She went to get them and came back, and insisted she bandage me up, that’s when she seen my hand. The nurse looked concerned, but didn’t say a word; she went on with wrapping my hand up.

I left the infirmary as soon as she was done to meet up with the others. I ate very little, and excused myself before dinner was over. I lay down on my bed upon entering, and attempted to get some sleep, but five minutes later it was proven futile. I ended up starting at the ceiling thinking about the events of today. Everything seems to have gone by in a blur and I could barely remember anything at all, especially when I got into the dispute. The only thing that brought a smile to my face was when Draco ran away.

Anyway, what’s his issue?
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