Status: Going to do a rewritten of this! I feel that I'm at a Writer's Block with this one, so I'm starting over.

Darkest Secret

Provoking Draco

The first few weeks at Hogwarts were the greatest. I adapted to the routine of this school in a flash. It was seriously the best school in the world. The professor that my father had more like stolen instead of hired was nothing compared to the professors here at Hogwarts. My favorite one of all was Flitwick, who taught Charms, which was most interesting next to Transfigurations with Professor McGongall.

So, yeah, I was glad I took that opportunity to run away from home. I had to say it was the best decision I had ever made.

“Move it, Delacorte.” Looking up, I saw Draco Malfoy towering over me, smirking.

Trying to shove past him, he kept blocking my path, which was becoming bothersome. Frowning, I said, “Ferret Boy, you’re blocking my path. I would like too get to Transfigurations someday.”

Rolling his eyes at the nickname, “I suspect Potturd told you that one.”

Laughing, I said, “ Yes, it was quite comical.” Anger flushed on his face along with some embarrassment as well. “Embarrassed, Malfoy?”

Red faced, Draco seethed, “No.”

“Sure looks like it buddy.” I smirked, loving already that I had provoked him. I don’t know why I liked it, but I did. It felt good to do it, but the best thing to do to Draco Malfoy is getting on his nerves. I loved imitating him too get a thrill out of seeing him get angry.

The bell rang signaling, that class had begun and I cursed. “Damn it, Malfoy get out of my way.” I pushed roughly past him, but like before he kept blocking. “Get the bloody hell out of my freaking way!” I responded in a louder tone of voice.

“Make me.” Draco replied, childishly provoking me. Seems like he liked provoking me as I much as I did him.

Whipping out my wand, “Okay, I’ll make you with this.” I aimed it at Draco’s forehead and he went crossed eyed.

“You wouldn’t?” Draco said as I backed him up against the wall of the corridor we were on.

“I would.” I whispered, menacingly.

“Prove it.” Draco taunted.

Acting as if I was about to voice a jinx, I pulled my wand back into my pocket and was about to walk off. “Knew you didn’t have the guts, Delacorte. You would’ve never made a good Slytherin if the hat wouldn’t have put you in Ravenclaw with the nerds.”

Turning lightening fast, I surprised him with a punch in the face. I had too admit it also surprised me too. “Don’t ever talk about my house like that Malfoy. At least were not slime balls like you Slytherins. You’re all lowdown.” Venom seeped from every word as I watched him cup his broke and bleeding nose.

Acting as he was about to do something about his broken nose, I started at him fast scaring him and he ran away down the corridor in the opposite direction of my class. Not before he ran off he voiced these words, “Wait until my father hears about this!”

“Yeah, yeah, go cry to your daddy.” I yelled after him. “Tell him how you got beat by a girl.”

Giggling with joy, I walked down toward Transfigurations knowing that Professor McGongall would be unhappy to see me coming in late.
♠ ♠ ♠
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P.S: I and my best friend have decided to write the story together!:D She's been helping me out, but I haven't really gotten around to talking to her about it because of school. But hopefully, I'll be able to hang out with her this weekend or something so we can work together to get this story put together in our minds.