Status: Going to do a rewritten of this! I feel that I'm at a Writer's Block with this one, so I'm starting over.

Darkest Secret

The Kiss of Death

Pitch black was the night as a black figure strolled toward a house. The snow fell from the skies and landed to rest the dark figures cloak, which flew out behind them. Their face was a black massive hole and the only thing you could see were inflamed malicious eyes, which looked as if they could slit the dark right in two.

As they came through the gates, the figure produced a wand from their billowy robes. They proceeded to point the wand at the doorknob of the small cottage like home. The light at the end of the wand’s tip emitted a golden glow, and the door opened. They proceeded in, not bothering to close the door behind them.

It was plain to see that this visitor was uninvited.

Entering the dark warm house, the intruder crept up a small staircase to the upstairs rooms. As they crept closer they noticed that not all the lights were out. From the dark depths of the cloak they smiled evilly to themselves, and they proceeded toward the door, which was cracked so a little slit of light was visible. The intruder inched the door open to see a woman with short jet black hair coaxing to her baby, which sat up in the crib with red puffy eyes from crying.

The woman bent to pick her the child up, but stopped when she felt a presence from behind the cracked door. The presence did not seem like a nice one, and if it was “him” then she was out of luck. She had left her wand on the bedside table. She was defenseless and worthless in battle.

Knowing she was trapped, the woman spoke in a courageous voice to the intruder, “I know it’s you. Come out, you coward.” They did.

“Selene, my honey, how have you been?” Said a whispery sardonic voice that seemed to make the woman’s heart rate increase, and she knew she was doomed. At this thought, Selene moved to position herself in front of her daughter. If he wanted to get to her beloved daughter, he would have to get through her, but then there was that thought.

She had no way of defending herself against this sinister wizard.

“Isn’t this precious, Selene,” The voice seethed from the hood as he moved his wand around, daring her to muster another move. “You know as well as I, that she’s already mine. You promised me this.”

“That was then, this is now,” Selene said as shame washed over her for even thinking to give up her one and only child to the monster that stood before her. “I’ll never let you take her.”
“Then, I’ll to make you give her to me.”

Dread washed over her as Selene stood petrified in terror. There was nothing she could do, she thought as the hooded wizard snaked toward her with his wand pointed directly at her heart. She had no time to take an intake of breath, before she was lying on the ground
writhing in pain so great that it felt as if someone was stabbing, ripping and burning her insides.

An earsplitting scream pierced the air as Selene fought against the pain, which came overbearing and intensified to a tenfold. This caused her daughter to burst into tears also. Somehow, the child knew that something was wrong and she wanted it to stop. She wanted that hooded figure in front of her to stop hurting her mother.

Salty tears ran down from her icy pale blue eyes, but the figure took no notice to the screams or tears that rang out. He just smiled down at Selene like it was the best thing he had ever seen in his entire life. Pain was his game and it was a pleasure for him to witness.

“How about, now Selene, ready to give up the child. I promise to leave you alive as long as you agree to it.”

“No, I’ll never let you take her!” Selene cried through painstaking tears.

“Wrong answer, darling,” The sinister wizard said as he took the wand away and she stopped thrashing on the floor. She felt numb, but she struggled to her feet. She was courageous and determined, he had to give her that, but that courage would be the death of her.

He moved in for the kill.

“Katherine, honey, be safe and know I’ll always be with you.” Selene turned to look at her bawling child. “Use those powers you have for good. My angel, don’t let this monster control you.” She indicated to the dark figure looming over her.

Giving one last kiss to her daughter’s forehead, the mother readied herself for the kiss of death. “You may get her tonight, but she has my blood. She’ll turn on you once she finds out your darkest secret and when she does, Voldemort, there will be hell to pay.”

With a sinister smirk, Voldemort took his hood off to reveal a snake like face and red malevolent eyes. He brought his hand back slowly, and then with a flash brought it back positioning it directly at Selene’s heart

One lone tear escaped Selene’s eye as the Dark Lord sealed her fate. “Avada Kedavra!” It was all over before her body even hit the ground.
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